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Messages - T-mo

Hello Menion
nice progress - as always. Thanks

  • route planner - map layer - map & theme not working (seems to be only that, shading & grid works)
  • search - contacts > the contact-list shows names and addresses, but after selection it is noted 'required search options are not available'
  • req: search - recommendation: also add OpenStreetMap (I guess it might be as it's well known and appreciated by a lot of people (I currently choose graphhopper to not use any of the kraken - this might be ok though, I also appreciate graphhopper)
I also prefer red - well, I must admit I have been conditioned

Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Theme] active RT5
November 08, 2020, 13:10:46
Thank you Frank, really like this theme and use it a bit next to Elevate and VoluntaryUK.
my thoughts:
do you know a possibility - to me as a user - to scale the icon-sizes? I prefer them to be a bit bigger, this might also be device-dependent.
I was a bit astonished after opening the .xml with Notepad++ as all contents is en-masse :D
IMHO the outdooractive-icons have a slightly bigger outline and therfore seem to float a bit more above the map. Just my perception, there is already an outline which I really like as it is easier to recognize the icon in contrast to the map-content.
Menion, I currently only use Locus in a very basic way.

  • What I really like with LM4 lately:
    using the route planner and brouter internal we achieve the new Way-types and Surface indication.
    I really like the use of them as sliders to slide along the route 8)
    This is not possible with the Elevation profile, you still have to jump to certain positions, no sliding left-right possible..
    Can you also add this sliding-possibility to the elevation-profile?
  • I was driving around in car with friends and routing on and showed the friends-childs my cool jedi-move to control the display (wave once). Even after using the PIN and fingerprint it still sometimes happens to me, with this function enabled and certain time of display-off, that Locus seems to fight something and the screen goes on/off/on/off/../..infinity > only reboot the phone helps. I don't have any further tools in use to control this. Can you doublecheck the implemented routine, changes without onn-off-checks, ..? Can you implement a disable-fallback if there are maybe 6+ times the on/off-event within some seconds (event-count vs event-time-difference-ratio, sort of, e.g.)...which might be a very strange usecase if really meant like this.

  • routing: ok, thanks. to be honest, Locus is at an impressive state, and with possibilities of brouter (thx to Arndt) and graphhopper (thx to Peter Karich & Co) we got the 2 best routing-engines running and can process at any time. if it's for the best sake and some powerful features, that's a good way to go, for sure. I also think I got your idea, simplification for no-pros is obvious, but also profiles, estimations, etc.
  • sync: ok. I appreciate your sense for property. just as a note, as I care: I personally only sync with my personal clouds..syncing settings might be passable, syncing content I stay with export-import. Active push to databases (upload) is a different thing, for sure.
  • Quote from: menion on August 22, 2020, 19:10:26there is demand for custom profiles. I know about it. It's doable, but not so simple. So later please.
    I guess internal profiles are only pre-defined custom-profiles, isn't it? ;D just making dev-fun

  • changing to internal brouter: is it heavily locus-tailored or are you easily able to keep with updates if Arndt will so and are you willing to do so? That's still a general question as you start drop app-support, sort of. For sure, google continues stealthen and puting everything more into a bin, creates limitations, which also limits possibilities (which is more a con if you think positive, though might bring barriers to those who harm)
  • Sync db - I like the idea of community-created content. That helps a LOT. But if it's not fine-grained configurable (assumption) and decisions are possible at very clear UI-controls/-points, who might gonna use it? There are so many personal points and trips within my db..user decides, as always. I am very sure that bulk-sync won't happen..I can only speak for myself, sure
Lieber Hans, ich nehme mal an,  my_theme ist ja wohl nur ein Platzhalter. Die pdf muß am Ende den gleichen Namen haben wie die .XML Deines genutzten Themes.
Nutzt Du zb OAM-Elevate, dann wird die Elevate.xml herangezogen und wenn Du eine PDF nutzt, dann sollte diese Elevate.pdf oder Elevate_de.pdf heißen.
Diese sollte genau neben der .XML liegen.
Versuch das mal bitte, könnte klappen  :)
Here long-press-menu (main map screen, hamburger-style flag-button) does work - a new window 'Public Tools' pops up with Tweaks and Basic tools. Expert settings activates the additional 'Expert settings'-entry in Settings
Quote from: Joska on May 26, 2020, 12:29:46
Es geht also nur um die Keycodes, NICHT um die Scancodes.
Steht aber glaube ich auch in den Expert-Settings unter Hardware-Controller: KEY_CODEs.
Unterschied ist wohl

Das ist gemein wenn die Hardware ihr Macken hat - vllt. kannst Du ja etwas dazwischen klemmen als lindernde Abhilfe.

Was mich etwas stört ist das diagonale Kippen des Steuerkreuzes, sodaß die Karte auch diagonal scrollt - in eine Richtung klappt es bei mir gut, in eine andere nicht. Auch die Verzögerung von 1s ist etwas nervig, liegt aber eher an der großen Wegstrecke beim Verkippen, bis der Stick die Schalter auslöst.
Aber all das ist glaube ich auch Jammern auf hohem Niveau - Hauptsache man hat die Möglichkeit und kann ja immer noch versch. Controller ausprobieren wenn einem daran gelegen ist.
Quote from: menion on May 30, 2020, 18:34:09
For almost two days, I see LM Pro on Google Play as published, but it's still not ready for download ...
with me: once an update is released I often do not get it offered as 'update available' the first days but if I go to 'Google Play>My apps & games>Installed>Locus Map Pro' I might get an Update-button (instead of the Open-button) if I switch back and forth several times - so you might get a chance if you try to 'provoke' it > if you know, just try and try, it might work
Nutze die gleiche Fernbedienung und habe mich erst vor einigen Wochen damit ausgiebig beschäftigt.
Folgende Codes stimmen, die Seite hat Evgeny Kurshev wirklich gut gemacht: Siehe auch
Ich selbst nutze ebenfalls wie oben genannt den Modus 'B' (Game-Mode, siehe beiliegenden Zettel bzw. auch www) (A - MusicMode steuert auch Deinen Audioplayer wenn Du nebenbei Musik hörst, D - MouseMode blendet glaube ich einen Mauszeiger ein..oder so, egal).
Nutze die App 'KeyEvent Display', aber schmeiße die bald wieder runter wenn ich alle Codes meiner Bluetooth-Geräte notiert habe.

  • bug: with activated Controlling>Display>Screen on/off control (wave once) Locus runs nuts when I hit the main-menu-button (map-screen hamburger-style)..the display continuously goes on and off , only reboot helps. Had this several times now. Haven't had this with 933 AFAIR.
  • personal preference: theme-details is too long away. I would go a step further than Tapio ;)..I wish I could do long-press layer-button or some other magic to directly jump into the theme-details-screen. Just as a suggestion as I don't want to use map-screen-space with the 'old-but-gold'-blue-flag e.g. But 3 well-placed long-distance-finger-placements are..well, more than 1. I will beat you all in speed-tests by the way 8)
  • question: long-press position-button pops up the 'Hold map center' menu which I can modify this your default-mechanism to be able to expand this menu to 2 settings or even more? I suggest long press directly changes the one-and-only-option in the case it's only one. With 2 or more entries then pop-up..
LM4 930:
nah, LoPoint-feature doesn't work as expected, bugs appearing. Switching it on via eye-symbol and without any LoPoints selected/activated several POIs are still shown, automagically (so LoPoints everything is 0 but on the map symbols are shown after layer-activation via eye-smybol). Seems to be cafes etc. Eye-status and LoPoints-menu>'display on map' often does not match.
But great next step.

ideas for the future

  • integrate OSM-alternative for sharing location as text message: maybe and right-click>show adress/panel left side or right side share-menu. Sharing via long/lat as Maybe this is a sort of reference
  • see attached pics: I kicked around with my Mibo Mastr 8) In my opinion from longtime-usage: honestly I mostly dislike the graph as it is missing some smooting/interpolation. I question that sometimes the shown drops in the graph (speed) are worth the space of drawn lines and their width  :D I  still have to optimise my rec-settings. Maybe - one day - the line is smoothed and there is a drop-down, somewhere close, where someone can select the smooting/interpolation - none (current state, raw, point > point via line), simple, etc)
Quote from: poutnikl on May 08, 2020, 12:07:01
Try LM4 form Apr 30
Thanks. Must have been a silent release (?), haven't found any notes on that..
Also .2, that I used, and .3, if went public, no more available - which is still ok to me, let's stick to future  :D

  • LM4 crash: Share > Text Message > close panel via upper-right-window-cross

  • LM4 crash: Share > Text Message > close panel via upper-right-window-cross
  • LoPoints: still at the beginning to use the screen completely hides the map and does not reduce to lower-half e.g., I am sometimes a bit lost..and start to switch back and forth. Attached a design-draft about the appearance. I already switched on Cinema (> 100 POI) and Theatre (> 100 POI), so these are the 200 POI shown. Going through the list and you might not recognise what's already shown and what's not. Draft: light-grey for submenu (the intent is very small, so submenus are hard to differ IMHO) & additional buttons
  • LoPoints: the general conflict: map-theme and shown points here, and separate overlay-POIs: do you think some kind of overlay-style is possible, to better recognise the POIs - maybe the map-layer as greyscale or dimmed or sth. (adjustable like overlay-modes), while POI-overlay is shown, or a flashing button where the POIs (Icons) go blinking (normal<>white). Maybe just the POI-Icons need some contrast-edge like the scale..? Just ideas, dont know..

Always made a circle around the dashboard-thing, thought of it about being 'another topic to dig in'.. ;D Well, with the Editor it's so damn easy and awesome, love it 8) Thanks for making Locus that nice!

P.S. sorry, missed it to mark the image with DRAFT to not confuse others - next time

edit: layout..