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Messages - slarti76

Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.18.+ ( 8/2023 )
August 04, 2023, 12:41:43
Quote from: michaelbechtold on August 04, 2023, 11:28:55whatever you do for iOS should not screw the 100000s of users from whom you make your living.
Locus on Apple/iOS??? When did I miss that? Definitely can't find it...
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.18.+ ( 8/2023 )
August 04, 2023, 07:50:50
Quote from: Andrew Heard on August 04, 2023, 01:17:34
Quote from: slarti76 on August 03, 2023, 13:18:55What about then at least adding support for PlusCode? That can be copied from Maps with one tap and surely be parsed by Locus search without ambiguity?!
@slarti76 - thanks, hadn't used +codes before. Still slower (many more taps) than direct "share" of a point from my testing:
  • drag POI details down a few times
  • tap on "See all"
  • tap on +code (very little visual feedback BTW)
  • switch back to LM4
  • open Search (maybe side panel button)
  • paste clipboard (maybe more steps here)
Yeah, agreed, but
a) if we don't have another always-working solution,
b) surely no problem with parsing (well-defined as far as I understand)
c) at least last two steps could be improved if Locus adds a PlusCode support by automatically inserting clipboard content in search field (if it parses as PlusCode).
Heck, Locus could parse the clipboard when opening the search and automatically switch to PlusCode if it parses.

Honestly, I'm a little diappointed how the missing ability to correctly share positions from Google is waved away here. Menion et al should be aware that this is an ability that is absolutely crucial for "normal" users. OSM is nice and well, but let's face it, GMaps will always be more up-to-date. Rarely anyone relies on OSM POIs alone, so we all search stuff in GMaps all the time and want to easily enter the points in Locus. This is not something to just say "hasn't been working for a while, so what?"...
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.18.+ ( 8/2023 )
August 03, 2023, 13:18:55
Quote from: Menion on August 03, 2023, 08:11:37Hi guys, sharing points from Google Maps does not work for years as I know. Somewhere in 2021 maybe even later, they changed the format and the information app receives can no longer be simply converted to any text or coordinates.
What about then at least adding support for PlusCode? That can be copied from Maps with one tap and surely be parsed by Locus search without ambiguity?!
Quote from: Menion on July 31, 2023, 13:52:51The altitude threshold is, after using "Update elevation", correctly set to a value of 3m. It is an intent. This method completely changes elevation values so the app set the threshold to get the expected result. The previous value is no longer valid.
I respectfully disagree: The Altitude threshold is part of the track settings, so a mere "recalculate" shouldn't change that. As far as I see it, "Update elevation" is needed when you recorded a track with GPS altitude values and want to switch to SRT-based values. Or you have newer SRT files. Why would that mean that you want your threshold to be reset?
I mean, it's OK, can live with that, just don't think it's intuitive to change settings from the settings dialog as a side-effect of some other function - no other track menu function has such a side-effect...
Small bug regarding "Altitude threshold":
First change the threshold, then use Tools>Update Elevation => Threshold reset to 3m.
I realize that the changing of the threshold triggers an elevation update, but I'm pretty sure it's not the intention for that to be reset with the other command...

Also, I can confirm that sharing location from Google doesn't do anything.
And I second the idea to add Pluscode in Locus Search - we have what3words already, so Pluscode should be easy. And, whether we like it or not, it's much more common than what3words, being that it's supported by Google Maps...
Quote from: Menion on June 26, 2023, 21:22:25"Hide points / tracks" exists in the app for many years, but till now it was hidden in the long-click menu of Points/tracks/data icon placed into the "Functions panel". So feel free to use it.

You mentioned many times "Embedded waypoints". By this you mean waypoints attached to tracks right? Does it really make sense to hide them together with common points? Because such waypoints are part of the track so ... I won't change it without deeper discussion ... but I would expect to show/hide them together with track!!
I agree they're part of track and shiouldn't be hidden by "Hide Points". However, I also sometimes wish to be able to just hide a track's waypoints. Don't think a global setting is needed, but a context menu entry to temporarily hide/show waypoints of a track would be much appreciated.
Hi there, also my 2 cents to the new side panel:
First, like it! Wouldn't mind some more configuration (e.g. rarely using LoPoints, so would rather be able to hide those lines).

What I'm not quite happy with yet is the theme selector: When you change the theme, you still first have to go through the options screen everytime, even though now there's a dedicated button for that. When switching between themes, I rarely also need to change the current selection, so this is a superfluous step.
Also, the "layers" button may be technically correct, but I think most users will be confused and would rather call this "theme settings", so I propose to use a cogwheel icon.
Quote from: Viajero Perdido on May 07, 2023, 19:47:33
Quote from: balloni55 on May 07, 2023, 19:32:19turn off GPS, so cursor position is used

I hope this is just a workaround, not by design.

When I'm standing in one place but the cursor is at another, my attention is at the other place, and I'd like the search / weather forecast / whatever to be at that location.  Just my opinion.
Totally agreed!
Quote from: slarti76 on March 21, 2023, 20:39:23Something I noticed again recently, but I think it's been like that for a while:
On my tab (Galaxy Tab S5e), Locus shows the track and point details as panel on the right in landscape, which is good. In portrait, however, tracks are shown on the bottom (good!), but points on the right, taking 50% of the screen (with only a few lines of text and lots of white space) - really bad!
Is that intentional or a bug?
@menion, no answer?
Something I noticed again recently, but I think it's been like that for a while:
On my tab (Galaxy Tab S5e), Locus shows the track and point details as panel on the right in landscape, which is good. In portrait, however, tracks are shown on the bottom (good!), but points on the right, taking 50% of the screen (with only a few lines of text and lots of white space) - really bad!
Is that intentional or a bug?
Quote from: Andrew Heard on March 15, 2023, 04:27:49I'd like to see the phone accelerometer used for motion/ stopped detection.
Wasn't that tried, and it turned out it couldn't be done reliably due to Google?
Quote from: luce on March 13, 2023, 12:23:41I would like to add Management of Track Waypoints as No. 5.
Yes, please don't forget about this. There's a bunch of improvements needed here, many very basic (it's not even possible to multi-select and delete trackpoints!)
Quote from: joeloc on March 11, 2023, 15:32:02
Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on March 10, 2023, 10:16:41You will also need to improve search. It should work simultaneously in addresses and points.
I completely agree. Locus search is pure usability horror from last century. A proper search is ONE SINGLE TEXT FIELD that simply searches EVERYTHING at once and shows results as they come in.

Making me decide in advance on where I want to search is just wrong on every level imaginable.
Even worse is when I start typing, realize I got the wrong "place" to search in, change it, and the input field is cleared - why's that? Makes no sense and would be easy to fix...
Quote from: Menion on March 08, 2023, 13:38:21We have of course some plans and things that need to be done, but still ... simple question (that may influence my personal preferences). What is the biggest pain/requirement you mostly have with the app, I should solve during the next cca 3-9 months? I have in mind a few main categories:

1) management of the track waypoints (not surprisingly my favorite ;)
2) improve dashboard (missing items, simplify edit, improve charts, ...)
I would add
3) rotating labels in vector maps (or, rather, make labels non-rotating in relation to the (rotating) map. That's the main area where Locus just looks so much worse than other concurrent map apps - and of course it's not just looks when actually navigating...
4) better overlay handling, e.g. with overlay presets. For example, I have overlays with hike routes, skiing routes, public transportation stops, all are best at different alpha values, changing between them is such a pain that I usually don't use the feature, even though it's quite good in principle.
Not sure if that was reported already, but since a while*, the "Recording" notification is not updated anymore. Ever. Always shows something like "1 point". Reproducible with Galaxy S21 and XCover Pro.
Perhaps related with me always starting recording with intents or Locus Tasker app.
Am I the only one?

* Didn't report it earlier because it doesn't really bother me, don't really need the info displayed there, but now I once or twice thought "sh**, it's not recoeding", when it actually was...