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Messages - wvb

Yep, new update fixes store :-)

Sent from my SGSII CM10 with Tapatalk 2
Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: [Addon] Geocaching4Locus
March 22, 2013, 21:05:10
Remember it's a free add on that is created in someone's spare time...

Sent from my SGSII CM10 with Tapatalk 2
Very nice update!
I really like the options for styles!
Thanks a lot!

Sadly enough I can't access the store as I get a 403 error (version too old).

Sent from my SGSII CM10 with Tapatalk 2
Thanks for the update!

Sent from my SGSII CM10 with Tapatalk 2
Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: [Addon] Geocaching4Locus
March 13, 2013, 22:20:02
all I know is new strings have been added to translate so work regarding an update is definitely in progress.

Sent from my SGSII CM10 with Tapatalk 2
Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: [Addon] Geocaching4Locus
March 07, 2013, 21:16:37
It's indeed suggested to read a few posts back or read their main page...

Sent from my SGSII CM10 with Tapatalk 2
Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: [Addon] Geocaching4Locus
February 01, 2013, 23:46:18
I am excited about the new version but don't have time atm to test and report :-(

Sent from my SGSII CM10 with Tapatalk 2
Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Themes] Volatile-Bundle
January 29, 2013, 14:19:32
Thanks a lot for your effort jusc!
They look great!

Sent from my SGSII CM10 with Tapatalk 2
Thanks for this really nice article!
I already uploaded and edited some tracks a while ago but didn't know of the YouTube tutorials or the OpenStreetBugs..
Will look into it tomorrow.

It's great there's an easy way to contribute :-)

Sent from my SGSII CM10 with Tapatalk 2
Troubles & Questions / Re: Offline address search?
December 18, 2012, 20:42:44
Yeah, housenumber would be great but I would definitely settle for street :-)
Great to hear you're looking into this.

Sent from my SGSII CM10 with Tapatalk 2
This is exciting news!
Thanks for your continued support!

Sent from my SGSII CM10 with Tapatalk 2
Thanks for the update!
Seems Benelux maps are the only ones not updated :-)

Sent from my SGSII CM10 with Tapatalk 2
Themes - Dashboards & Custom screens / Re: [SKIN] GC
September 04, 2012, 08:15:07
Nice! Thanks for the effort.

Sent from my SGSII CM10 with Tapatalk 2
Hi menion,

what a great update!
some GC stuff and some OSM stuff!

I tested the track Export to OSM and uploaded 2 tracks, in the first I didn't change the "null" values and in the seconds I did (quite sure but not 100% :) ).
Both tracks arrived at my OSM account fine but the second (where I entered some info), also arrived with "null".
Is it possible there is an issue and the fields aren't transferred?
Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: Addon - Geocaching
August 14, 2012, 20:40:23
Hey Arcao,

also here I just got around to make a donation :)
I really love G4L and the great features it has.