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Messages - Tapio

@Menion, min_zoom_scale expert setting has no effect on zooming with 2 finger pinching... intended? OAM vector map. It always switches ZL at ~70%
The following users thanked this post: Gerhard
Quote from: T-mo on May 07, 2024, 21:40:28Though mentioned and corrected several times, zillion sort of, it seems that the used code or mechanism seems not being robust enough, checking bar states, or does not survive releases.
Works for me, sort of... Don't complain. Your only option is to not use it. Menion removed and wanted to get rid of it and just because we asked, he moved it into the expert settings. He should probably only allow it via the config file.
The following users thanked this post: Menion
Broken OAM icons.
The following users thanked this post: Menion
Menion, one thing to consider. If navigation is already active and we press the "Navigate" button in sidebar, the current ui makes no sense I guess. I think it should start the route editor in "re-route" mode (like when you click re-route on a track). Or stop nav,idk.
The following users thanked this post: slarti76
Quote from: Graf Geo on March 22, 2024, 13:35:262. Navigate to (as it currently works)
3. Plan route to
IMO there's no difference between 2 and 3 which justifies another menu entry. Would be rather confusing.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Quote from: Graf Geo on March 22, 2024, 09:47:53Maybe you're right.
For sure he is right. 3 times clicking "Navigate please" is not fully fleshed out UI. IMO You either choose "Plan route to" and expect all route planning options in the process. If you want to go the short way, with "Navigate to" you can expect it to start a navigation instantly.

I recommend therefore to rename the menu if that is the concept:

1. Navigate to
2. Plan navigation to

In case of 1., start from GPS position and turn GPS on if necessary.

A simple concept and easy to understand. I also never use guidance.
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard, freischneider
Quote from: freischneider on March 20, 2024, 19:02:40The preview larger....yes and no. Then I see less of the other information
But think about it, do you tap a picture to see it? Or to read the address and what else is there... I am convinced primary use case is to see the picture. And its dedicated view is not fun. You cannot directly go to another one.
Yes I'm aware about rotation, pictures aspect ratio etc. It's solvable.
The following users thanked this post: lor74cas
When tapping an image, the primary interest is to view the image. I think if it initially came up with a bigger preview this would already be good enough for previewing. The tiny preview not so much What do you think? I suggest full width stretch (and cut top/bottom to keep initial panel size predictable). IMO this would make picture viewing a much better experience! It's currently a bit lacking and clunky.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider

Ist Android/Media sichtbar? Locus evtl. dies verwenden lassen.
The following users thanked this post: michaelbechtold
Address on each shaping point in route planner: needs to be refreshed on shaping point move.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Quote from: Menion on March 14, 2024, 14:39:30Beta version MapGooglePlay_4.21.1.5 RC_1125_beta published!
Resolving of address for every point in route planner, resolve route direction, both beautiful.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Quote from: Menion on March 11, 2024, 09:25:15@Tapio
Choose location > under this menu is quite a lot of options, so I would rather stick with the united system across the app. Anyway, what is unexpected on the "Navigate to" call?

The search is unexpected. I already know where I want to navigate to and don't need the search. Most of the time when I use "Navigate to" I want to nav from gps pos to screen center.

Wouldn't it be more logical if it came up with the screen as attached?
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard, freischneider
I like the route planner much more now, but that's probably because the new panel with the list can stay hidden now. I must admit I am not seeing its usefulness.

"Navigate to" starts with search, confusing.

Screenshot: Can't you put the "Choose location" options directly into the "..." menu? Opening that sub-window has always been a bit weird. So there the search should be placed.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
GPS-Aufzeichnungen sind systembedingt sprunghaft. Die ermittelten Geschwindigkeit sind Ergebnis individueller Algorithmen mit Durchschnitten und Glättungen.

Nähme man die reinen Positionen und Zeiten zwischen ihnen für bare Münze, sähe man recht häufig extreme Werte.

Dann ist zu bedenken, dass Apps schon mal Geschwindigkeiten ins gpx schreiben (deren eigene Abschätzung). Weiß ich nicht genau, ob Locus beim Import selber neu berechnet, ich schätze ja.

Mach' Dir nichts aus ein paar km/h oder Nachkommastellen. Sind irrelevant.
The following users thanked this post: olliz
I'm wondering about the usability of a). A lot of space. Tapping an entry opens search - useful?

b) Longtap a point could toggle it to via/shaping points.

c) Showing segment details on top of the list screen makes it a bit confusing. (cannot add a second screenshot, may bw because of my browser)
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard