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Messages - Tapio

Lovely one, thank you.

- Control point alert via intent is working.

- New navigation icon and panel option could go to the navigation options at some point.

- If no navigation icon is displayed, upper panel should use full width.

- Small nav icon is a few pixels higher than the statistic panel.

- Screenshot. Can't we get rid of the top left nav arrow? It is there in any case. Arrow on track plus voice is enough for me. When hiking, 2nd next command is uninteresting.

- It is not possible to show the embedded waypoints screen, endless loading, screenshot.
Longtap prev/next waypoint:
If there's few, there is no problem in tapping multiple times. If there are many (I often have > 15) there is currently no easy way to jump to begin/end. Well, this is just a small thing tbh.
Trackpoint screen, jump buttons.

Short tap middle buttons: +/- 1 tp
Short tap outer buttons: +/- 1 waypoint or begin/end
Long tap middle buttons: +/- 10 tp (automove)
Long tap outer buttons: +/- 1 waypoint (automove) or begin/end

Tiny Suggestion:
Long tap outer buttons: goto begin/end.

I think the automatic skipping to next WP is rather redundant and not expected here. Being able to quickly jump to the ends is more useful.
Despite the notification, it still works as a full version..., so we can lean back 😊

Rejoice, it's christmas 😁
Menion wrote:

"Hi guys,

in the next Locus Map 4 version, in the Expert settings will be for testing purpose option to hide all navigation panels like you may see on the screenshot.
'Primary navigation symbol' offer now also small size and option to completely hide. In both new cases, new small button appears above track recording button with access to main navigation menu."
Quote from: Hennes on May 30, 2021, 11:05:56In the old Locus Pro when I clicked somewhere on the track there was this small pop up with some information about the track. Especially the information about the distance from the start and the distance to the end was shown.
Because that is "track information". You want information about a specific point - tap the bottom left icon. The information you need is unfortunately at the bottom.
There is also an improvement. In the top of that point screen you now see (if you are navigating) the distance from current position to the point "on track". Not direct line.

QuoteIn the small elevation diagram the current position is marked with a vertical line. That's good. But when you maximize the elevation diagram this line disappears and you don't know where you are. That is a bit annoying.

Yes: and that's a bug I think, has to be reported. Maybe already has been, I read it somewhere.
Quote from: Wole on May 24, 2021, 20:26:35
Blöde Frage: Wie lasse ich die App als Sytemapp laufen?
Einstellunge - Verschiedenes - ganz oben
Fully agree. There already is such an option for guidance, but Menion did not implement it for navigation.

And guys, I'd like to remind you about my idea to optionally hide the big navigation icon at all.

Menion are you still planning to make changes on point and trackscreen? Especially in pointscreen, the relevant info (for me) is placed at the bottom (date/time).
Verstehe schon, komisch ist, dass ich die Option in den Experteneinstellungen nicht mehr habe. Version 4.1
Prinzipiell interessiert mich ETA überhaupt nicht, ich mache meine eigene Abschätzung. Die Entscheidung, in die automatische Berechnung irgendwie alte Tracks zu Rate zu ziehen, empfinde ich als falsch. Falls Locus das noch so macht - keine Ahnung. - Interessant, danke für den Tipp

Ich finde ETA in hügligem Gelände eine höchst individuelle Sache. Beispiel: Geht es immer durchschnittlich zu, komme ich gut voran.
Gibt es starke Steigungen, die sich vielleicht noch hinziehen, werfen die mich ab einer bestimmten Schwelle (sowohl bzgl. der Steigung als auch des Tempos - wenn ich also unangemessen schnell bin) schon mal stark zurück. Kann durchaus sein, dass starke Steigungen dann einen dauerhaften Einfluss auf mein künftiges Tempo haben. Wenn sie am Anfang des Weges sind, umso auswirkungsreicher.
Das kann eine Software schlecht berücksichtigen.
Also die Option gab es ganz sicher, aber ich finde sie nicht mehr in "Expert Settings".

Eventuell mal im Helpdesk nachfragen.
Falco has updated it. Source of my problem was 2 versions of Locus. Now the addon is capable to serve the desired Locus version - hoorah!
Quote from: john_percy on April 13, 2021, 15:11:30There's a new version on its way. I've just got to update the legend (see earlier posts).
Quote from: slarti76 on May 13, 2021, 09:28:25PS: About the point info: I also proposed that the track chart should spell out the values for distance/altitude of current point in numbers.
Useful when out in the wilds, but that information is not an attribute of the whole track.

Hmmm... it's always about track/trackpoint... I am not sure any more if there should be a unified screen... maybe...

Especially I don't like the way to toggle between the two modes. For a newbie, the two different modes are confusing I guess. And how to access them.
How about configurability AND optional short info.

I can see options for "tap a track":
- Show hint (tapping the hint would bring up trackpoint screen)
- Show track screen
- Show trackpoint screen
- Do nothing? (idk)

I guess Menion wanted to get rid of the small hint screen. In that case, configurability should allow for a small track screen with user defined elements. Personally I think the hint can stay and may be desired. Should just not be the default.