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Messages - Wojtas82

I'm struggling with different widths of bicyle routes.
Here's a part of a code from Elevelo Cycling L. It works fine with andromaps but doesn't work on Original Locus maps and Popej maps.... Nothing shows up....
Can someone explain why and what should I change?  :) Thanks in advance

<rule e="way" k="tunnel" v="~|no|false" zoom-min="14">
<rule e="way" k="highway" v="tertiary|secondary|primary|tertiary_link|secondary_link|primary_link|construction|road|pedestrian|unclassified|residential|living_street|ford" >
<rule e="way" k="network" v="icn|ncn">
<line stroke="#80FF0000" stroke-width="3.96" stroke-linecap="round" />
<rule e="way" k="network" v="rcn|lcn">
<line stroke="#900000FF" stroke-width="3.96" stroke-linecap="round" />
<rule e="way" k="network" v="ucn|hcw">
<line stroke="#A061E6F2" stroke-width="3.96" stroke-linecap="round" />
<rule e="way" k="network" v="mtb">
<line stroke="#A0FF8000" stroke-width="3.96" stroke-linecap="round" />
<rule e="way" k="highway" v="track|byway|bridleway|cycleway|service">
<rule e="way" k="network" v="icn|ncn">
<line stroke="#80FF0000" stroke-width="3.36" stroke-linecap="round" />
<rule e="way" k="network" v="rcn|lcn">
<line stroke="#900000FF" stroke-width="3.36" stroke-linecap="round" />
<rule e="way" k="network" v="ucn|hcw">
<line stroke="#A061E6F2" stroke-width="3.36" stroke-linecap="round" />
<rule e="way" k="network" v="mtb">
<line stroke="#A0FF8000" stroke-width="3.36" stroke-linecap="round" />
<rule e="way" k="highway" v="footway|path|steps">
<rule e="way" k="network" v="icn|ncn">
<line stroke="#80FF0000" stroke-width="2.88" stroke-linecap="round" />
<line stroke="#A0FFFFFF" stroke-width="1.44" stroke-linecap="round" />
<rule e="way" k="network" v="rcn|lcn">
<line stroke="#900000FF" stroke-width="2.88" stroke-linecap="round" />
<line stroke="#A0F0FFF0" stroke-width="1.44" stroke-linecap="round" />
<rule e="way" k="network" v="ucn|hcw">
<line stroke="#A061E6F2" stroke-width="2.88" stroke-linecap="round" />
<line stroke="#A0F0FFF0" stroke-width="1.44" stroke-linecap="round" />
<rule e="way" k="network" v="mtb">
<line stroke="#A0FF8000" stroke-width="2.88" stroke-linecap="round" />
<line stroke="#A0F0FFF0" stroke-width="1.44" stroke-linecap="round" />
Well in this case I think I will stay with the lines.Thanks jusc.
Ok So I managed to make some "parallel" dots (testing) but I get empty spaces beetween like on the attached pic:

Here are my rules:

   <rule e="way" k="network" v="lcn">
      <lineSymbol src="file:/rower/blue_dot.png" repeat="true" repeat-gap="0dp" force-draw="1" scale="0.5" scale-icon-size="16,1.2" />     
   <rule e="way" k="network" v="rcn">
      <lineSymbol src="file:/rower/red_dot.png" repeat="true" repeat-gap="0dp" force-draw="1" scale="0.5" scale-icon-size="16,1.2" />     
   <rule e="way" k="network" v="ncn">
      <lineSymbol src="file:/rower/yellow_dot.png" repeat="true" repeat-gap="0dp" force-draw="1" scale="0.5" scale-icon-size="16,1.2" />     

Force draw doesn't seem to work.Any chance to make it force?
Quote from: john_percy on July 17, 2014, 10:23:44
I can't access your link (banned site!) but if I understand what you are after, I suggest you try using lineSymbol to add repeating flags along the side of the way, such as are used in some themes for cliff edges. Locus can use scalable svg as well as png, but if you are using Orux you have to use png.
You should be able to arrange a different offset for different colours so they don't overlap, either by including a blank space in the image (png only, I think) or by use of "dx".
<lineSymbol src="file:/symbols/redpath.svg" dx="0" repeat="true"  repeat-gap="10dp"  scale="0.4" scale-icon-size="14,1.2" />

This doesn't work.According to

atributte dx and dy is not supported for linesymbol.
So I guess there is no solution at the moment.

UMP map, as Popej said, is 100% safe, I don't know why it is banned in your antivirus.
Thanks John,I already knew that.I'm still trying to get as best readability of colour coded bike routes in Poland as possible and a method with moving a route a little bit away from road would be a best solution. I'm talking about situation when 3 or more bike routes meet each other. I know a method with "multi" but I would like to try an innovative solution. Here's a small example of what I want to achieve :
I know transparency is some kind of solution but this looks way better especially when cycling and you don't have enough time to check if you stick to the correct route.Also planning a trip over a certain route would be much easier.
Quick question :) Is it possible to render routes parallel to roads so they are not visible directly on top of road/path etc but next to it? I tried using dy and dx command for lines but it didn't work. Maybe there is a different method? Thanks in advance.
Quote from: menion on June 25, 2014, 14:56:55

this is correct. Locus do not react with auto-zoom on speed values immediately, but with a small delay. It's caused by function, that compute average value of speed during last few seconds. This is required to keep zoom value stable, when you move along some spped "border".
I understand, but could you make it editable value in Locus? It's very annoying ... :)

Could you please add an option "Zoom at manuver" ?
Actually it's not. I can see the speed displayed 0 kmh and the zoom is still in 15-30 kmh range. After few seconds I can see zoom change.
Yes, I use this option. The problem is when I drive, let's say, 20 km/h and stop to 0 km/h I have to wait at least 5 second before zoom changes. It should happen immediately or should be adjustable.
Also, the stepping should be adjustable, for example, right now it's good for a car, but for bike I would like to use 5 km/h or 10km/h stepping. How do you think?
Other features / Smart zoom - Instant change
June 24, 2014, 10:08:11
Could you please change smart zoom settings so it works instantly when changing speed? Or maybe add a slider with delay. Thanks
Thanks again John. I'm finally starting to understand how this code works, thanks! I might have less and less stupid questions :)
Quote from: john_percy on June 18, 2014, 16:09:00
Quote from: Wojtas82 on June 18, 2014, 12:59:55
I would like to see REF at, lets say, 13-15 and names over paths at 15-21.
Try this (which has ref along the path at 13-18 and name along the path and ref as a boxed caption at zoom 19 and bigger):
<rule e="way" k="network" v="icn|ncn|rcn|lcn">
     <rule e="any" k="*" v="*" zoom-min="13" zoom-max="18">
          <pathText k="ref" font-style="bold" font-size="13" scale-font-size="11,1.1" fill="#606060" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-dy="-20" width="2" />
     <rule e="any" k="*" v="*" zoom-min="19">
          <pathText k="name" font-style="bold" font-size="13" scale-font-size="11,1.1" fill="#606060" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-dy="-20" width="2" />
         <caption k="ref" font-style="bold" font-size="13" fill="#FFFFFF" scale-font-size="11,1.1" bg-rect-fill="#0026ff" bg-rect-stroke="#FFFFFF" bg-rect-over="3" bg-rect-stroke-width="2" bg-rect-rounded="4" />

Thanks a lot John, that helped me a lot! I have modified the rule you posted and implemented it into new themes (I'm working on Hiking and Cycling Themes form Poland). Still working on it, I will post them as soon as I solve all coresponding problems.

Right now I'm struggling with possibility of displaying paths containing tag :
bicycle=designated (and similar)

Is that possible? :)
Thanks a lot in advance! :)
Quote from: jusc on June 18, 2014, 13:50:13
yes, try <pathText k="......  " dy="40" ....... reduce 40 to your value,  if neccessary
Thanks a lot, that's working fine with pathText. I set it up dy=-20"
Thanks John,
This works ok but only at high zoom (on my map names become visible at level19). I would like to see REF at, lets say, 13-15 and names over paths at 15-21.
My other question is:
Is it possible to move pathtext away from path? Let's say few pixels up from path. Right now the name's, even that they are visible, they display right above paths....