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Messages - Tapio

Quote from: slarti76 on November 13, 2017, 11:30:03
Quote from: tapio on November 13, 2017, 10:57:28
New Version as of today: rename exising track still impossible.
Weird, for me it's ok now...
Ah wait. I clicked the top left back arrow, because it says "Speichern", i. e. "save" . But it does not,you just escape the window. IMO it is misleading.
It works when I use the save button at the bottom.
New Version as of today: rename exising track still impossible.
Is the track renaming bug fixed? I cannot rename an existing track, no matter if displayed or not. After all, it keeps its old name.
My Locus crashes now when I add POIs from the poidb, no matter which category they are from. It happens when I tap inside a category, eg. "Museum". Germany North map+db from the store.

Anyone else?
Quote from: menion on November 04, 2017, 16:16:00
Good day Tapio,
Route planner expect that you have some unfinished work so it simply allows to quickly continue from where you left. Imagine opposite situation, when you do some planning, you will want to continue, but meanwhile you change you center location, zoom etc. on main map screen and after return to Route planner, you will hardly search for a place, when you end with planning before ...
Yes, but I think it should store the current map center when entering the planner. And go there, if I choose 'delete route'. Or in that 'restored old session' message allow to instantly undo/delete the restored session.
I found some inconvenience with the route planner as it automatically saves unfinished routes.

- I am somewhere else (lets say POS1) and want to start from there.
- I enter route planner, it loads the last, unfinished route and centers the map there
- I don't need it and abort that one

The inconvenience is, now I have lost the POS1 and need to find it.

And as for the route planner, it has been mentioned: possibility to change map and theme is desparately needed.
Troubles & Questions / Re: Locus Store
October 29, 2017, 11:44:58
Store is a troublemaker for me. Its the unpacking. Super slow, when at 100% nothing happens, sometimes I do not know, sometimes I reboot phone because Locus is extremely blocked. E. g. now it left a message "Initializing" in the notification, which I cannot stop.
I wanted to install themes via store, which is virtually impossible. It is the unpacking IO.
I have to do it manully with total commander. Unpacking works there. Store: minutes/hours... Tc: 15 seconds.
Sony Z1, external SD.
Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Theme] Voluntary UK
October 29, 2017, 11:34:58
EDIT Seen the download, I was blind!
Is there an alternate download? Store downloads (with archives w. many files)  make my Locus work for... many minutes... hours... Store sucks here heavily with Sony Z1 and external SD.
Seit dem heutigen Update erlaubt WhatsApp Livetracking:

Kurz gesagt: Man kann seinen "Live-Standort" genauso wie Nachrichten verschicken. Die Empfänger haben dann eine Nachricht mit kleiner Karte im Chatverlauf, die sie natürlich auch zwecks Vergrößerung öffnen können. Wie oft die Position aktualisiert wird, weiß ich noch nicht.

Tja, wir Wanderer bzw. Nav-Leute haben Locus Livetracking, es gibt auch diverse Dienste, teils mit eigener Applikation/App, aber mal unter uns Pastorentöchtern: Alles nicht erfolgreich und im Nav-Bereich absolute vernachlässigbare Nische. Und trotz Support in Locus umständlich.

WhatsApp wird das Thema nun populärer machen - und das finde ich gut, das kommt nämlich bei uns nicht voran. Auch die Datenschutz-Fraktion (die teilweise verantwortlich für das Kleinhalten von Livetracking ist, na ja, deren Geschäftsmodell ist halt das Aufzeigen der Nachteile) wird sich sicher dankend daran abarbeiten.

Ich finde: So macht man das. Sehr einfach zu bedienen, keine großartigen Optionen und Verwirrungen, einfach benutzen. So lange ich die Kontrolle habe, und die habe ich.
Optionen unter der Haube sind natürlich immer zu begrüßen. Aber Whatsapp ist ja kein Navigationsprogramm.
Congratulations, the new track planner/editor is a great move. So I will happily try to use it more often. It's about convenience, Brouter-web is pretty good there.

First idea: I think there is no possibility to center the map on the currently edited track. This is especially useful, since we can exit the screen and return later. I hat to search for the current edit at first then...
In the old thread lor74cas wrote "dragging the points often is very difficult, sometimes dragging occurs when unwanted. More usable is moving the points by modify menu and using pick on the map.
For me dragging is not convenient and produces more errors than results."

Exactly my experience and beside the small screen (Sony Z1) one of the reasons why I do planning on PC mostly (brouter-web).

I don't know if it's the device or if there can be done some sensitivity tuning on Locus' end... sometimes while dragging the finger seems to lose connectivity to the screen and then Locus does unwanted things. Moving waypoints, adding waypoints, can't remember. I think it mostly happens when dragging map.
Ich mache mal Werbung - das muss doch jeder vermissen, der sich entlang von Tracks lotsen lässt? Ich hätte gerne, dass Locus einigermaßen automatisch POIs entlang eines Tracks lädt. Unter noch zu definierenden Bedingungen.
Das momentane System, das immer 100 POIs innerhalb eines Radius' lädt, ist doch sehr... umständlich.

Unterstützung, bitte!  :D
Other features / Re: Offline POI database
July 04, 2017, 06:04:27
Menion, are you working on the POI system? I think the current state is something that can be improved. E.g., loading 100 by 100 is not perfec and rather clunkyt, also loading POIs in a radius around the center is not perfect, while POIs along a track are of interest... Hey, Locus could, as a track option, auto load POIs in a radius around the track... Probably a can of worms :D Are POIs your unloved child ;)?
Quote from: menion on July 01, 2017, 11:06:25
Good day John,
what exactly is "not properly"? Do you see after change of theme black areas or some "loading..." empty map and simple zoom in/out fix it? if yes, then Petr discovered this problem a day or two before and should be fixed in next version. If this is something different, screenshot should be useful here. Thanks!
Yes, black areas on theme switching, I am also experiencing them since... 2 months at least... Zooming in/out fixes it.

ich möchte Routen erstellen lassen, die möglichst anstrengend werden, aus Trainingsgründen. D.h., BRouter sollte die Steigung mit ins Kalkül ziehen, aber möglichst versuchen, viele Höhenmeter aufwärts/abswärts zu sammeln.

Geht das schon? Ich kenne mich im Detail nicht mit Brouter aus, vielleicht kennt es nur Streckenqualität... oder will nur Strecken erstellen, bei denen die Attribute sich im gesteckten Rahmen möglichst günstig auswirken...

EDIT: Soweit ich sehen kann, ist dies der Fall, man setzt BRouter einen Rahmen, und es wählt die "günstigste" Variante. Ich kann ihm wohl sagen, dass es Elevation nicht berücksichtigen soll. Ich will aber sagen können: "Wähle bzgl. der Steigungen eine ausgesprochen schlechte Variante".
