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Quote from: menion on December 18, 2018, 07:18:51Complains about magnifier: I personally found it useful, which is why I do not see problems related to it. Any suggestion how to visualize moving point better?
My most prefered way of moving things is per map center position. Because there we have the best overview and we can zoom. Move per map center: Which is currently too far away.
I think a dedicated "move mode" would be awesome, which, if map center is close to the track, automatically  highlights either waypoints or, if somewhere in the track, the closest trackpoint. Highlight by just hovering it.
In this mode, there should be a hand button, which toggles between holding and releasing that point.
And on releasing, if it was just a trackpoint, auto create a WP. Movement of points by moving map.

Just my 2c. Because I am convinced, moving points - doing track corrections - is most essential.
Yes, probably, I see your point. But still I think moving WP is essential and should be as easy as possible. The most often action, correction if the auto created route...

I realized, sometimes drag+drop works, somehow? But I never liked that magnifying glass method. With that zoom and your finger on screen, I have not a good overview.

Edit: it works, when a wp is quickly dragged. Here, while dragging, one also cannot change zoom.
In route planner I think a very often used action is to move waypoints for correction purposes.

This is WAY too difficult and hidden. Compare with Brouter online, where you just drag and drop. Please consider making it much easier!

My idea: when I tap a WP, that grey overlay screen appears with all the commands in the bottom. You could make the top map view ready for dragging. Ie, if we drag the map there, the WP follows the map center.
Currently, tapping the top area just exits.
Quote from: menion on December 09, 2018, 15:39:59Problem with GPSies? Cannot simulate, for me it works correctly.
Thanks. I just realized, it only finds my tracks, which is useless for me, they're in Locus anyway.
I don't see the need for a message. If user taps a preset, he knows that he does it and he sees it is happening. No need to explain. I mean, time wasters could be everywhere. "Hello user, you are now entering the options". "Hello user, you are now leaving the Locus store".

No need for that. We're not Apple users!?!


I also think the confirmation question in Route Planner, "Do you really want to recalculate all" is unnecessary. I mean, until that point, I already expressed my wish twice. I don't need to tell about my will for a third time!  I always think "awww, menion, c'mon, really?" 😁
If user decides against it, he can already exit the prior window where you choose the (brouter) profile. And on top of that, there is Undo.


Is GPSies integration broken? Whatever I search for, I get no results.
I really wish for a good integration. Then with Locus' "favourites" functionality, I wanted to find all tracks around the map center, within a specific range, with specific properties, but the results weren't good. In a way gpsies api supports some stuff, but the presentation did not work. See link below.

If the Locus/Gpsies interface could support track search around map center... something common imo...;jsessionid=7C4F3AA6D484C214F24D0C86762A3E78.fe3?trackTypes=jogging#14_51.28060196654988_9.484033584594727_hikebike
Thx for the update. The preset loading delay is annoying. It feels like an artificial time waster. I change them a lot.

Bug? Some icons missing. The Locus category record button with the red dot.

Mein Locus piept s.o.
Derart nervig, dass ich keine Sprachausgabe mehr nutzen kann.
Mir gehen die Ideen aus.

Position gefunden/verloren, Track verlassen, Audiotrainer... alles aus.

Und es piept munter weiter.

Übrigens ist der Dialog zu "Position verloren" schon immer kaputt gewesen. Schaltet man das da ein und definiert die Wiederholungszeit, bekommt man es da nicht mehr ausgeschaltet. Dies nur am Rande.

Habt Ihr noch Ideen, was Piepser absondern kann?
Quote from: lor74cas on October 01, 2018, 09:09:06Yes fullscreen mode covers the virtual back button
Same here, but you typically swipe the bottom Android buttons to front if you swipe from the buttom up. So, there are options :)
Im Höhenmanager gibt es:

-Keine Verwendung
-GPS-Höhenangaben optimieren
-GPS-Werte ersetzen

Mich wundert, dass ständig empfohlen wird, die GPS-Angaben mit SRTM-Werten zu optimieren. Warum? Es gibt doch jetzt diese LiDar-Daten, die genauer als die bisherigen SRTM-Dateien sind. GPS liegt dagegen manchmal 30m höher. Warum sollte ich die Werte "optimieren" lassen? Einen Durchschnittswert nehmen, wenn doch vermutlich die Wahrheit in den Lidar-Daten liegen?

Oder habe ich einen Denkfehler?

Quote from: menion on September 27, 2018, 00:23:24You have defined in recording profile distance = 0m? Suggest to set there at least 1 (m) to avoid this issue.
It is and was always set to 10m. And I don't understand: the display was always alright. Then, one or two versions ago, Locus showed crazy values. Now you did something about it, but graph looks broken. Why did it work, say, in the beginning of 2018?

Edit: Ah, I have set 10m OR 5s. Maybe, but cannot remember I changed it to OR and then its my fault. Changed it to AND an will see...
New version... The extreme peaks in steepness are gone, but the graph looks broken. See attachments.
In all my latest recorded tracks, I have extreme ascend/descend values, >400% at times. Elevation values are by srtm here, they replace gps values. I did not change it. This makes the graph unusable. Anyone else?

ich lade immer Menions LoMaps-Karten herunter, sobald sie aktualisiert sind. Einerseits unterstütze ich das Projekt natürlich gerne, andererseits erhoffe ich mir in erster Linie aktuellere POI-Datenbanken.

Wie aber sieht es mit den Karten aus - habe ich irgendeinen Vorteil davon? Die Karten von Openandromaps kommen schneller auf den Markt. Ich überlege, ob ich nicht besser die OAM-Karten verwende und die LoMaps-Kartendatei lösche. Schafft Platz und mehr Ordnung. Die POIs sind ja davon unabhängig.

Einziger "Vorteil" der Lomaps, den ich kenne ist, "Interessante Punkte - Auf Karte anzeigen". Irgendwelche POIs (nur Berggipfel und so?) werden dann auf der Karte angezeigt, das brauche ich aber eher nicht.

Sonst noch Vorteile?
OAM-Karte plus TOTM-Theme ist exakt, was Du willst. Das Theme gibt es hier im Forum in der Theme-Sektion.
It's something completely different. Locus crashes depending on the group and folder name.

Group: 3. Test Test
Folder in that group: Unsorted

Tap any track, crash.

Rename group to "3TestTest": no crash.