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Messages - lor74cas

Quote from: menion on January 22, 2017, 07:19:54
Hi guys,
yesterday evening I've just published new Beta version

- firstly there are some improvements in current version of "Presets" ( previously "Profiles"), so give it another try. Think about this feature only as about shortcut to set more parameters at once, not like changing Locus Map to completely different mode (profile) and later back.

- second ... these from you, who use downloading system for maps on 3rd party servers, like OpenAndroMaps and some others, please try to download these maps directly to Locus, if all works fine for You. Same system is not used for HGT files directly for items in Locus Store, so you may try it as well.
Found T: in preset folders
. .

For me is not clear what you wrote in second point, can I manually install openandroidmaps and hgt files as usual?
You want to know if direct install works from openandroidmaps site?
I downloaded hgt files 1' I think the earth is not grow up form last install.
But if I will find in future hgt file better than 1' I will update the dB so I want to know if something is changed

Inviato dal mio SM-G800F utilizzando Tapatalk

Quote from: menion on January 15, 2017, 12:57:31
Thanks, interesting issue. Seems you are importing a file from Google Drive? When you browse content of Google Drive directly in Locus Map, there is no problem?
I see in log where issue happen, but do not know why. Seems that Locus Map get response from Google Drive that access is invalid. Locus then try to acquire new valid access which ends correctly, but next request ends again as "invalid" ... and again and again ... till app crash because recognize infinite loop.
It's very strange, gpx files are on SD, not on gdrive.
But the error you found was helpful, I logged out and back in gdrive and now all works fine.
Thank you Menion it wasn't necessary a so quick fix, it's Sunday, it's time to use Locus outside.

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Quote from: menion on January 15, 2017, 09:46:27
Thanks for a file, unfortunately I see no problem on own device. May you please send this crash report once more and into comment write your nickname so I'll be able to find it, thanks!
Crash report with log and lor74cas in text field sent

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track from garmin forerunner, fit file converted in gpx with gpsbabel.
Other gpx file converted from fit to gpx with sporttracks same issue.
The import with previous version was ok, with the same files, some days ago I imported without problems.
I cannot import in Locus gpx files created with 2 different software.
Never ending analysis ...

Then crash.
Crash reported with log

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Quote from: menion on December 14, 2016, 15:52:30
Thanks guys for a testing, really useful, thanks!!

So new version published as Beta version on Google Play right now. There are some minor improvements, nothing serious. I would like to publish this version at start of next week as final public version, so feel free to report anything you consider as bug :) ... + small Christmas gift to @balloni55 because I appreciate he care about my spend, not wasted, time ;).
Crash detected switching from 2d to 3d skyplot on last beta.
Android 4.4.2
Restored 2d works fine.
Sorry I have no time for better testing

Inviato dal mio SM-G800F utilizzando Tapatalk

You can install a android emulator like bluestacks on your PC,  install locus, provide a mock location and done. Tested last week.

Inviato dal mio SM-G800F utilizzando Tapatalk

Troubles & Questions / Re: Elevation gain
November 21, 2016, 18:13:32
Quote from: Cory McAlpin on November 21, 2016, 13:27:35
Quote from: lor74cas on November 21, 2016, 12:43:28
For global info:

I do not have a pressure sensor so when I found that altitude data of the recorded track with just gps are crazy I tried to solve.

First you need a good accuracy of recorded track points:
settings -> track rec -> choose your profile settings --> requested accuracy set a strict value (for me 30mt)

Second you can have better SRTM values using HGT files with 1" arc insted of 3"

and if you want a costant application of srtm data and bypass the "fill data.." after track recorded use this:
in settings -> gps and position -> altitude manager -> settings -> srtm data -> replace gps values

Does this stuff you are telling me apply to me since I have a baro sensor or just to someone who is using a device WITHOUT a baro sensor? I hate to just start changing values i do not understand if it is going to make it worse for my particular phone. With a baro sensor do I still want to bypass the fill data and replace gps track values or is this just what you did because of the device you were using with no baro sensor?

You started this topic with a question about elevation gain, not about pressure sensor settings, after some posts we now know that your device has the pressure sensor.
Before this we also talk about SRTM.
If someone else in future will read this topic will find something usefull about elevation gain becouse the post title is ELEVATION GAIN.

If you wonder if "this stuff" is about pressure sensor, read carefully what I wrote "I do not have a pressure sensor", nothing in my post is about pressure sensor.

And if you "hate to just start changing values i do not understand ..." you can start study how things work, you didn't know to use side panel, you didn't know that "Elevation gain = elevation (uphill)" now you know becouse someone used his time to answer you even if this things are explained in the documentation and in other posts.

Now I can answer your questions:
1) No
2) This is just what I do because my device has no pressure sensor.

Strava does not have the truth, no software and no device has the truth.
Put the same track gpx file into 3 different account with different algorithms you'll obtain 3 different altitude gain.
I use Locus on two phones (no baro) and a garmin forerunner and you'll see that the 3 tracks have differences not only about the altitude gain.
I agree with michaelbechtold "Elevation collected from GPS in mobile devices is like rolling the dice around the true curve."
So you need to study wich way is better for you/your device/your habits/place of use.

Troubles & Questions / Re: Elevation gain
November 21, 2016, 12:43:28
For global info:

I do not have a pressure sensor so when I found that altitude data of the recorded track with just gps are crazy I tried to solve.

First you need a good accuracy of recorded track points:
settings -> track rec -> choose your profile settings --> requested accuracy set a strict value (for me 30mt)

Second you can have better SRTM values using HGT files with 1" arc insted of 3"

and if you want a costant application of srtm data and bypass the "fill data.." after track recorded use this:
in settings -> gps and position -> altitude manager -> settings -> srtm data -> replace gps values

Quote from: voldapet on October 31, 2016, 10:22:19
@gynta and Kompass map (799 LoCoins)
- more info please
- screenshot
- the name of map
- why are not Kompass maps "detailed"? Some real experiences?
- the text "Detailed" is adopted form official Kompass product description
I used komass maps but I prefer Tabacco on paper are 1:25.000 no experience on digital version

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As other wrote I like the actual Quick measurement, no timer just disappear with the next touch of the screen.

A little bug:
With calibrated image disabled if I search for some caches and in the pop up menu I select show them on map both caches and disabled image appear on the map.

Inviato dal mio SM-G800F utilizzando Tapatalk

Quote from: Christian on October 15, 2016, 17:19:52
Wanted to try the new "measurement with two fingers" but nothing happend. Whats wrong?

Settings -> Maps -> Map Objects -> Quick Measurement. (Enable)
2 days ago

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In map items I found a double voice in menu one in English and one in Italian.
The Italian one is enabled the English disabled but the line is visible on the map.

Inviato dal mio SM-G800F utilizzando Tapatalk
Quote from: balloni55 on October 13, 2016, 12:32:08
Quote"Settings" button on track record widget changed to icon of current profile
if profile is changed via widget or direct in settings the widget icon isn´t refreched.
It´s refreched on next track record start :-[
The same for me, the refresh of the icon needs a fresh start of locus (if already in memory the widget doesn't refresh) or track rec.

Inviato dal mio SM-G800F utilizzando Tapatalk
Quote from: balloni55 on October 04, 2016, 20:51:26
if i tap near the left side of the screen while 2 finger measure, measurement freeze. Reset can be done with a new two finger touch inside the screen
I think that when you touch the left side of the screen the activation of side panel casue the issue.

Inviato dal mio SM-G800F utilizzando Tapatalk