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Messages - Andrew Heard

@Michal - maybe a suggestion for navigation/guiding - I read somewhere you try to keep each topic in just one place, however I was trying to get some information on navigation mode, so I first went to because there are no "top level" topics in the contents. It mentions "about...routes, "route planning & editing" but none provide a link into navigation mode which I found confusing. So then after a search I learnt that navigation/guiding is under "functions" - that's fine, but maybe some cross links from the tracks/routes section(s) of the manual into guidance & navigation topics could also be useful.

For example from convert the existing text "can transform a previously recorded track into a route and navigate along it" into actual link?
@menion I've now done first test of with

  • display "idle time"
  • auto turn off screen now check if navigation order
  • improved "idle time" during navigation
I first used idle time=5s, navigation_announcements_times=20, Android sleep=15s, because my ideal behavior is 20s before each navpoint the display is turned on, then remains on for 5s after navpoint. When not navigating Android turns off the display after 15s.

What actually happens is: 20s before each navpoint the display was turned on, but then only 5s later the display is turned off and remained off while passing the navpoint. I passed tens of my navpoints over a few hours while riding - the behavior was totally consistent. So - new changes are not working for this combination of settings.

After a few experiments I eventually used this combination:

idle time=0s (disabled), navigation_announcements_times=25, Android sleep=30s.

What actually happens is: 20s before each navpoint the display is turned on, and 10s after the navpoint the display was turned off. For me this was finally a good behavior.

When I tried these same settings with 3.9.1 Pro the display was turned on for 50s instead of 30s, which for me is not as good because I want to use the display as efficiently as possible.
Quote from: menion on May 28, 2015, 06:53:39
I was able to change breadcrumbs on place visible on Michal screenshot - in top left part of screen.
That's much more useful. Thank you.
Quote from: menion on May 27, 2015, 13:23:17
I think it is already changed. Check main top breadcrumbs ... there is already setup a hierarchy of page in whole wiki site. Is this what you wanted?
Thanks but no - I mean the current document hierarchy on top right hand side, not top left hand side - see my screen cap. It is currently just plain text, not individual links, so you can't at present navigate back "up the document hierarchy":

Free chat / Re: forum problem
May 28, 2015, 00:53:15
Thanks @suzukarussell. Am using latest Firefox on Windows PC. But I'm not swapping browsers just for a Locus forum bug. A few people have commented about it, including Menion. He said just ignore. I discovered the comment gets posted even though the web page error is displayed. It has happened to me once since this post, but I know now to just ignore it.
Quote from: Michal on May 26, 2015, 06:38:26
Gentlemen, I wrote the needed article yesterday, please feel free to comment on it: Links to it are in Route planning, Navigation settings and of course Customization sections.
Very nice, thanks &Michal.

A minor suggestion: <your route appears in Items tab as brouter<N>.gpx file. Tap it to import into the map."

And is it possible the "breadcrumb" can be turned into actual links like below so the user can navigate back up the document hierarchy?

Quote from: gynta on May 26, 2015, 00:57:04
On BRouter start, the app is looking in the locus database for his keywords and if brouter found a "from" and a "to" point* there is a action and a item will be created. So Locus makes no action.
Wow, very intimate knowledge required by BRouter. Thanks for the description. What would be nice is Locus automatically detect the new mapItems/*.gpx & automatically load & display on the map. Then it is just one tap to calculate & display the track.
Quote from: gynta on May 25, 2015, 18:54:17
nope - because that's a part of -> BRouter doc and it's not really a essential part for manual - maybe a goodie for "customize section".

btw icons ->
But if Locus sends to/from/poi/nogo POI's to BRouter, then that "part" is code/ feature inside Locus, and could be in the manual (customize section).

icons - ah ha - so many hidden features - thank you again.
Quote from: Michal on May 25, 2015, 14:18:32
A sort of "breadcrumbs" can be seen in upper right corner of each page, e.g. "manual:faq:question". However, we'll see to some other solution for better orientation.
Hi Michal - my misunderstanding, thanks for clarifying - I was looking at the "trace" (top left) but didn't observe the "breadcrumb" (top right)

Quote from: Michal on May 25, 2015, 15:48:34
Nice :) To be honest I haven't had a clue about this method as well until now. No trace of it in the old knowledge base, no Locus coleagues have ever mentioned it... Thanks God for Gynta!

I'll definitely add this method to the User guide. Thanks!
LOL, yes, I'm really am glad I read each comment in every topic every day, for little "gems" like the @gynta BRouter one. I've only summarize the main points, mainly for benefit of other users, you should really check the 3 youtube videos for full understanding of how the track creation with BRouter suggestion works. The BRouter GPX file import could be automated, but still a nice advance compared to manual track editor.
@Michal - I stumbled across this method of route planning - - by gynta today. I was unaware of this feature and there is no mention I can find in the manual, eg in I wish I'd known about it a long time ago, while still not perfect, for most situations it is better than using the track editor.

In summary

  • add BRouter as application to main screen
  • to create a "routed" track add a point named "from"
  • add a point named "to"
  • optionally add via points named "via"<n>
  • optionally add nogo areas as points named "nogo"<n>
  • tap BRouter icon to calculate a GPX file saved in mapitems folder
  • import this GPX to display the track
  • adding these points can optionally be simplified by creating quickpoints - see the videos
Quote from: gynta on May 24, 2015, 01:28:36
@gynta - excellent setup video - I didn't know that method of export to BRouter was possible (not in Locus manual?). Does Locus "export" all visible named points to BRouter using workflow you show in video? Where have the Locus Direction icons gone for quick points? All I have is Locus & Garmin icons.
>chg: changed (a little bit) coloring of track gradient on a map
the green (eg. flat road) color is now a nice solid 00FF00 color instead of pale like in 3.8 - thank you

>chg: navigation panel with streets is now hidden if route do not have any streets values
thanks, works well

>fix: convert trackpoint to waypoint now use correct index on track (in case of more trackpoints on one
is this fix related to tapping forward button in Track Edit mode, eg. for "circular loop" within a track, and the cursor never moves to the final point? it has been discussed in 3.8.x forum many times I think. See attached file from @0709 <kouterbosstraat.tcx> - if you continually tap forward button you just go around and around the loop instead of following the correct order towards the finish. The trackpoints look correct in Notepad or GPS Track Editor or BaseCamp. So not possible to edit some track points.

>fix: switching of tracks points by left/right arrows in edit mode
this bug hasn't occurred for me since fix announced in beta, so I think is finally sorted, thanks
Well done @slarti76 - you beat me to the suggestion. @0709 will like the nice short abbreviation Navipoint. Thanks.
Thanks john_percy for the new Velocity theme. Its brilliant as a cycling theme. Nice bold colors, simple shapes, more visible contours. Will probably become my default theme now I think.
Maybe check out;O=A for profiles. Maybe compare trekking.& fastbike.brf for differences. trekking.avoids larger roads (generally sealed) whereas fastbike prefers sealed roads (which I use). These files are plain text so you can experiment with modifying the "cost" of different route choices but it is quite tricky. You can also upload your script directly into which is nice for experimenting too. Finally the guys on the BRouter Google group have been really nice in answering my questions.