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Messages - Michal


thanks for reporting. We removed the settings option as generally unused but apparently, we didn't reset the settings. Will be fixed in the next version.
Quote from: LocusUser#1 on May 23, 2018, 16:25:35
3.31.0 RC

My opinion on the setting dialogues:
1. An unnecessary complication of the structure of the settings. Why these additional levels, are there still a lot of settings to it?

2. The German translation has become worse, has Google translated?

Hi Frank,

Locus settings are very complex, we all know that, and for many (especially new) users, they were too complicated. In order to make them more intuitive we restructured them. Not on a base of our whims - its new structure comes out of an extensive testing, experimenting and thorough user survey. And as @menion has written, we struggled to rework it on behalf of logic and best possible UX for as many people as possible.

As for the German translations - Locus is translated by users voluteering in Crowdin translation project. If you are sure you could contribute and improve Greman translation, you can participate in it as well.
Hi John,

Locus probably interprets the imported shaping points as waypoints. Open the imported basecamp route in Locus route planner. Are the shaping points displayed as blue squares? If yes, tap them and select "change to shaping point" from the popup menu.
Quote from: Bucky Kid on April 10, 2018, 10:01:56
So Strava online maps will never again work? I still can view their maps via web interface as anonymous user.

Sent from my phone using Tapatalk
I didn't say that . We're working on it. And Locus isn't a web browser so there are different terms.

Odesláno z mého Redmi Note 4 pomocí Tapatalk

Quote from: Bucky Kid on April 10, 2018, 07:05:58
Currently I'm not able to view any heatmaps as overlay (neither as solo map).
Tiles report connection error, but maps available via Strava web. Can the maps source be updated? Thanks

Sent from my phone using Tapatalk
Strava issued new terms of use requiring Strava account validation. We've been trying to solve this with Strava devs assistance.

Odesláno z mého Redmi Note 4 pomocí Tapatalk

Hi all,

my apologies for not responding for such a long time.

@balloni55 - Map Items updated, geocache types - whole geocaching page is going to be updated co GC types are on my  to-do list

@freischneider - blending mode in map overlays - I've been waiting for exact definitions of the modes from Menion for years. Now he's provided some - it has a pretty complicated background originated from Porter/Duff composing algebra. In order not to confuse Locus users we prefer staying back from this complex theory and recommend them to test each mode themselves and find what suits them the best. Nevertheless, I added a few examples and a link to an article explaining the theory for those who are interested.
Thank you all. This is the result of our long term testing:

- settings > battery > Power saving mode OFF + battery use > "next" (three dots)  button in topbar > battery use optimization > click on "Apps are not optimized" and select "All apps" and here finally find Locus Map and switch the optimization OFF for it.
Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on January 25, 2018, 15:05:32
Did Michale manage to solve the run of Locus on the Galaxy A3? I'm thinking of buying it mainly because of a barometer and running Locus is a priority for me.

CZ: Podařilo se Michale nějak vyřešit běh Locusu na Galaxy A3? Uvažuji o jeho koupi hlavně kvůli barometru a provozování Locusu je pro mě prioritou.
Josefe I don't have any feedback so far. Nobody has answered yet.

Sent from my MI 3W using Tapatalk

Locus as service is one of many options how to prevent it from being killed but not always it works. We've got a collection of tips how to fight this issue on various devices ( but for the time being it seems none of them helps on Samsung A3 running on Android 7.0.
A Locus user reported that it is not possible to run Locus on this phone - it is always killed by OS when running in background - despite battery optimization is off, Locus excluded from any optimization modes. Does anybody here have any tips how to keep Locus running on this device? Thanks.
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POI's / Re: [KML/netlink] Strava Segments
July 28, 2017, 09:55:56
Color and other style of the segments can be changed after copying them to Locus. Otherwise contact Tomáš Janoušek, author of the script.
Not exactly. It is there even if you change the default buttons. It can be set the same way as other buttons - removed or added. You can add it to the fpanel too if you want :)

Sent from my MI 3W using Tapatalk

Yes it does - in a new installation of Locus. It helps new users understand that they can add buttons to the function panels

Sent from my MI 3W using Tapatalk

Okay thanks for notice, I'll inform the translator.

Odesláno z mého MI 3W pomocí Tapatalk