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Topics - acorrias

I've been editing over 250 points in the data section by hand, but next I realized the need of the elevation and to ge data from the web (this was the list of 350 town in my country).

So I prepared an excel file with over 350 points in order to import this list as point. I exported my 250 pointes in order to prepare a file with the same syntax but i realized that it is possibile to export in CSV but it not possibile to importo in that format.

So I converted CSV file in GPX format but without a realresult (all coordinates where 0.00).

Could you explain how to edit an external file in order to import it as list point (I need non only lat and long but elevation too). But I have a question about this need: I wish to visualize points with AR plugin. Does it support elevation?

thank in advance