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Messages - Diddi

Quote from: Menion on August 10, 2021, 14:04:18
thanks for the ID. It seems that the app now cannot read your data from the database as I expected. For some reason, the error is now "SQLiteReadOnlyDatabaseException · attempt to write a read-only database" even when app just tries to open the database for "Read only", weird.

My suggestion: do a manual backup of the Locus/data/database directory. Then delete this directory. Start Locus Map and it should create a new directory with empty databases. When all will work, close the app, delete new empty databases (directory "database") and copy back old data.

Still not working after putting back die original Files into database dir.
With deleted files, everything is fine.

Seems that waypoints.db-journal is causing the error. All other original files are not causing the error.
But with deleted this special file in database dir, locus is starting and all's data is available in tracks and points. But what am I missing without the db-joutnal file?
Quote from: Menion on August 10, 2021, 12:33:08
@slarti76, @tapio
oki oki, I'm not removing it (yet)  :D. Black top panel is there because of the cutout in the display = solvable but needs a lot of extra work.

hmm "locus stopped" during the update. Looks like some problem with the database. Best if the app crash is to send me your "user ID". It is visible in the app or now also in the "Locus/info " file.

Here you go:
User ID: 8fd79a505
I'm facing a big error with new beta.
Cannot even start locus..when tapping on the icon for first time after Installing new Beta, I saw the "what's new" screen. After clicking on next, locus stopped and I got back to android desktop main screen.
Maybe useful: before Installing the beta, I tried to update  the GC votes in a Geocache list with about 6000 points which brought an error:  locus stopped.
Restarted phone many times..
What to do?

Installed 4.0.2.

Seems to have solved the geocrashing bug  :)
Thanks and a happy weekend
New beta:
I still have the Geocache listing crash like ballooni.

At least, faster unloading visible points is now really fast. :)
Seems that the new version is official. Got an update
First time in field today with new public beta. Have been in a cache tour. Locus crashed about 10 times.
Active target guiding (Zielführung in German) to a cache. Clicking on another cache on map crashed locus several time ( but not everyone).
Furthermore I get an error when trying to send field notes . 3rd attempt was successful.

Quote from: Viajero Perdido on March 25, 2021, 15:12:35
Hi.  Just did some sofa-testing of the pre-release version.

I looked at a geocache I'd loaded via GPX.  It didn't show the favorite points (shown as "-", likely because not included in GPX), so I went Update.  Now, I couldn't find the section showing favorite points, the top of the scrolling panel I guess.  Had to exit that view and re-tap the geocache to see it.  A bug?

It's a known bug. Somebody reported it before. unfortunately Menion couldn't simulate it. I have it, too.
Quote from: JackRussel on March 24, 2021, 08:15:47
I don`t see LM4. There are Locus Map free and Locus Map Pro. And Locus Map free is 3.50.1

At least here in Playstore

Please read the first post. You have to subscribe to beta channel of Locus Map free
Question to subscription (not clear to me)
Will I get Gold as current Pro user all the time für half the price (12€) or even just one year like the free silver year?
Do I understand right?

I'm a Locus Pro user and am currently using the Beta of V4 from Google Drive.
If I want to use the new "official" Beta from Play store, I have to subscript the Beta channel for the "old" Locus Map "free" and will get the new LM4 (where I have to select which subscription model (base, silver, gold) will fit best for me)?
After installing the Beta, I can delete Pro and Google drive Beta versions, without getting any data loss?
I can't test the sync feature.
Try to start. Log in with Locus account and getting the following:
"Active subscription of locus map premium is required. Code 14199"

Quote from: balloni55 on March 03, 2021, 16:07:03
When i open  a geocache and run "update geocache"
on "updated" cache window most needed infos like: D/T,  size, attribut icons, logs, wpts, listing are gone :-\
After reopening the geocache all infos are available.

Same for me with newest beta
New beta is very laggy for me.
When tapping on a cache, the pop up (from dthe bottom of the display) is coming up very shaky an not as smooth as before.