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Messages - Tapio

Quote from: Tobias on March 07, 2019, 20:38:57No, benches are in the map from ZL17 on (see, so changing this via theme doesn't work (exceptions may occur when a different tag with an lower zoom appear is on the same node).
Well, looks like things are even more complicated than I expected :-D
My current tests with mf4 (I use Voluntary Mapsforge for this) and Locus were rather bad. E.g., I increased a bench size, want to see it from ZL14 onwards and stay on top no matter what, so I added priority. It does not display often. Quite a few ZL>14 where benches will not display at all. Not sure if it is a tile size problem.
Or, on new mapsforge maps, does Locus not know about priority yet?

<rule e="node" k="amenity" v="bench" zoom-min="14">
<symbol src="file:../vol_res/svg/bench.svg" symbol-scaling="size" symbol-height="32" symbol-width="32" priority="105" />
I read about that tile size thing, yeah... So this is promising, if Locus respects priority tags then I will be able to create specific themes...

Quote from: Tobias on March 06, 2019, 22:44:00This is already implemented in Elevate, just switch of every other overlay than "Car"; it will work better with V4 maps though.
Yes I know and also Elemensts offered it. I changed the Elements XML slightly: allowed to display Parking starting at ZL15. But look e.g. N51.34485,E007.7955.
"P" Icon shows at ZL15, not at ZL16, but again at ZL17. This is the joys I try to prevent :D
Map I used is the OAM Germany North.

I was also thinking if there may be a way to export specific POI from the map itself and then import to Locus, as POIs. Because, Locus has no Parking in the POIdb. But they do exist.
A solution for me that I can see can only be a massively stripped down theme. Where I can turn off display of almost anything except the stuff I mentioned. But oh, the xml is not easy to handle.
Oh, this discussion is from 2016 and tells me: it's a terrible topic.

QuoteEs ist viel besser mit mapsforge 0.5 und höher, insbesondere mit aktivierten Label-Layer (was aber wieder nur Cruiser unterstützt), die Erfahrungen von Gervin sind schon richtig. Durch Prioritätensetzung ist das schon recht gut.
Locus hat einen anderen Weg beschritten, um möglichst viele Namen darzustellen: die Eliminierung von überlappenden Namen wurde abgeschaltet/geändert, was dazu führt, dass Namen Symbol verdrängen und Namen sich überlappen. Dadurch wird das ganze manchmal unübersichtlich, insbesondere bei den kleinen Kartenkacheln von Locus.
I think it's a hopeless affair. I will see if I can do something for Routeconverter software for PC. Locus does seem to ignore priority tags. I also tried mapsforge v4 themes and maps. There's even additional problems: A world full of half painted icons and text.

It would be very attractive for me to prioritize stuff I am interested in. This is parking, huts and shelters etc...

I want to edit an existing theme like "Elevate". What I want is, I want to have Parking on top of everything else no matter what. So that I can easily find parking spaces.
Because currently, I changed it to display from ZL15 onwards. But still in some zoom levels "P" symbol  is shown, then in another it is not shown because something else is displayed.

So, how is Priority done? Where do I want to look for documentation. "Mapsforge themes" is that the topic?

Look, there's XML stuff like this...


    <rule e="any" k="amenity" v="parking" zoom-min="15">
<rule e="any" k="access" v="private|destination|acc_no">
<symbol src="file:/ele_res_l/s_parking_private.png" />
<rule e="any" k=" " v="~">
<symbol src="file:/ele_res_l/s_parking.png" />
<rule e="node" k="*" v="*" zoom-min="14">
<caption k="ele" dy="28.1" font-size="9" font-style="bold" fill="#0092DA" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="2.00" />

Priority is a terrible thing in Locus. Like, on a world map, it does not display "New York City", but it loves to display "Dead dog memorial of an unknown NYC citizen", or "Saint George Kindergarten". etc etc
Other features / Re: Measuring the slope
February 24, 2019, 15:50:39
Are you aware of slope visuals in track details? The green visuals. A view which you have to configure, bottom left icon.
Übersehe ich etwas? Für die Einschätzung, wo und wie lange auf einem Track pausiert wurde, würde ich gerne sekundengenaue Zeitstempel der Trackpoints sehen. Locus scheint da nichts zu bieten. Im Punktpopup ist keine Uhrzeit - und genau da wäre die Info gut aufgehoben. Mittels der Trackanalyse könnte man sich dann einen zeitlichen Überblick verschaffen, was derzeit nicht geht. Von jedem Punkt die Details im eigenen Fenster anschauen ist zu umständlich.

Was meint Ihr?
Quote from: menion on February 05, 2019, 16:29:36
What do you think about visible top-right value in list of tracks for every track? Currently, there is average speed as base value (when sorted by name, dist, time or date). What about change to "elevation gain" as asked here ? Anyone against it?

YES please. Also, I have many planned tracks with zero distance and speed. In that case avg speed and distance are wasted space.
I am slowly trying to switch to mf v4 maps. Mapsforge themes cannot be picked in preset manager.
Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Theme] Voluntary UK
February 02, 2019, 16:01:12
Great, thx. My favourite hiking theme. The only change I do is giving shelters more attention. View starting at zl15 plus a red symbol 😁
Quote from: menion on January 31, 2019, 10:06:28
hmm this is close to some "universal difficulty index" (something like IBP index) that should display next to every track and that will inform about optimized difficulty, easily comparable with other tracks.
Yeah, would be great to by able to sort "by difficulty" (in terms of exhausting) for all the sportive enthusiasts, who e.g. do hiking for preparation of more difficult tracks, or just for the sports side of life.

IBP, quite interesting stuff. Lots of attributes mixed for an index number. But is their algorithm open?Here's the analysis of a day trip I had, oh I had a bad day I remember...
Edit: I'm not convinced about the algorithm. A hiking trip in Germany Sauerland hat a higher Index than one in the Austrian Alps. Which was way harder.

Least and simple value you could offer is "positive elevation gain divided by distance". I fand someone here thinking about it a bit more:
And Oruxmaps has IBP index according to - however they did it. I did not find the algorthmic details being open...
It also happens after a restart. I edit a preset, then in it I edit what is part of the preset. The page with the checkboxes. I scroll up and down, check and uncheck entries, after maybe 10 seconds it freezes.
It is on an older device, Sony Z1.
Yes exactly. And before my patience ended I killed the instance. Which was maybe after 15s
Will test more thoroughly and after a device restart.