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Messages - LocusUser#1

Hello Menion,

Nice that OneDrive Support is now available, is my preferred online storage service.
Unfortunately, nothing works there, only an empty tab is displayed in the file manager.  ???
@balloni55, @pix
Danke für die Rückmeldungen, dann brauche ich keine Fehler suchen  :)
das Theme ist bei dir nicht aktuell oder nicht richtig installiert. Bitte das aktuelle von Github verwenden.
Alle markierten Punkte werden von activeRT5 dargestellt.

Bitte Beispiele wo es Informationsverlust gibt und bitte auch genauer beschreiben was mit den Möglichkeiten der Anpassung nicht stimmt.

das "HiLo" Theme wird nicht mehr weiterentwickelt.

Weiter geht es nun unter dem Namen "active RT", neuer Name deshalb weil es nun nicht mehr nur unter Locus funktioniert sondern auch in allen Apps die die Standard Mapsforge Engine verwenden.

Es gibt aber dennoch eine Version für die alten Locus Karten ("active RT3"), eine kleine Weiterentwicklung des "HiLo" Theme  :)

Der Download findet nun auf Github statt.

Quote from: on May 27, 2019, 19:37:38
Just updated to version 3.38 from 27.5 ...
The first start has worked.
Then I switched from an old LocusMap to new V4 Vectormap ... and I had my first crash.

Now every start of LM pro leads directly to a crash ...  :-\

The same here :-(
The numbers mean the used render theme version of Mapsforge, not the map version. This is separate from each other, each rendering theme version has changes to the instruction set. Unfortunately, Locus is given by the programming of the app which theme version is used in which map version.

The active RT3 Locus version works only with locus and maps of version 3 and earlier.

The active RT4 version works with all apps that use the Mapsforge Engine and that with all map versions, here is Locus unfortunately again special, there this version works only with maps of version 4 and higher.

The active RT5 version is older than the RT4 version and was only for testing which app works with version 5 rendering themes.

As it looks at the moment I will make a current active RT5 version of the current active RT4 version and then only maintain it, the active RT4 will be omitted and the active RT3 locus stay on this stand.
In der aktuellen Beta funktioniert dies schon (mit 1, 2 Schönheitsfehlern)
the active RT4 still needs some adjustments, but I'll wait and see how the new locus map core develops.

with the current version 3.37 only a single xml file may exist in the folder, so you had to delete the other two xml files.
The active RT is already created for the next locus version which is currently in beta test, from there may finally be several theme files in one folder.
Hello Wolfgang,

thanks for the hint, I just adapted it in the active RT as in HiLo. In active RT, a slightly different symbol is used, which is also slightly smaller.
The change has been uploaded to Github.
I do not understand yet how these layers affect Mapsforge, but thanks for the explanations.

I had already found out that it is related to the forest, but still had no time to think of a workaround. Thank you for your workaround. I will take it over.

The changes I will no longer in the HiLo theme but only in the follow-up theme "active RT", if interested can download this on Github.
I spent a few hours now understanding why the tunnel is not displayed on LoMaps, OpenAndroMaps displays the tunnel correctly. At the moment I have come to the conclusion that Locus here at LoMaps internally works differently than with OpenAndroMaps maps. Something is handled differently here, very annoying for Theme creator.
At the moment I can only advise you about OpenAndroMaps maps, my theme supports them better than LoMaps. The future lies as well as in maps and theme of the V4, which then does not exist as LoMaps.
Other features / Re: Update of map core (2019)
April 09, 2019, 18:35:31

I use only mapfsforge maps, at V4 I also have problems with the hillshading.

1.) Only a hillshading will be displayed if checked in the settings "Online maps", only "LoMaps & other Vector maps" will not work.

2.) When the hillshading is turned on, there are always sections without hillshading.

There is no problem with V3 maps
Quote from: menion on March 25, 2019, 22:05:33
weird problem. Seems in your database had incorrectly stored statistics for tracks, do not know why. So I've updated them manually. I've shared your track database (place it to Locus/data/database) over PM (personal message) here at forum. Let me know if it works correctly.

Thanks for your work, now it works correctly.
Quote from: menion on March 24, 2019, 20:26:01
please double check you have latest version 3.37.1, thanks

Yes, version 3.37.1.
Here you can download my last backup if it could help you.
In the track list, only zero is displayed for all values.
When editing a track or new recording a track, the correct values are displayed.

ah thanks, got it, should be fixed

The bug is still present in 3.37.1