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Messages - Martin Sloup

Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: Addon - Geocaching
February 17, 2012, 23:25:27
I found it and it's included in version I'd published a few days ago on a Market. Only  problem is when you change corrected coordinates more than once. Because from a geocaching API I get all unique changes. Thus I must add all of them as a waypoint.

And this version you can from now also download from AndroidPIT.
Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: Addon - Geocaching
February 01, 2012, 17:38:28
micska: Do you have cache code? I will look on it.
Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: Addon - Geocaching
January 25, 2012, 07:36:55
SL-Basilisk: Current version of Locus supports to download full info about caches only once when is requested (when cache detail is shown). Yes the "simple cache" term is a little bit confusing. I plan to change it in a next version.

mambofive: Hm, strange! Could you try to simulate again and capture a device log by CatLog? Thanks.

HoradricCZ: This is planed but impossible to implement at the moment. It's necessary to do some changes in Locus.
Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: Addon - Geocaching
January 13, 2012, 09:03:12
phoneguy100: Yes, it's a safe. Communication with Grounspeak geocaching API is secured using https protocol. And your account credentials is only stored in your phone to able log-in to their API. If you don't trust me you can download / fork sources on github and compile it yourself (see a first post of this thread).

Khaytsus: They already have something like OAuth ver.1, but not yet implemented in an addon. I don't see it critical at the moment.
Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: Addon - Geocaching
January 05, 2012, 14:41:36
babi: By a last discussion with Menion it looks like it doesn't work as I expected. So currently updating caches isn't possible.
Developers / Re: [DEV] - Locus Data API (BETA)
November 28, 2011, 23:49:27
Hi Menion,

In which version is implemented Locus Data API VERSION 8?
Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: Addon - Geocaching
November 07, 2011, 07:26:23
Locusfan: Thanks for a log from CatLog. I fixed it. New version will come out in a few minutes on Market.
Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: Addon - Geocaching
November 06, 2011, 22:18:32
Strange. I can't simulate your problem. Could you send me a log created by CatLog?
Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: Addon - Geocaching
August 23, 2011, 14:02:55
dibrial: On current Locus API is this not possible to do. I had already spoken with Menion about this and probably it could not be problem to do it.

wvb: Yes, this is planned in future. I call it "Lists". Importing caches will be in two steps. The first one download a simple data and show them in a list. User can uncheck / check caches to not import. In the second step G4L for caches to import download full data (it will be possible to set in preferences). List could be possible to save or load from sdcard (I have already prepared own format, but GPX format couldn't be problem to implement).
Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: Addon - Geocaching
August 23, 2011, 06:23:37
New Locus version is on a market so you can install a new testing version 1.3.6-rc1. See first post.
Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: Addon - Geocaching
August 22, 2011, 08:11:23
New testing version 1.3.6-rc1 is here. See first post.
Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: Addon - Geocaching
August 22, 2011, 07:29:22
wvb: Try a second icon that looks like a table after progress bar in list of languages. This icon open table with original and translated columns. If some text is not translated the text "No Translation (Click to add)" is shown here. You can click on this text to translate it. Also bellow table are icons to navigate between pages. I hope this helps you.

About notification problem I know about it. It will be solved in next version.
Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: Addon - Geocaching
August 17, 2011, 20:36:29
New version is on a market. Some of translations is not finished yet. If you can help with translations you are welcome.

Changes in version 1.3.5:
* For downloading caches is used a service. Thus it is not problem to download caches on a background.
* While downloading all necessary informations are visible through the notifications.
* G4L use a new Geocaching API.

ruderik: I know that in G4L is missing checkbox for own caches. It will be in next version. The checkbox for found caches could work I think.
Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: Addon - Geocaching
August 12, 2011, 17:39:39
News: I have working version with a new Groundspeak Geocaching API but also in this version are a few troubles with downloading caches in a background. Before publishing it on market it must be solved. Stay tuned...
Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: Addon - Geocaching
August 07, 2011, 10:46:10
New version is on a market.

I am finding volunteers who would help me with translations to German, French and Dutch. If you want participate see project page on //