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Messages - Michal

Hi silvermapper again :)
Time to target and Distance to target values are available in Navigation along a route. Time to target is calculated according to your current speed and is very approximate. Recommended procedure when you get to the spot from where you want to hike:

  • select the track to follow (in tracks tab or on map of Locus)
  • open the navigation menu
  • select Navigation - three new fields appear in the upper part of the screen - a field with distance and shape of the next turn and two customizable fields that can display Distance to target and Time to target
More about navigation along a route here:
I added information that the button is hidden when no 3rd app is installed. Thanks for the remark!
Hi silvermapper,
the "grey box" shows the distance to the next turn in case your position is on the navigation route. If it's not, there's the question mark. Similarly, the distance is "incorrect" as Locus Map measures it from your actual position and navigation line might be narrower in places that are closer to your actual position than the starting point of the route.

However, seeing your questions, there's the question 0709 has implied - if you need Locus Map to make a route for you from a point A to point B (via points C, D, etc.), it's much better to use the "Add new route & measure" function. "Navigate to" is good for navigation from your actual position and the change of the starting point position is just additional.
ahoj, tak časové údaje asi nedoplníme, ale mohl bys pomocí funkce "Přidat trasu & měření" zbytek trasy naklikat přímo do mapy a pak trasy spojit. Více o funkci je zde:, trasy spojíš tak, že si je ve složce Trasy označíš a z menu vpravo dole zvolíš "spojit".
hi Willy,

you're absolutely right. However, Silvermapper asked about Navigate to function and we tried to find out where was the trouble. Perhaps we were successful :)
Auto recalculate can be ON before start. But if you 1) calculate the route, 2) switch auto recalculation ON, then the current position overrides the planned start point.
Both Navigate to and Location selector save last 20 destinations/locations. If you want to use some navigation route repeatedly, best is to check "store permanently" in the Navigate to dialog.
Honestly, I can't simulate the problem even if I switch the auto recalculation on - Locus Map generates the route from the point I define and doesn't override it with my current GPS position. 
V tom případě se omlouvám,ale to je již téma mimo support Locusu.

Odesláno z mého MI 3W pomocí Tapatalk

Vyzkoušel bych nechat "Keep data during import" zapnuté. Vlastní informace se tak zachovají a přepíšou jen ty, na které nemá uživatel vliv (logy atd.). Dále bych doporučil obrátit se na autora addonu G4L. Locus Map nemá důvod měnit souřadnice archivovaných keší a na fci "aktualizovat keše" nemá vliv, tu obsluhuje zmíněný addon. Viz
ahoj, tak než se do toho pustíme, potřebujeme znát přesný postup, jak k situaci došlo, bod po bodu. Bez nasimulování problému, tj. jeho zopakování, budeme horko těžko zjišťovat, kde je chyba. Také musíme znát veškeré nastavení appky, prostě čím více informací, tím lépe.
Hi Wolfgang,
the post you mentioned deals with problems of validating via Geocaching LIVE connected with transferring settings backup to another device. As Menion wrote in his answer - the manual isn't the place to explain why things work or don't work unless its necessary for understanding a particular feature. All features you've listed in the table require Internet connection and valid login. As in the case explained in the post above, the login was broken as it wasn't backed up. Or, as happened a while ago, some externals like e.g. G4L addon are updated which requires renewal of login ticket. There surely are more cases when the login is required repeatedly but the manual regards only ordinary actions, not these above mentioned - that's why we maintain the support page as well.
Přesně tak, na SD kartě můžete mít třeba externí mapy,ke kterým nadefinujete cestu, ale co se týče témat,musíte dodržet původní cestu. V Nexusu to fungovalo,jelikož ten nemá externí kartu.

Odesláno z mého MI 3W pomocí Tapatalk

Jak zde již bylo psáno - nyní se dostupná témata zobrazují ve výsuvném panelu zleva (modrá záložka) nebo podržením prstu ve správci map na mapě, která lze tematizovat. Dále je potřeba externí témata rozbalit do podadresáře MapsVector/_themes způsobem např. _themes\osmarender_gccz\
zdravím, ten screenshot je cca 2 roky starý, kde jste k němu přišel? Nyní se dostupná témata zobrazují ve výsuvném panelu zleva (modrá záložka) nebo podržením prstu ve správci map na mapě, která lze tematizovat