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Messages - Rob

Hi menion,
sent requested by mail to you.....

Yes, in another post I found the hint to delete the dbtracks in case of track-problems, this is what I did, and at least I can import and display the imported tracks again.
But I cannot show them within the correct category, they are in no category....

Let´s see...

after installing new version (1.16) all my tracks and categories disappeared. When selecting TRACKS --> error: no tracks in categories....use import feature or filemanager...
After importing from backup (puh - god sake) in existing or new category - seams to successfully imported, but when trying to open track in TRACKS  -same error message....

pls help !


EDIT: after deleting dbtracks.sqll at least I can import tracks again and display them. But, something is strange with my categories - independent where I import the tracks to, all categories show (0/0) and cannot click/tickmark on right side...
And when I import a gpx. file named e.g. route.gpx  it is imported but is shown as 19.009    ??
I know that in previous version everything worked fine.
I´m lost....
pls help what to do. At least I have all downloaded maps and tracks exported, so no real loss, but behaviour of LOCUS is strange now...
Various & Bin / a special wish ...
December 24, 2011, 14:50:12
Hi menion,

This time a wish without any work for you: :-)


Thanks a lot for you support, for your willingness and capability to satisfy so many userwishes with this outstanding product...
All the best for future.

Best regards
Well I cecked with several maps and tracks and I believe I'm right.
Selecting "right of icon" = middle point of menu ==> height is in extra label right above position label.
"Under the icon" = height is IN the label of position in brackets:  
e.g.  point 5 (580m)
         3,4 km | 4,3km

Maybe you do want it like this, than just change description.
But nevertheless, it's a minor point. No reason not to publish in market.
Other advantages are much more relevant for this version.

Implemented / Re: Editing Saved Tracks?
December 16, 2011, 21:45:11
there is a way, not so easy but ....
Highlight the point you will move = click on it,
A popup is displayed - select "I"  of the point = 2nd from top ( not of the track!)
The details of the point are displayed
Click on the tool symbol - edit point and you get a selection how you would change (GPS, from map,...)

Click on the notification and you will find more options to display :-)
Short tests:
altitude in track popup works really well - great thanks.
Altitude label position mixed: " right of" = above
" under..' = right of position
"disabled" = correct

Next tests will follow!

I love Locus! :-)

Implemented / Re: Elevation download
December 16, 2011, 13:44:14
great news menion!!
much thanks!!

I´ll test after publishing.

Implemented / Re: Elevation download
December 16, 2011, 08:24:05
Hi menion,
I know, that you are working hard on more important things.
I think my request is "just a click"  for you....
adding a button (the same functionality like in track-options) in the Detail screen of the track after creating  - as I  already proposed.
There would be enough space for a little button :-)
See attachment..

thanks in advance

kind regards
der Vorschlag .. finde Touren in meiner Nähe ...  würde bedeuten, dass es entweder eine  "Locus-Tourencommunity" gibt, oder das Locus in anderen Tourenportalen suchen kann (GPSies, outdooractive, GPS-Tracks, Trails, EveryTrail,...). Letzteres stell ich mir schwieriger vor, weil es eben so viele Portale gibt.

Grundsätzlich würde ich deinen Vorschlag auch begrüßen...
Ich kopiere mir halt direkt aus den Portalen die Routen und importiere sie in Locus. Wie auch umgekehrt - Export in ein Portal.

Aber das Planen direkt in Locus (das Samsung Galaxy Tab ist dafür wie geschaffen) macht auch Spass - jetzt überhaupt mit der Quickfunktion. Und dass man auch den Höhenverlauf schon VOR Beginn der Tour downloaden kann - um zu sehen, was einem so "erwartet"- finde ich genial.....

Schönen Tag und LG an dieses tolle Forum..
ich bin schon seit langem begeisteter Nutzer von Locus. Mittlerweile habe ich zig Routen, Tracks, POIs  usw ... aber irgendwie einen "Sauhaufen" in meinem Kategorien und Tracks Ordner.
Würde mir gern Tipps von euch holen, wie ihr Ordnung haltet, speziell wie ihr die Kategorien nutzt ?

Leider wurde mein Wunsch nach einem- wählbaren - Verzeichnis je Route (z.B Routenplan - Trackaufzeichnung, POIs, FotoPOIs, Beschreibung usw. ..) noch nicht erfüllt.
Also z:B.
Verzeichnis: Semmering_Wanderung_Sept_2011
darin die Files:
-  Routenplanung.kml
- Trackaufzeichung.kml
- Foto1.jpg
- Foto2.jpg
Verzeichnis: Glocknertour_Nov_2011
 - Route_kurz.kml
 - Route_lang.kml
- Track.kml

Dann könnte man die einzelnen Verzeichnisse einfach mal wegkopieren/archivieren oder weitergeben und hat alles komplett gesichert!

Würde mich über ein paar Hilfestellung wie ihr das so macht, freuen.
Danke im Voraus

when exporting e.g.a Route/Track named:  
 R_Linz - Graz.kml  
 in the export dir it comes:
 rlinz_graz.kml   or rlinz_graz.gpx.

I use R_ for Routes  (planned) and T_   for tracks (executed) to differentiate in Export Dir and copied Filedirectories, but  rlinz ..  or    tlinz ...  looks not very good :-(

Is it a matter of settings ? IF yes, where to change pls ?

Great, great, great! Planning a route works now really as a charm! Perfect!
Labels top readable, direction signs, Start, Ziel suuper!
Many thanks for this top improvements.

Small issues:
On a final route/track, it would be helpful to see the points where a popup will be shown, just as small rings as it is visible when moving over. Otherwise you have to "drive" along the route searching next point.

Once again my wish: if planning of route is finished, the menue for Category, description, etc. Pops up. Good, but here I expected a button: calculate/ download height. Than it would be  really complete.

Congratulation  menion!
Troubles & Questions / Re: settings of Forum
December 07, 2011, 18:08:30
Hi stebu,
thx,  but I found a different reason: I used two different links/from 2 notebooks - one with auto-login   one without.  And when ..without - the sorting is different than when logged in...
I almost got crazy before finding this issue...

Nevertheless it´s logical now... Puh, ... mostly  the error sits between keyboard and the screen    :D

nice evening
Troubles & Questions / settings of Forum
December 07, 2011, 15:35:50
Hi, not really a question about Locus but about the Forum itself:

is there anywhere a setting to display the newest/recent posts first within a Topic?
I always have to jump to last page, scroll down.... it´s awsome...

I know the "view new posts"  but still after opening one topic I have to scroll......

Thx for any idea...

I like this Forum .... :-)


EDIT: I found it myself.... in the UserControl Panel.... Board Preferences - Display Options.....

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