Quote from: menion on January 22, 2017, 07:19:54Hello,
Hi guys,
yesterday evening I've just published new Beta version
- firstly there are some improvements in current version of "Presets" ( previously "Profiles"), so give it another try. Think about this feature only as about shortcut to set more parameters at once, not like changing Locus Map to completely different mode (profile) and later back.
- second ... these from you, who use downloading system for maps on 3rd party servers, like OpenAndroMaps and some others, please try to download these maps directly to Locus, if all works fine for You. Same system is not used for HGT files directly for items in Locus Store, so you may try it as well.
Found T: in preset folders

For me is not clear what you wrote in second point, can I manually install openandroidmaps and hgt files as usual?
You want to know if direct install works from openandroidmaps site?
I downloaded hgt files 1' I think the earth is not grow up form last install.
But if I will find in future hgt file better than 1' I will update the dB so I want to know if something is changed
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