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Messages - Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on November 25, 2015, 11:26:04
hmm nice compass btw. So better to exclude this compass arrow from "scaling", what you think?
I now don't see any compass in the beta, and in Pro I now see this oversize fragment of a truncated triangle:

I thought it may have something to do with config.cfg setting: dev_gui_main_rescale_value=1.3
so I commented that out, but it made no difference to the compass.
Quote from: balloni55 on November 25, 2015, 10:07:09
settings/Maps objekts style/e.g. Map cursor > on top of next screen you can scale it
Thanks for the explanation Wolfgang. Nice feature. Did I miss the discussion/ how did you find the setting?

I tried Red Cursor V2 with large 150%

but the cursor on map is tiny little dot (can you see it? even at 150% is so small):

for comparison when I select the Locus v.2014 cursor it is displayed on the map correctly:

Quote from: balloni55 on November 25, 2015, 09:51:40
scale "navgation cursor" thumbs up 8)
could someone explain the new navigation cursor in the beta please?
@menion could you explain a little how/where Google Drive import/export has been added in latest beta? I looked in track > Export but nothing, also main menu > More > Export but nothing. Thanks.
Troubles & Questions / Re: Low-power tracking
November 16, 2015, 22:04:57
Track recording on my old Xperia Z1 uses about 2% battery per hour. So unless you are on a very long plane flight is it really worth additional effort to reduce power consumption further? It seems most planes now have USB charging facilities too. Review your chosen track recording profile and set minimum distance AND time. I use 50m and 30s for a cycling profile, maybe for a plane it could be 2000m and 120s?
We are probably going "off topic" with the direction of this topic, but as a highway motorist you are generally expected to drive at a fairly fast (read non-eco) speed. If you choose to drive at an "eco" speed (what speed would that be?) you will be a hazard to other faster moving vehicles on that highway.
Quote from: menion on November 06, 2015, 09:13:39
@Andrew: hmm then all seems to be correct. You have two choices:
1) "Generate commands" is ticked - then as i wrote, Locus generate completely new commands along copied track
2) "Generate commands" is UNticked - Locus create copy of track with all existing waypoints

If you wants to create copy that will also remove all waypoints, it is not possible now. For me it looks like all this was already said in mentioned topic , isn't it?
Totally correct. Sorry for confusion. As you wrote I need wait until related topic is complete:
Quote from: menion on November 05, 2015, 09:18:43
Hi Andrew. You have a track with some navigation commands and you tap on "Create copy" with enabled "Generate commands", right?
No, I had both boxes unticked (the default).
Would this post be better in help desk so users can vote? Also the help desk has a wider audience.
@Menion you discuss in about Copy of track. I note when I tap the question mark next to Generate commands checkbox it says

"Generate navigation commands along current track. Trackpoints with commands won't be preserved"

However my test just now shows trackpoints with commands are still preserved?

Recall our discussion @ The text is misleading or all commands should be deleted. I note you ask for reminder in your last post of that topic  ;)
Quote from: john_percy on November 02, 2015, 18:07:15
@Andrew: Can you create tracks on Locus Free/Beta on Genymotion?
Thanks John, yes that is a reasonable workaround. I didn't have any trouble downloading the 5MB file with Some quirk with Locus Pro <> Google Play Services. For some reason the pro features are disabled although I'm a beta user, but for my intentions it's no big deal.
Thanks OK. It's not worth more effort. Menion do you use another Windows Android emulator? As I said, although Bluestacks was working fine, it costs some $'s, and for the experimental use I was considering (track creation), not worth a subscription.
I recently installed BlueStacks so I can use Locus Pro with Windows. It worked very nicely, easy to setup but I uninstalled when it started asking for a monthly subscription fee or having to "rate" some silly game apps. So I am now trying Genymotion (free/ private). Lots more work to set up, more focus towards developers, and sadly not working properly yet for Locus. I managed to install Google Play Services and I've been able to install other apps OK. But when I run Locus Pro 3.12.2 and get the once-off request to download the 5MB "additional data", and I click OK, I then get an error 1810. If I follow the link it goes to Locus online manual: main > manual > faq > libraries_at_start but no mention of 1810. I assume it is related to Google Play or Google Play Services, some Google API error code? but as I've said Genymotion seems to be working for other apps. Any thoughts? I can't find any references to "1810" in this forum. Thanks.
My comment here does not address your overall issue, but it could help a little with your testing. Instead of having to test "in-the-field" you can just disable the GPS - tap the GPS icon/button then tap the GPS circle to turn off; then you start your navigation from your armchair and slowly drag/pan the map around as required to simulate your changing GPS position. When the notifications are working properly, as you move over each turn, the appropriate voice will be heard and the display updated (next turn, distance, etc.).
BRouter also has advantage over Graph Hopper of text based profiles. You can have any number of profiles, and they are very powerful & flexible.