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Messages - skwal

on the past version i lost 20% battery when  i use locus just to log my track for 3 hours.
display off and in the pocket

with the new version i tried it two times
both time i lost wtih the same procedure 40-45%

any idea where this difference come from?
When will the normal Version get an Update?
The strava Auto Export mistake is really annoying

Sorry for the later answer.

QuoteBut I can confirm that if you turn off Locus Map on the phone while having Wear for Locus Map opened on the watch then Locus Map will just restart on the background because the watch still requests its services, that is the designed behavior.
that is what i was talking about. and i understand when locus on the phone restarts when it chrashed when it is connected to the watch
but its unpractical when you click the ok button on locus to confirm to close the app and forget the wtach and it just restarts and drain the phone battery.

QuoteWould you like maybe to have some dialog popup in the Locus Map saying that the watch is still connected and whether it should force kill the connection and then terminate Locus Map itself or something like that?
that sounds good

Track on the Map

Click on it. Save copy

Folder for points is open. Can't Switch tracks
Quote from: Curiosus on June 08, 2018, 11:38:49
Gibt es in Locus Map eine Möglichkeit, das Dashboard stets eingeblendet zu lassen und die Karte nur bei Richtungsänderungen einzublenden, wie es bei Teasi oder Garmin funktioniert?

Gruß,   Curio

Der Stromverbauch bleibt der selbe, also warum?
app on the phone  and the wear app is running.
i have finished the ride and close the phone app.

it say closed but it continues running  on the phone and gps drains the battery.

when i disconnect the watchbefore i close the app on the phone it is really closed.

possible to fix that?

the rest of the wear app still perfect. not one crash, use it 5 times a week. now with warmer temperature outside i get 10h displaying the map on my sony sw3
Quote from: milan.cejnar on March 22, 2018, 14:00:20
oh, sorry about the red cross, that should not be there when auto-centered. Should be fixed in about 2 weeks when new Locus Map version comes out..

No Problem. But you did not say that is now possible to move the red cross over the map on the watch....  :)
made a 5hour test ride today, map always turns in the right direction

thanks, is working again.

one question, i don´t know how it was in the past

when im looking at the watch map and standing still i see a blue circle and a red cross
when im moving, i see a blue triangle and the red cross.

in locus i only see the blue circle and triangle.
is it possible to deactivate the red cross ?

edit: don´t know if you worked on it, cinema mode still not working
Quote from: skwal on March 19, 2018, 22:00:32

i have on the panel the option
altitude manager

when i clicked it in the past i came direct to pressure where i can calibrate the barometer
when i click in  the newest version i come to setting. and have to click to pressure manuel

can it be fixed?

so no bug and an intention?
Other features / Re: Locus on a bike computer!
March 22, 2018, 08:50:32
Quote from: tapio on March 22, 2018, 05:35:56

BTW, what a weird painting like theme is this?!

strava heat map

reinstall don´t help

i made i test
the watch isn´t connectet to the phone
when i start the wear app i get directky the locus has ended message on the watch.
so the problem is the wear app
Quote from: Wolli on March 21, 2018, 18:14:02
With today's UPDATE of wear for locus map [/ b] to 1.1.0 and locus map pro 3.30.2, my Sony Smartwatch 3 is not working anymore.
Error message on the smartwatch: "locus map has ended"

same problem here
newest maps pro
sony sw3

at the very first start it worked. the watch made a reboot then no connection

i have on the panel the option
altitude manager

when i clicked it in the past i came direct to pressure where i can calibrate the barometer
when i click in  the newest version i come to setting. and have to click to pressure manuel

can it be fixed?
Quote from: menion on January 12, 2018, 15:08:57
this definitely looks like a problem in Locus Map itself, not an add-on. I'll check it, thanks.

yes, the overlay in the app is also not correct
on some positions it shows the correct overlay, on other positons lines which are to thick to see anything and on other positions it shows nothing.

tested the wear app 18 hours this week. not only one problem.

i´m usung the sony sw3
working great. and you can get it really cheap when you buy used