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Messages - T-mo

ne klasse Idee, das hilft! ..bestimmt

Call 'presets_check_1sttimeuse'

Sub presets_check_1sttimeuse
If b_presets_1sttimeuse then
                b_presets_1sttimeuse = false
mbox = MsgBox("You are using presets the 1st time. Before using presets I suggest creating a new preset containing your current settings, so those are preserved and you can easily change back with a single click. Create a new preset?", yes & no)
If (mbox = yes) then
Call 'presets_create_new'
End If
End If
End Sub

ein FAQ-Eintrag ist doch viel zu auffwendig ;D
ich gebe zu, bisher habe ich presets auch noch nicht genutzt  ;D
was irritiert ist, das man die 3 std-presets wählen und bei aktiviertem presets-AdvancedMode diese natürlich auch ändern kann.
Aber eines von den 3 direkt zu benutzen scheint mir fatal, denn dann werden deren Einstellungen übernommen und man kommt nicht mehr easy-peasy zu seinen aktuellen Einstellungen zurück.
Es wäre wahrscheinlich das sinnvollste zu allererst ein neues preset zu erstellen, dabei werden ja die aktuellen Einstellungen übernommen.
Ok, fatal sind andere Sachen, aber vielleicht ärgerlich, überraschend, nervig, plöd..
like often with new betas I had to open GooglePlay > My apps&games > Installed and then manually reopen LocusMapFree several times until the button changed from 'open' to 'update'. So update worked for me some minutes ago.. 8)
(btw had to recreate the homescreen-app-shortcut, easily done of course)
no crash so far ;D
only occasionally cutted names with vector-maps at tileborders, but this is more general and still adressed the recent time AFAIR
Wolfgangs link, dann vorletzter Punkt fast ganz unten.[#sprachversion_der_karte
Wenn dann da (Details>Sprache) einstellbar. Wahrscheinlich aber auch nicht bei einer online-Karte möglich, da müsstest Du eine passende offline-Karte nehmen..
jepp, current version is working fine with V4 maps (download via green-download button), like mentioned under 'Info' the RT5-xml gets loaded.
Missed the change from HiLo to active_RT though, so thx 8)

Quote from: LocusUser#1 on April 26, 2019, 20:02:39
The changes I will no longer in the HiLo theme but only in the follow-up theme "active RT", if interested can download this on Github.
Versionen immer unter inkl. Änderungshistorie.
Wenn Du kannst würde ich immer die aktuellste apk aus der zip installieren, Arndt schreibt ja auch in der readme_apk_api_level.txt:
QuoteBRouter_api28.apk is the version intended for upload on GooglePlay Store
  It is not fully functional due to security restrictions
(android > security > device administration > 'unkwon sources' temporär einschalten dürfte genügen (nutze selbst root))
Andererseits, wenn's tut dann tut's..
Quote from: FriedelXT on July 05, 2019, 13:43:28
Wie kann man denn brouter dazu überreden vorwiegend radwege zu benutzen?
Meinst Du offizielle Radrouten?
Dazu musst Du das Profile anpassen, z.b. Trekking.brf
Dort steht zb. in Zeile 15
assign stick_to_cycleroutes = false   # set to true to just follow cycleroutes
hier musst Du false durch true ersetzen.
Am besten eine umbenannte Kopie Deiner .brf bearbeiten.
Profil in brouter-web testen ist auch immer gut.

Präferenzen gehen ansonsten nur über Anpassung vom costfactor soweit ich weiß, ungewünschte Wegarten müssten höher beaufschlagt werden, ca. Zeile 200+
Quote from: menion on June 21, 2019, 13:25:46
1. why "Optimize raster map resolution" settings do not fit your needs? Raster maps are then rescaled too much? Rescale by DPI use floating point values, but in most cases, it will end on integer value for raster maps. For vector maps, the situation is different and there it is always floating point value that more precisely match device DPI.
I just realise that magnify might not be the thing to use, %-values etc. And I use some raster maps. So I have on and off and both are not suberb to me, as often in life it could be something between, more personal taste or preference. So I still ask myself why I have on and off instead of values or possibilites, quantised steps between maybe.

btw. I often asked myself why 'settings>controlling>map screen>tap and hold to display adress' is not 'tap and hold x secs to display adress', I tap way to often and then tap stuff away... I train myself to make it getting less
Quote from: menion on June 21, 2019, 13:25:46
2. hmm, I'm checking code and app should list all directories in mentioned mapsVector/_themes directory and in every directory search for *.xml files. XML files in the root of the _themes directory should be ignored. Maybe you may zip me _themes directory that does not work as you expect and share it with me? Thanks.
see pics attached. If I put Elevate and VoluntaryUK in separate directories - which is not intended by Tobias or John I guess but by me ;D - both are not usable. The current way is working perfectly and - honestly - still ok, as working, but maybe this can be optimised, each theme-package would have a dedicated directory. Seems like I missed Elevate4.3.1 since 1 week btw :P
Menion, 2 questions

  • I played around with 'optimise map resolution' on and off+magnify. For my needs I guess magnify might not be the real solution as it also affects vector-maps and the %-value-thing. My Andoid has 401ppi. Is 'optimise map resolution' technically about using different dpi-float-scalings or about discrete factors like integers 1, 2, 3, maybe 4, to only have pixels multilpied by this? Couldn't really pick the situation in the last discussions
  • folder mapsvector>_themes: some themes like Elevate and VoluntaryUK only work if they are extracted directly in this folder, but not if in a dedicated directory. Other themes like outdoorV4 and TOTMV4 work if in didicated directories. 2nd are using symbols+patterns, 1st not, if this is of meaning. 1st lead to cluttered folders. Do you see a simple solution to being able to use each theme in its own folder, locus-side or theme-creator-side?
I guess that you know that we know that you know that we know that this is what we all feel, this is an awesome piece of app and worth to talk about with passion 8)
Quote from: menion on June 17, 2019, 20:06:20I'll have to think about it little more, but old zoom value are from my point of view useful for "geeks", but average user lives in the world of directly visible scale (like "this line" is 300 metres) or in older system of paper maps (1:25k, 1:50k etc.).
Sure, I understand that with raster-maps this is a bit more challenging.
The problem with extraordinary discrete %-values might also be that features like auto-zoom might be different from map to map..
At this point it might make sense to think about preserving some extra space in internally build/used map-arrays, keeping map-dependent-parameters, and integrate an additional internally used map-scale-factor, starting with 100% as same-value-on-each-map, but might come in handy if time tells some tricks needs to be done and different values might be the better never know ;D staying flexibile while changing the structure. Sure, not a new idea and royal thoughts already used by devs 8)
Hello Menion,

Locus Pro 3.38.4:  (~54MB, 2:03min)

1st: raster map, my special one with Z13 + Z16 only  ;) 8)
2nd: vector OAM V4, Germany South ML + Elevate theme

let's concentrate on the raster map

  • I guess you manage it the way that the DPI-awareness  (optimise map resolution) defines a certain %-zoom-view, here my minimum-%zoom is always 150% (if I use magnify (not shown in the video) this value changes to 150%*magnification). I don't understand this hard-limit if I am at lowest Z-level (13) and want to change %-zoom to a lower %-value than 150%, not possible currently?! Scaling the last-available-Z-level should always be without any limitations in my opionon - Z13 should be zoomable down to some-% and Z16 should be zoomable up to infinty (1px/Screen) ;D I guess this is more a mistake than intended..
  • maybe this explains the white no-view-available zoom-transitions from Z16-150% in direction to Z13. Values lower than 150% seem not to be possible, available..
  • changing the std-values-%-zoom is in my opinion a bit irritating as I often orientate to Z-levels and 100%/ 50%/150%/200%..often used zoom-values of mankind, not sort-of-strange values. Maybe it's better to stick to those values and leave some zooming-calculation under the hood, like this is already the case I guess.
Locus_42, probiere mal mit einem ersten Screenshot.
Solltest Du dann irgendwann eine höhere Auflösung benötigen, wegen Größe des Bereichs und Darstellung zu pixelig, und stitchen/aneinander-setzen zu aufwendig wäre, könnte man die Tabelle als pdf exportieren und dann per ImageMagick oder ghostscript die PDF-Seite rastern, und so dann die png (zb) erstellen. Dabei kann man die dpi angeben, mit der die Seite gerastert werden soll. Die Commandos kann ich bei Bedarf nennen.
Aber scheint mir eine megapraktische Sache zu sein, ich will mir auch noch einmal Koordinaten-Raster erstellen..
Quote from: menion on May 14, 2019, 08:18:44
well and how works current Locus Map Pro with this map? There should be a similar problem. Well right, in LM Pro, upscale of level 13 isn't so visible as is in Beta. Two missing levels may be a problem here.
At which scale app switch from 16 to 13 and opposite? It is mentioned 13/274%? And when you zoom out from 16 then it's 16/?%
To be honest, the 13-map isn't the best. Mostly I use a difference of 2, z10+Z12 and Z7+Z9. Just realised a difference.
Attached pictures show the difference between PRO and beta.13
PRO Z16 @100% is different than beta Z16@100%, beta is much more 'zoomed in', too much to be of use @100%.
In the past at PRO I increased the map-resolution by 175% to find my sweet spot. The pictures are without increased resolution.
Beta.13 @35% is the spot where it switches from Z16 to Z13@274% btw. Very similar to my PRO-sweet-spot.
I guess that's my 'problem': to get my PRO-like-view I have to manually zoom out..and it might happen that it switchs to Z13.
I can also not get this view to 100%, I guess it would mean sth. like 'reduce resolution'..
I have to test further. just have the feeling that auto-zoom-levels might result in less-usable-views..
.13 starts without problems, v4 (OAM) and latest Elevate4.3.0,all running smooth.

With my Raster-Map Z13+Z16, the switching between while zoom-in and zoom-out. I guess what I might need is 'decrease map resolution' at settings>maps>advanced features  ;D
Lock-zoom currently helps, I can stay at Z16 and zoom-out, without getting (information reduced) Z13@274%.
I guess I can show a video once, if of interest.
.12 worked, but then I replaced a v4-vector-map and also changed to the latest elevate-theme. Now Locus crashs during beginning of initialisation. I replaced the theme to the version before but still the same. Doubt it's the map.
Let's wait until the situation is stabilised..