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Messages - Tapio

Auto recalc every 30 seconds is an important information. I was also wondering if there is some delay. Please at least add the info close to the recalc settings... Or maybe you can even make it configurable... via config file at least?
Hi Menion, Problem with SD1 was my own problem with a "Sandisk Ultra 128 GB XC I" - it performed like crap. I bought a "SanDisk Extreme 256GB microSDXC" now, which performs in an awesome way, Lomaps download/extraction with a 1.5 Gb map was no problem. Best invest in my old Sony Z1 smartphone. Was a pleasant surprise that it works fine with this 256 GByte card.

Quote from: menion on June 22, 2019, 17:37:09@tapio
is there any information about why it should be so big problem? I use this system for many years and I believe many users as well and I'm not aware of any problem.
There's 2 bugs in the xml missing space character after s_power.png path in the xml, see Locus verify functionality on longtap theme.
Read it a few times but cannot prove yet.I keep my eyes open. Maybe it is device dependent.
Menion I can confirm the preview image loading in data manager works with v3 lomaps.

BTW. Lomaps download can be a disaster when maps reside on external sd. Because you let it download the zipfile there. And extraction from ext sd to ext sd is often too much for Android. Resulting in a totally bricked device, you even have problems to reboot. After minutes of problems, it will not work and I manually do the job: copy zip file to internal sd. Extract to internal sd. Copy to external sd.
IDK, I bought a quick SD but Android seems to have limitations here. Some other dev. (Moon+ reader) told me that once.
Maybe consider offering to define a different temp file location.
A minor one:
In the data manager, tracks oberview, long tap to the left, on a preview picture, does not create a preview. If one is there, it deletes it. v4 map + totm theme.
Menion, if Smooth Interface is off, "Fill map gaps" has no effect, is that intended? I think it worked once, so we had map gaps filled, minus the smooth transition effects. I'd prefer it this way.
I love to use this map for planning. It is good as it is now. I use it with no magnification on my Sony Z1 which has hd res. The v3 version had too thin lines for me, but now it's perfect.
I did a lot of v4 map switching and they all load quickly. No white boxes etc. I am happy about the vector map system again. There's just that text bug (cut text) on first load of area, as John already mentioned. Thx for your hard work!
Quick check of the map magnification of vector maps. Looks lime it works again as I expect it. As in older versions.
I am not having a degree in Locus so I must admit I did not understand our honorable padavan Menion, who taught us it was already good in the last version 😁 Well, books have been written about map magnification.
New update, vector map v4, map magnification, no difference if 100,125 or 150 percent.
Must be something with Germany north vs. Germany Mid. IDK, I changed to Nordrhein-Westfalen map  now, which works for me.
Not funny any more. Maps loading like sh***

It can be seen that map is Germany North, from OAM. But at some ZL it is not displayed north of Dortmund.

Edit: it says it loaded Germany North, but my impression is it auto loaded Germany mid where it is not needed.
I'm using the last non-beta. My experience is, too often v4 vector map does not load. At all, or sometimes a bit. Sometimes load after map drag. Seen that especially in route planner. Sometimes Locus cache has to be cleared.
It is annoying if Locus insists on looking like in screenshot.
I think it loves to do this when the map is moved to more far away locations.

Edit:  now cache delete, restart whole phone, no matter if v3 or v4 map(only v4, oam Germany North vs. Germany mid), no matter which theme, mostly no map buildup, sometimes at zl 13,but not above. no more idea except using Osmand. Want to not risk uninstall Locus.
Tools / Re: c-me live tracking
June 02, 2019, 16:10:02
Would you please provide me a login, Username "tapio"? Thx