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Messages - T-mo

Other features / Re: Online search
March 11, 2024, 21:18:50
I know OSM is quite heterogenous, but it's still too easy to let the online search fail..results while fueling my private jet :D

(correctly it's McDonald's without blank, white space, and with 's, so it's originally due to the underlying OSM-database. But still fun as being a very popular example about how to handle popular typos, misspellings, multiple entries)
part 2
  • track, create a copy. The overview-map gets not created even after choosing and activating the track, dedicated show-and-jump-to-map-button
  • track with ~80 navigation waypoints. What's the easiest way to not show the bunch of this tracks waypoints on map, only the track itself ? The waypoint-popups are not needed everytime. The popups also seem to be active in overview-map when center-cross hits one.
  • route planner: collapse/expand is only available in last points menu.
  • route planner: when re-routing a track (and dismiss the last-active-temporary-route), the profile is the last one used, not the one used in the segments. idea: switch to profile of the last segment
  • route planner: idea: add reverse-list-button
  • i also rarely change the shaping/via-point-type, this dialog is not super important to me. The choice of location is of more value, recent/favorite/point/coordinates/adress/search. I suggest to add an touch-area or switch to the location-dialog
  • route planner: point > location dialog > search: searching for eg. restaurant uses the current gps-location,not relative to the chosen point]
When I search for an adress, then choose the 1 suggested and correct result/entry,  and add a point, then only name and geo-location is prefilled, any adress-field is empty. I can hit 'get adress' and get what I want, though this is somewhat lame.
I suggest to fill those fields if chosen search-entry already contains them.
E.g. 'Hermannstraße 24, 40233 Düsseldorf'
I again had to enter route planner to fully gain fullscreen-mode in general, this bug appeared some versions ago, you could fix it. I can share a video via PM later.
I also like the changes, the planner appears more like an overlay (floating ui) instead of a separate dialog.

I am with Tapio and Andrew reg. points, dialog, search, spacing, etc.

I guess it's more intuitive to have the marked buttons with a different color and both to be placed at the same position, e.g. both right for right handed ppl.
Undo- and Redo-buttons are placed partially underneath the banner.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.21.+ ( 1/2024 )
February 19, 2024, 13:40:52
Quote from: Menion on February 19, 2024, 08:15:57The slowdown is interesting.
Could you please give a try to the V2 version on Google Drive? Thanks
> MapGooglePlay_4.21.1.2 V2_1125_beta
no more issues with V2. Thanks
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.21.+ ( 1/2024 )
February 17, 2024, 13:30:42
i experience lot of lags while moving and loading map-areas. To test if this is vector-map+theme related I switched to a raster-map (mbtiles), same there.
Cannot give details, just a change that is noticeable over here.
btw: depending on foot or bike 'unwegsames Gelände' or 'schwieriges Gelände' might also be a suitable translation
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.21.+ ( 1/2024 )
January 23, 2024, 22:04:27
Routing data downloader - I do not perfectly understand what you want to update.
 - update of segments when "Auto-update" is disabled does not work for you?
I wanted to manually trigger an update, but realised I can only update by enabling automatic update, wait until the update happens - manually check by explorer and rd5 date - then disable automatic update.
I always manually trigger updates, everything, playstore apps, .., whatever.
Honestly the marked text is wrong, therefore marked, you cannot update segments.

See attached picture, hope this can be understood.
I just searched date of rd5 files in use, date of last update so to say.
Which segment is which rd5-file is just nice to know. Currently you got no (visible) relation between selected segment and file, you just have to know. This is okay, select and go.
Adding the available names and file dates is just a suggestion as being super simple.
As being said, I looked for dates, then for files, not given inside LM4.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.20.+ ( 11/2023 )
January 22, 2024, 21:35:12
- fullscreen
I use fullscreen mode (expert settings). When I start Locus, I got a black bar at top. I have go to route planner or enter settings, and when back at map the black bar is away, full screen given.
IIRC introduced with .5

-update routing data
IMHO the routing data screen should be optimised to easily update data. I have to temporarily switch on automatic updates or have to deselect elements, hit ok, then select again, ok, to trigger an update.
Maybe also the grid can be extended by degrees and maybe update-time per element (square). Only makes sense if enhancement is simple to integrate, e.g. add rd5-name and rd5-date.
Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Theme] Tapiola
January 21, 2024, 15:01:05
Quote from: Tapio on January 21, 2024, 11:58:43v1.3.9
Guys, I am interested if the "Install latest" in my signature works for you. There's some url forwarding going on and for me it did not consistently work, Locus reported a connect error.
Worked like a charm, see screenshot below. I am using LM4-AFA and checked date of zip and included Tapiola.xml, it's 1 3.9.
Thanks, currently my favourite theme due to chosen colours and also very functional.
(always have to edit my posts afterwards to add pictures)
Das sind die besten Möglichkeiten, die es für Dich gerade mit Locus gibt.

Genauer geht es nur mit weiterem Equipment und in Echtzeit-Bestimmung stets direkt vor Ort.
Das wäre ein besseres GPS-Modul, auch nur begrenzt gut, oder eine RTK-Lösung, die Equipment mit zb. u-blox-Chip benötigt, hier gibt es verhältnismäßig preiswerte, aber nicht günstige, Lösungen mit ardusimple, mit sparkfun-Board oder als schlanke Bastelprojekte, siehe zb. Präzisere Standortbestimmung mit Locus.

Niedersachsen und Informationen über Überschwemmungsgebiete kann man hier finden, aber Obacht, das muss man korrekt lesen können und hilft auch in der aktuellen Situation nicht. Vielleicht sind per GIS und ATKIS genauere Daten verfügbar, das weiß ich nicht.
Etwas an Karten hat der Geoviewer Niedersachsen, > Atkis > DTK.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.20.+ ( 11/2023 )
December 08, 2023, 22:30:53
'GC live map' is per default activated, so you get several  webview-login-screens and with every zoom.
I don't (yet) use it. As beta-introduction and as being your gift this nagging is absolutely ok :)
ts ts ts, wie kann man nur glauben als Gold-User Herr über seine Daten zu sein  ;)  :D

Steffen_Mk, bin ganz Deiner Meinung.

Synchronisieren ist übrigens alles andere als trivial.
Wie Du siehst gibt es auch Sonderfälle, die kann man nur abfangen wenn man prophylaktisch Device, Locus-Versionen und Track-/Punkt-Datum mit abprüft und im besten Fall Dialoge einbringt, um wirklich die Intention des Users abzufragen..statt blind schlecht zu entscheiden weil Annahmen und Kriterien nicht optimal.
Nicht umsonst bieten viele Tools 1-way-sync oder 2-way-snc an, Spiegeln, Synchronisieren, tralala, ggf. individuell je Element (Datei, Ordner) steuerbar, inkl. Bestätigungsdialog bei größeren Aktionen..
Da was Rundes zu erstellen ist die hohe Kunst.
Ich möchte es dann nutzen wenn es ausgereifter ist.