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Messages - Tapio

Menion, that "issue with the long click on track preview" is also happening on stable. But I can release finger quickly, as you wrote, then it doesn't enter the track details... A bit of a game on a fast device.
Menion, 2 minor issues I noticed in the stable branch:

a) The Coords in the title bar, copied via long tap, aren't Google Maps compatible. N 51.84794° , E 007.56691°
N, E and the degree character need to be deleted. Most likely coords get entered there!

b) Tap gpx outside of Locus, import dialogue as in screenshot. When inclusion of WP into gpx is already pre-set, the second option must be grayed out. Uncheck/check the first checkbox and it displays correctly.

edit. Not sure about a) coords work in Android app. I may have seen it on a PC...
Edit2 forget a). Need to look closer.
Quote from: poutnikl on September 10, 2019, 12:28:45Press the Home button
Press the Locus Beta icon again
The route planner is gone.
Same here.
Minor: Track manager in beta. When I long tap the map preview icon, it refreshes the map image as expected. But when I raise the finger, it also opens the track detail window.

Dark mode: Can you also offer a dark grey one? Plain black to my eyes does not look good.
Hi, ich habe mich nie gefragt, welche Wellen GPS nutzt. Sind das Funkwellen? Doofe Frage vermutlich.
Ich hatte immer im Kopf, dass der Empfänger eine möglichst gute Sicht auf die Satelliten braucht.

Grund der Frage: Ich hatte heute mal bewusst das Smartphone in der Hosentasche. Die Strecke wurde dennoch sauber aufgezeichnet. Die Genauigkeit müsste ich mal loggen, aber schlechter als 15m wird es nicht gewesen sein.War im Freien mit wenig Bäumen und Gebäuden, aber stark bewölkt.

Edit: Werde das wirklich mal loggen. Smartphone in Tasche vs. im Freien.
Hi Menion, Beta does not do automatic preset switching when routing along a given track. Maybe you can make Locus look into the track properties and decide which preset to use. If not, fallback on the walking preset.
The shading in presets is well done, because it saves the individual shading setting... thx.
Forgot about the checkbox, thx. Yes, blend mode, because currently the overlay makes the text brighter, that thing.
Well I will make some advertising, I reckon millions of Locus users will use that kind of overlays then 😁 I understand it is an unloved child because performance, but a) it's useful for planning, ie does not always need to be turned in and b) smartphones get stronger. Mine handles it easily.
New Beta: would like to test shading as part of preset system, but presets cannot be edited, missing "Edit" menu item.

Are you also working on improving how shading overlay looks like, as talked about in helpdesk?

For those who don't know, map shading is IMO the best possible way to see elevations. See attachment.

The changing of shading gradients, which needs to be done often, because the depend of the area elevation, is too deeply buried in the UI. See
Quote from: tapio on August 27, 2019, 18:38:17
It's here. I've defined to start a preset on walking. It does not switch to the preset. How does Locus know if it has to load the "walking" preset? However, good idea.
EDIT: it works. But will it only recognize Locus routing profiles?
EDIT 2: IT WORKS wirh brouter profiles as well, you seem to detect the type of routing by those buttons with bike etc. symbol, which are used.
What about an exit preset after navigation?
I've set language to german, restarted Locus, still tts speaks czech.
It's here. I've defined to start a preset on walking. It does not switch to the preset. How does Locus know if it has to load the "walking" preset? However, good idea.
EDIT: it works. But will it only recognize Locus routing profiles?
Teaser alarm 😊
Hopefully it's in Play Store soon.
Yes, working on Mate 20 X.
Ugh, I updated the beta :-(