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Messages - Tapio

Geocaching icon?
Other features / Re: Online search
May 14, 2023, 13:03:45
Why not just adding it to
For displaying realistic values in the bottom bar "Include navigation commands" has to be checked.
Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Theme] Voluntary
May 13, 2023, 16:20:04
Yes thx John, I solved this one.

Do you know why transparencies of lines can be unstable? The hiking routes in my theme are the green/green-bluish ones (bluish more important ones).

Notice that after re-application of theme, but also zooming action the transparency is different, despite same ZL.

May I ask you to have a look?

It's a heavily changed Settler theme.
Someone else asked for it, I want to ask again.

The options of themes are not in reach, too deeply nested. WThey deserve to be easy to reach, so that we can easily change them.

The idea was to include Longtap on the theme button, which would instantly jump into theme options. Or maybe vice versa would make sense.

See screenshot.
Settings, Navigation, Appearance - keine Ahnung bzgl. LM3
Other features / Re: Online search
May 13, 2023, 08:14:24
Quote from: Jan Čapek on May 12, 2023, 20:48:50In other words, we suggest to all German speaking testers to test again as search results may or may not behave quite a lot of differently for you now. :)
First tests give good results now, great.
I noticed it zooms to the first result. This should not be done by Locus. As a user I lose the big picture, I don't know the place of zoom and want to decide, what's having my interest. So maybe first result should not initially be selected?
Vmtl. setzt Auto-Zoom aktives Routing voraus, was, wenn ich pedeu recht verstehe, nicht aktiv ist.
Quote from: pedeu on May 12, 2023, 14:52:18Ich hätte mdie Einstellungen für den Auto-Zoom gerne dauerhaft, aber wie kann ich das einstellen?
Geht aus den Vorpostings hervor. Indem Du oder Presets an der Einstellung nicht herumfummeln.
Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Theme] Voluntary
May 12, 2023, 10:01:06
Oh thanks, didn't notice yoour posting.

Remember when we discussed those annoying grid patterns which are somewhat related to restricted areas, but show up elsewhere as well at certain ZL? I have not 100% tested it out, but was able to remove them in another theme. It is either a matter of transparency, but for sure also the use of "stroke" in "Area fill".

Before: <area fill="#D0FFFFEF" stroke="#C3C3C3" stroke-width="0.2" />
After: <area fill="#FFFFFFEF" />

IDK if stroke is used here. Still learning. But I got rid of those very thin lines. Might be worth a look for you.
Other features / Re: Online search
May 11, 2023, 19:34:27
Map is on Dortmund, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. GPS off, device located in the area.

I search for "Halde", those are artificial hills, results of former coal mining. There are quite a few in this federal state, they have "Halde" in their osm name, usually.

Now after pressing enter it shows some inappropriate results. In the south of Germany.
Themes - Vector maps / Re: Theme "Settler"
May 11, 2023, 14:34:43
Hi Andrey, I created a fork of it, I hope this is OK. But still I'm a bit clueless about Github though, wasn't even sure if forking is the right thing to do.

I have some different preferences. Tamed peaks a bit, gave weight to city/town/village/neighborhood names, also to parking/shelters/picnic_sites/viewpoints.

Wanted to have friendlier greens, it's a difficult affair, probably due to partial transparency and layering. What I wanted to achieve is what I now have in ZL14+. But lower ZL are different. Didn't find the issue yet.

Ach so, LM3, da kann ich nicht gut mitreden. Viel Erfolg, im Helpdesk ist ja schon eine Antwort.
Other features / Re: Online search
May 10, 2023, 09:11:58
When entering street names, some kind of auto completion is needed. If we know street and no. of house it's cumbersome to enter.

Yes it's tragic, search system will be compared with Google Maps 😁

Also I was thinking it's not perfect to add every searched item to the history entries. A more user organised approach is missing.
Hallo Kodela, vielleicht liegt ja ein Bug vor, was eine Neuverbindung angeht. GPS aktiv ausschalten kann m.E. nur "GPS Auto-Off". Was ist bei Dir (Screenshot) eingestellt?

Lief eine Track-Aufnahme, war das Routing aktiv (vmtl. ja, ergibt sich ja aus Deinem Posting)?

"GPS On for guidance" - ist ja durchaus denkbar, dass Menion dies nur beim Start des Routings prüft und GPS einschaltet, nicht aber während des Routings.

Theorie: GPS Auto-OFF hat GPS ausgeschaltet, als das Signal ungenau wurde. Danach hat keine Funktion es mehr eingeschaltet.