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Messages - Andrew Heard

For me these "presets" are really setting "overrides". It seems to more accurately describe the new feature. Would you consider renaming presets to overrides?

Currently there doesn't appear to be a way to disable a selected preset. Could there be a checkbox at the top of the main dialog?

It seems for each available boolean setting there are 3 possibilities: don't override, force true, force false. Similar for more complex settings. Maybe if the overridden value is same as default value it is displayed in normal font, and if  overridden value is different to default value it is displayed in stronger font?

At present there are two steps to creating a new preset - 1) select list of settings from list 2) decide on overridden value (which may be same as default value anyway). To make it more obvious to user what "is going on here" could there be just a single dialog/ list. I think Wolfgang commented this was confusing too? For each setting there is an "override" checkbox, and if override=true then value control is enabled, and can be modified, and will be in strong font if different to default value.

If list is ever opened subsequent time for further editing, the overridden values are sorted to/ displayed at top of list to save user scrolling through whole long list.

Maybe in the "top level" selection list of presets below each icon, there can be a list of overridden abbreviated or acronym setting names in small font for quick glance. I imagine for each preset there will only be short list of settings that user would override. A long list would suggest user has misunderstood the purpose of presets.

Just my 2 cents of thoughts after some further usage and reading other forum comments.
If not already obvious to any reader (because my simple question never answered) Presets are found: menu > settings > more functions > Presets.

I like the concept and direction it is heading. Some points I immediately thought:

  • allow selection of map theme
  • allow selection of set of top/right buttons
  • allow change existing preset name
  • allow change existing preset icon
  • I like idea of merging with existing track recording profile
  • after new preset is added the keyboard needs to be closed

I found adding the Map Resolution to presets then changing default eventually crashed my phone - maybe endless loop or recursive call? It was evident that CPU was working 100% as no buttons responded in any other app or Android.
Maybe obvious to everyone else. Release notes link to help topic with much much discussion but not end result. Backup and restore selected settings? Can you please provide just one example.
@menion can you please explain a little how to use/ test new profiles? Will profile be linked to mode of operation?
Quote from: menion on January 13, 2017, 13:58:55
EDIT: anyway I was joking about running outside with notebook. I have heave 17'' one, so it's not simply possible :)
nice - remote debugging. BTW Europe was mentioned on Australian news last night - more severe winter :-[
Quote from: menion on January 12, 2017, 10:42:58
Cannot say that it's easy for me to run outside in -10°C with phone connected to notebook ... :).
@menion - just curious - why do you need notebook for outside test?
Quote from: menion on January 09, 2017, 13:31:01
Thanks Andrew. I've added to Locus one more check on correct location, so we will see. Otherwise it will have to wait till in middle Europe will better temperature, so I'll check it in the field.
Testing with 3.21.1 Pro. Actually latest test is quite simple, even in winter. Create track where start point is inside building or other Faraday cage so no GPS signal, then direct line to end point 100m away. Now walk to end of track & wait until GPS position is accurate. Disable GPS. Walk to start of track (no GPS signal available), enable GPS, select Locus track > Navigate: observe that Locus "thinks" it is already at end based on the big Navigation icon. I think (on reflection) this has been problem when navigation has not started reliably from mid-track pause (eg lunch or shopping).

Locus incorrectly thinks at end of track already:

Now GPS has position, and 2nd navigation attempt is correct:

Quote from: menion on January 06, 2017, 06:53:44
- you have started navigation before GPS was turned on or after?
I started navigation after GPS was turned on but before any signal - see 3rd screencap

Quote from: menion on January 06, 2017, 06:53:44
- you started navigation from detail of track (then Locus Map search for nearest trackpoint based on your current
Ride to end of route, wait for green GPS icon, turn off Locus. Ride to start of route, turn on Locus, enable GPS but before GPS is green tap on track displayed on main screen map, tap on Navigate/Guide button at bottom, tap on Navigate.

what I will do for more information is make a new simplified "navigation" track with only  2 unique turn instructions, one near each end (eg. start turn=left, end turn=U-turn), then when I commence navigation it is 100% clear from which location the displayed turn instruction is found.
Quote from: menion on January 05, 2017, 18:26:46
Btw. I've just published new beta version this morning so you may try it in future ...
@menion - just tested navigation with but have to report same problem. Here's my test: airplane mode:on, wifi:off, ride to end of route, wait for green GPS icon, turn off Locus. Ride to start of route, turn on Locus, and before GPS is green select the route, choose navigation. I still observe invalid navigation turn instruction before Locus knows the current location.

GPS at end of route:

GPS back near start of route, lat/lon very similar to end of route (as expected):

Navigation to invalid turn because invalid position assumed:

It took a few weeks of different ideas trying to simulate the problem. Really just discovered by accident. Thanks.
@menion - recall issue with commencing navigation mode - sometimes unreliable, sometimes won't start at all even when position directly over route, but couldn't reproduce? I think I have figured out how to reproduce: it seems that navigation mode will commence even when GPS position is not even known, and is instead based on last known GPS position.
Below - last known GPS position was at end of ride (top/ right). I then turned off GPS and went back to home (bottom/ left). I then intentionally shielded phone from valid GPS signal (orange icon) and initiated navigation mode. Locus incorrectly starts navigation based on invalid last known GPS position, and the next turn (U turn) is invalid - this turn is at the end of the route, not the beginning.

Navigation or even guiding mode should not commence until GPS position is valid & icon is green?
Quote from: menion on December 31, 2016, 17:02:37
Anyway, Thanks! and see You all next year. I have partially done a few interesting things, but none is finished, so I hope, this year will be good for some completion ...
I don't know of any other Android app that has such great developers. Best wishes for 2017.
Quote from: 0709 on December 25, 2016, 21:02:14
@ Andrew. Your combination set up in use probably should not show an improvement.
@0709 - I wasn't expecting improvement, I was just reporting that problem is difficult to reproduce, 3 times OK, 1 time NOK. I did finally notice the auto-toggling between navigation and guiding modes, but I didn't have map zoomed out far enough (yet) to see where the far away guiding point was located. I suspect it is guiding towards the finish point instead of start point.
Quote from: Viajero Perdido on December 25, 2016, 18:11:42
I would LOVE for major labels (eg a city) to not disappear at certain zooms, especially when I'm lost over the map and trying to *find* that city.
Quote from: 0709 on December 24, 2016, 17:41:51
Not 100% sure but maybe next suggestion will help ?
Locus, on any navigation track, should promote the Start Point to be a Priority Point. So not a "Navigation Point Straight" as in actual versions. I only have the most positive experience by (manually) adding the Start point to be a  Priority Point.
I performed start of navigation sequence 3 times yesterday, trying to reproduce the problem. But each time it worked properly. @0709 I use navigation settings: auto-recalculation:off, strict route following:off. I don't think Priority Point will help with this combination?