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Messages - berkley

Just noticed that I've got some money left on Android Pit...
Ich erkenne den Sinn eines Schrittzählers nicht.
Wenn ich weiß, wie viele Meter meine Wanderung war und meine durchschnittliche Schrittweite 40cm beträgt, habe ich eine bessere Vorstellung.

Aber nein, so weit ich weiß, gibt's in Locus keinen Schrittzähler.
Quote from: gynta on October 22, 2014, 07:35:52
You should save your export in GE as kmZ !

Ahhh nice! Good tip!  :)
You can read about ground overlays in the kml documentation:
Troubles & Questions / Re: Restore track
October 22, 2014, 06:28:43
Isn't there an option to save the actual part of the recorded track?

Maybe it's a good idea to implement something like "auto save long track recordings every x minutes or every y kilometers".
Quote from: Bucky Kid on October 14, 2014, 10:28:27
The 2-step verification is only good for that along with your password also yuor phone is leaked  :)

Seems legit!  ;)

I don't care about my credentials being leaked.
I care about nobody has access to my data!
Hi everybody,

I know that Dropbox is quite popular in the Locus community. It seems that some skilled guys got access to Dropboxes and published the login datas:

So this is just a friendly reminder to change your passwords. ;)
Eventually set up two-step verification:
This is also available for your Google Account:

No need to get paranoid   8)

Have a nice day everybody,
Hmm maybe we can help you a bit better when you give us some sample files. Before and after your edits.
Yes, you need to find your waypoints database on your device. It's a SQlite database. A decent while ago I was working with a plugin in Firefox to edit these files,  unfortunatly I forget the name for this plugin.

Always remember to backup your files!!!
Free chat / Re: [Poll] PC: OS and Browser
September 30, 2014, 22:36:16
I didn't tell the year of that special late September :-)
Hi everybody,
Google forces Android developers to publish their physical address, if they provide any paid apps or apps with in-app-purchase. The address will then be shown on any of their apps on Play Store, even if the app is free.

Read more on XDA!

If you want to, you can sign 2 petitions to stop that nonsense! It's free and only takes a minute of your time.
Petition 1
Petition 2

Free chat / IFA 2014
September 07, 2014, 21:02:50
Hi everybody,

I'm on the IFA in Berlin on Monday and Tuesday.
Are there any special wishes or questions you'd like to get answered?

Cheers, berkley
Menion should be cloned 10 times.
Or anybody should give him 240 hours a day.
So far for the best "developer".

For the features....
Hmm yes...
3D maps
Offline navigation
Buddy tracking
Syncing points and tracks to other devices

But agree, best forum I've been in since years!