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Messages - poutnikl

Perhaps, LoMaps would be sold more, if  updated more frequently ( at least as OAM are ), and the subscription was available also for a time period, instead for a particular map release.

As the current business model kind of punishes OSM contributors, that make frequent OSM updates and quite need frequent map updates.

However I like LocusMap, I like OSMand  live map updates feature, together with OSM contributed bonus program ( even if I do not participate currently in either )

But what I know about business or marketing ?

Sent from my Xiaomi MI A2 / Android 9, via Tapatalk

The following users thanked this post: casagi
Try to download the Locus compatible map from, together with their elevate/elements theme if that help.

Check also, if somebody accidentally deleted the buildings from OSM.

Sent from my Xiaomi MI A2 via Tapatalk
The following users thanked this post: mictie
Displayed map features are controlled by the used Mapsforge compatible map theme/style, that is usually configurable subset of the map data ( that is subset of  OSM data , plus some extra data, like isolines ).

Try to search for, install and try some external themes, e.g. on this forum or on other sites (, )

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The following users thanked this post: mictie
Note that I think BRouter internal logic should evaluate the 2 below straight ahead scenarios differently, but it is how it is now:

1/ leaving a "higher" way that is turning away
( giving a hint, as it does now )

2/ crossing  a "higher" way via "lower" way
( not giving a hint, what may be desired )

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The following users thanked this post: tommi
Note that even if the Shortest profile shares the same hint settings as the Trekking profile,
it is the default profile for pedestrians. For bicycles, the default profile is the Trekking one.

BRouter uses the profile parameter PriorityClassifier to determine, if a turning or straight ahead hint should be provided, or if it should remain silent.

The more significant ( logically, supposedly visually as well ) ways have higher value.

The straight ahead hint is provided, if some   of the other ways has the PriorityClassifier value HIGHER than the straight ahead way to be taken.

The turning hint is provided, if some   of the other ways have the SAME OR HIGHER PriorityClassifier value, compared to the turning way to be taken.

Below are listed differences in  PriorityClassifier between BRouter default profiles ( Shortest, Trekking) and my bicycle profiles.

My profiles use finer value granularity for some of lower than unclassified ways.

It brings both pros and cons for straight ahead hints.

Pros are you get the straight ahead hint to continue along a "lower way" if you are going along a "higher" but turning way, where you get no hint from BRouter default profiles.

E.g. you are going along turning residential, but you should continue on the straight ahead paved grade1 track.

Cons are you get the straight ahead hints when going along a lower way, repeatedly crossing higher ways.

E.g. you are going along a cycleway in parallel to a major road, crossing residential roads.

I offer several options:

1/Use for now built-in bicycle profiles like Trekking

2/Modify your copy of Trekking-LCR-Dry profile, replacing my PriorityClassifier by the original one.

3/ I am going to modify my profiles to avoid typical excessive scenarios, possibly even reverting to original
and/or create a switch flag between original and mine Priority Classifier.

Technical note: For suggestion, questions or complaints related to my bicycle profiles, it is preferred to ( additionally?) create a GitHub issue in my repositories

for general profile topics

for my bicycle profikes behaviour or the code of my bicycle profile template.



assign priorityclassifier =

  else if ( highway=residential|living_street ) then  6
  else if ( highway=service                   ) then  6
  else if ( highway=cycleway                  ) then  6
  else if ( bicycle=designated                ) then  6
  else if ( highway=track                     ) then if tracktype=grade1 then 6 else 4
  else if ( highway=bridleway|road|path|footway ) then  4
  else if ( highway=steps                     ) then  2
  else if ( highway=pedestrian                ) then  2
  else 0

#Trekking FCR Dry

assign priorityclassifier = (

  else if ( highway=residential|living_street ) then  16
  else if ( highway=service                   ) then  14
  else if ( tracktype=grade1                  ) then  6
  else if ( highway=cycleway                  ) then  6
  else if ( bicycle=designated                ) then  6
  else if ( highway=bridleway                 ) then  4
  else if ( highway=track|road|footway        ) then  4
  else if ( highway=steps|path|pedestrian     ) then  2
  else 0

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The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
Confirming beta.13 runs fine, without crashing anymore.

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The following users thanked this post: Menion
Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Theme] Waymark
May 09, 2019, 11:33:35
It is still as a free item in the Locus Store / Graphics, to be installed directly within LocusMap.

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The following users thanked this post: sariklio

Quote from: CabrioTourer on May 03, 2019, 20:05:01
You talk about trackpoints, not sharp/via points, right.

I see you repeatedly use the term "sharp points", possibly because they are displayed as triangles, that are sharper then squared via points.

But AFAIK, Menion has coined for them the term "shaping points", giving to the route a particular shape between start/destination/viapoints., being e.g. a manual correction of the computed route between those points.

Just for completeness, they do not count as points in context of the point priority recalculation,  in contrary to the via points you "must visit".

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The following users thanked this post: Menion
I guess many users are rather against paying transactions themselves than against paying itself.

Also, many people are against suspicious at subscription philosophy as seen at big SW players like Microsoft or Adobe, that tend to draw a lot of money per small amounts.

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The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
Při plánování trasy volá LM routovací službu, aby vytvořil úsek trasy mezi body, protože nemá svou vlastní. Ve Tvém případě online službu GraphHopper.
Doporučuji nastudovat, jak si pořídit offline službu BRouter nebo GraphHopper.

Nestojíš-li o generování úseků trasy, pak si přepni na ruční vytváření. To je potřeba použít i tehdy, vytváříš-li trasu memo cesty.

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The following users thanked this post: De Ratoon
Especially regarding custom BRouter scripts, not to be limited to the ones build in to LocusMap.

Odesláno z mého Mi A2 pomocí Tapatalk

The following users thanked this post: Tapio, Andrew Heard, Žajdlík Josef

Quote from: roze on March 24, 2019, 16:49:40
Aha, pokrok ničím nezastavíš :-(
Tak, jak si plánuji trasy já. vítám maximum viditelnosti mapy na displeji telefonu.
Ten panel mi překrývá část mapy.
K čemu je ten panel dobrý? On si jej někdo přál?

No, ona ta mapa je i s panelem skoro 2x vyšší než širší, takže já to jak omezení nevidím.

Určitě si to někdo přál, a hodně uživatelů je rádo, že tam panel je, protože mohou při plánování průběžně sledovat celkovou statistiku a náročnost trasy.

Bohužel, hodně lidí dává přednost jiným věcem než konkrétní jednotlivec. :-)

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The following users thanked this post: Menion
Quote from: Andrew Heard on March 20, 2019, 01:20:20
Quote from: tapio on March 19, 2019, 08:30:51
Where are the options for GPS filtering? I was not quite sure if the GPS filtering were in "GPS and sensors" before.
I thought it was in the hidden "expert menu". Maybe it now replaces the previous filtering setting in GPS and sensors > Altitude Manager > Altitude Filter?
I think the GPS position filtering has been moved from ( by default hidden ) expert menu in LocusMap Beta to GPS and sensors  menu. The altitude filtering in the GPS and Sensors/altitude manager  has its own independent filter.
The following users thanked this post: Menion
To je hodně divné... Určitě je jako navigační service nastavený BRouter ?

V kterém okamžiku to protestuje ?
Kdy, se zadá druhý bod a on by měl spočítat segment trasy, nebo ještě dříve ?

Je BRouter nainstalovaný do interního úložiště?

Dělá to samé při přímé navigaci do cílového bodu ?

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The following users thanked this post: wlashack
Bez na
který slouží jako základní helpdesku, evidence žádostí o funkci nebo řešení chyb.

Toto fórum je spíš pro diskuzi o pokročilých tematech a Ev sdílení pomocných souborů.

Sent by my Xiaomi Mi A1 via Tapatalk.

The following users thanked this post: Menion