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Messages - freischneider

Bei der Genauigkeit der Höhendaten tut sich ja immer wieder was. Die genauesten Daten sind normal von Sonny. Ich verfolge seine Update genau und ein Bereich den ich habe dabei ist lade ich diese gleich herunter. Er schreibt Update normal auch ins Forum von Locus und OAM. Beide verwenden so weit ich weiß für Karten seine Daten. Nun kommt es drauf an ob die neuesten Daten bereits in der Karte berücksichtigt sind. Alle 3 Karten von den gesprochen wurde habe unterschiedliche Update Intervalle.
Am besten du wartest bis zum nächsten Update und wenn der Fehler dann noch vorhanden ist, meldest du diesen im Helpdesk.
von wann war deine LoMap und von wann ist die OAM.
Quote from: Menion on June 04, 2021, 13:03:57

OSM go, thanks for the tip. It mostly works on me. The best should be to contact devs of both apps, improve little bit Locus API and allow to integrate these apps as add-ons into point detail screen with an option to receive directly an OSM ID of point and the type (point, way, relation). I'm now not 100% sure it is easily doable, but I should discuss this with @radim, who create a LoPoints service.

I looked at both apps again. Streetcomplete is for missing information.
But if you have information that changed. Very specifically in Pois, then OSMGO is better (for example, new opening hours, parking is now chargeable, etc.)
Quote from: Menion on May 25, 2021, 12:00:30
I've got your point. Comparing opening hours to phone/email is not ideal. Phone/email may be simply added to a place where a friend lives, to anything interesting for you. Opening hours belong to any public service that should be in the OSM in all cases. And if it isn't? Add it there.

When it appears? Good question. I think that Radim does updates 3x per week in the online LoPoints database.

Anyway, I really think that contribution to OSM is a top priority. Maybe some easier integration with app like StreetComplete may be useful solution?
There is a better app like StreetCompete. It is OSM go.
Also available as a website:
Editing POIs is much easier there. And it is translated into the national language for some countries.
I could imagine that Locus will work together with the APP in the future.
I go to edit in the LoPOI and the corresponding app opens and calls up the POI.
This will probably require an API in OSMgo? I think there are 2 ways of transmission. Once the OSM ID of the POI? Or the coordinates.
I just don't know how to contact the programmer of OSMGo and what to ask him.
It would be a big step towards better OSM data. Every user can change OSM data very easily. A lot is already given and you just have to select the tags.
This function should come. The planner is only in the beta version.
For questions best ask in the help desk.
This is a forum there is no guarantee on answers.
If you certainly want an answer then you should ask in the help desk.
Web portal & sync / Re: Web planner / portal
May 21, 2021, 10:30:19
Quote from: sbouju on May 21, 2021, 07:53:23
Hi  :)
Trying Locus and some settings on my (little...) Jelly Pro, I loosed the menu button and the lower bar...
So, no access to the settings again... How to recover?
You are here in the web planner. The best thing to do is to contact the helpdesk.
das benutze ich nicht. Ich exportiere beim Speichern automatisch auf GDrive. Das ist sicherer als auf der SD. Wenn ich das Telefon verliere ist auch die SD weg. Aber auf Drive sind die Daten dann noch da.

Aber vom logischen her sollte das gehen. Melde es doch mal im Helpdesk.
was meinst du mit export
Das muss dann aber an deinem Gerät liegen. Samsung erlaubt das. Ich habe das S8 mit Android 9 und schreibe mein Backup auf SD Karte.
here you can follow everything. Soon there should be an area where you can see what should come next.

Here you will find all suggestions, errors, and questions about the web planner. Please vote for suggestions of interest
Quote from: freischneider on May 14, 2021, 21:32:37
Lopoi offline can not be switched on. I activate it and it is displayed as enabled. Close the Map Content Panel and I do not see. Then I look in the Map Content Panel and it's off.
It is strange. Today it works again. But I have not changed anything.

What I noticed too. The database of online and offline is very different. There are POI available online and do not offline. And the other way around. In OSM, nothing has changed to the POI for 1 year. And I have the latest Lomap. So the error has to be in your data.
Lopoi offline can not be switched on. I activate it and it is displayed as enabled. Close the Map Content Panel and I do not see. Then I look in the Map Content Panel and it's off.
Anscheinend hat nur einer Probleme mit ETA. Im Helpdesk hat bisher nur einer angegeben damit er die Probleme hat. Kein weiterer Vote. Da besteht für Menion kein großer Bedarf. Und weitere FEhler sollten auch dort geschrieben werden, sonst werden sie bei der Fehlerbehebung nicht betrachtet.
Ich habe momentan keine Probleme aber beachte die ETA auch nicht. Habe den Link zum entsprechenden Helpdesk Thema weiter unten extra für euch bereitgestellt.