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Messages - Tapio

New update, vector map v4, map magnification, no difference if 100,125 or 150 percent.
Must be something with Germany north vs. Germany Mid. IDK, I changed to Nordrhein-Westfalen map  now, which works for me.
Not funny any more. Maps loading like sh***

It can be seen that map is Germany North, from OAM. But at some ZL it is not displayed north of Dortmund.

Edit: it says it loaded Germany North, but my impression is it auto loaded Germany mid where it is not needed.
I'm using the last non-beta. My experience is, too often v4 vector map does not load. At all, or sometimes a bit. Sometimes load after map drag. Seen that especially in route planner. Sometimes Locus cache has to be cleared.
It is annoying if Locus insists on looking like in screenshot.
I think it loves to do this when the map is moved to more far away locations.

Edit:  now cache delete, restart whole phone, no matter if v3 or v4 map(only v4, oam Germany North vs. Germany mid), no matter which theme, mostly no map buildup, sometimes at zl 13,but not above. no more idea except using Osmand. Want to not risk uninstall Locus.
Tools / Re: c-me live tracking
June 02, 2019, 16:10:02
Would you please provide me a login, Username "tapio"? Thx
The Gpsies moduleis rather clunky and could be more condensed and offer multiselection.

And something easy to fix: after download of a track a new window appears with just the message that download was successful.
EDIT: btw I cannot find the download.
A green hint would totally be enough.
I wonder if there are more hq icons for Locus. The ones shipped with locus have a great resolution - for prehistoric smartphones.
How does downgrading work? I tried e. g. 3.37.2, but it cannot be installed, see attachment.
Quote from: slarti76 on May 30, 2019, 10:21:03
Route Planner 3.38.3 almost unusable:
All actions on points (POIs, track points) are unavailable, see screenshot ("Add" is just a text, clicking has no effect).
Cannot confirm. On Poi it offers me 3 kinds of points to add. Maybe some icon cache related thing?
"magnify all maps" on vector maps was good any time before, now it's broken. 125% is not magnifying , 150% same as 200.
3.38.3 first start with nullpointer exception and no map loading. Subsequent starts ok and look like v4 vector maps work again. Slower as v3 maps but acceptable. Edit: not even sure about this. I'd say GOOD JOB MENION. A big step forward. I am finally and exclusively using v4 maps and themes.
Expecting more bugs since this 3.38 is a big update.

Many thanks that we can turn off map smoothness. It's more transparent and direct this way.

And it runs great on my meanwhile very outdated Sony Z1.
No, same non-loading and white blocks with Elevate. As for VolUk, I am using Johns latest version he posted at the end of his thread here in this forum.
Crash gone. I switched from an sql vector map (topplusopen) to OAM v4 map/volUK - like 1 minute of white screen, I pressed zoom in/out numerous times... at some point map tiles appeared. Painfully slow.
I will not experiment. Want to avoid having to reconfig Locus if shit happens.