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Messages - Tapio

Free chat / Re: Best phones regarding GPS
January 26, 2019, 21:41:54
I have no experience with newer phones. But this is important and interesting indeed.

To me, knowing about the position of the GPS device is important, because I have it in an ammunition pocket on my rucksack and only the top 10 cm of the device are uncovered. E.g. my Sony Z1 GPS is on top (left IIRC) of the display side. It works very reliable also in bad GPS conditions. I don't care about GPS elevation data because I'm fine with LiDAR data.
I've changed my battery in it once. Never a problem, I walk 8 hrs at max typically, with no 4G turned on, not making photos etc., it's always not empty.
I have a Tasker profile which turns a lot of stuff on and off for hiking, in order to have low battery consumption. I'm using that awesome Nova launcher. When I swipe the Locus icon up instead tapping, it toggles that tasker hiking state on/off.
Have a close look at: Settings - Guidance (out of route)
Also Gps+sensors (notification settings)
"Einstellungen -> Track Aufzeichnung"

Leute. Niemand mag Deppenleerzeichen. Deppenleerzeichen-Schreiber sind die Schmuddelkinder der Nation. Und o.g. Menüpunkt ist echt schon unanständig lange in Locus Pro. Was sollen nur die Leute denken... daß wir alle Sonderschulabbrecher sind?  ;) Das da oben schreibt man ruhigen Gewissens zusammen.

Ich habe mich da drüben auf registriert - schon allein dieser schlimme Menüpunkt ist es wert. jedoch finde ich mich (noch?) nicht zurecht. Ich finde den kaputten String nicht.

Frage: Kann ich da überhaupt Korrekturen bewirken, die sich dann irgendwann in der App niederschlagen?

Auch die Verwendung von "&" im Hauptmenü in den Einstellungen ist nicht seriös. "und" sollte verwendet werden.

Oh, seems like Menion has got a lot of work to do.  :D Both on database side and UI. E.g., as for the UI, as a user I espect searching for tracks/points to (also) be accessible via the data manager - not necessarily I go to the general search page, where it currently resides.

So does Locus do database maintainance? Like, compacting?
Half related: I have never exactly looked at it - Does Locus ever do database compacting or will it stay bloated, if, say, I delete all entries?
I hope the forum will have a smartphone interface one day.
As for the POI warner, an option to read max n POI would be nice. Often there's 2 or 3 and then Locus reports "2 points in range". But I'd be fine if it reads out both.
Yes, filters and search is rather a weak spot in Locus.
I hope the new version is out soon. I SO MUCH can't wait to the "sort by elevation gain" feature 😁
I cannot add waypoints to existing tracks. "+" is missing.
Other features / Re: Altitude Notification
January 05, 2019, 11:11:14
Quote from: menion on December 31, 2018, 13:20:15Facebook tracker was not possible to disable before, but I've found a way so in the latest version, it is already disabled.

Google Analytics is step by step changing to Firebase Analytics, so it will be during 2019 completely removed. So the only tracking system should be "Firebase Analytics", which I hope is safe and secure. It's purpose is to monitor usage of some functions and usage of app.

Great, it's nice to hear you are aware of it. There's probably quite a few developers around who simply aren't exactly aware of what exactly they in their software. Also, many apps need to much unneeded privileges. Not because the devs are necessarily evil people, just because they do not know everything :-D

I am referring to the 35C3 report (summary here, in German: ) which is about excessive usage of trackers in Android apps.

According to analysis, for Locus (free) this may be:

Facebook Analytics
Facebook Login
Facebook Places
Facebook Share
Google Ads
Google Analytics
Google CrashLytics
Google Firebase Analytics

Is that correct and why Facebook?

Wishing you the best for 2019 and ongoing success for Locus. Which is good for all of us 😁

Troubles & Questions / No share after manual backup
December 27, 2018, 12:25:54
After a manual backup Locus does no more offer to share the zip file.
Hallo Leute,

mal davon abgesehen, dass Locus wirklich mal Tracks nach Hm bzw. Länge filtern/suchen/sortieren können sollte...

Kennt Ihr Software oder Onlinedienste, die das für meine Tracks tun können? Ich habe sportliche Ambitionen und will manchmal nach Anstrengung (hm) sortieren. In Locus habe ich viele Tracks, aber darüber eben keinen Überblick.
P. S. : hier voten

deen? Danke!

EDIT1: Erste Möglicheit, die ich fand, ist - aber man muss halt GPX-Tracks hochladen. Da kann man sie dann nach Hm sortieren. 80 Tracks hochladen und analysieren war da kein Problem.