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Messages - Tobias

Other features / Re: Mapsforge 0.5
February 20, 2015, 21:14:17
Thanks for your response, I'm glad you're still into it.

Quote from: menion on February 20, 2015, 18:24:17
Best should be, if you should make just one theme for all apps right? Them may you write first (maybe first two) major things I should examine in new XML file and which you really desperately needs? Thanks

You're right, there is one major obstacle which makes it nearly impossible to convert 0.5 themes to Locus: stylemenus and categories with overlays, as described here:

It opens up a lot of possibilities, so I made intensive usage of it in my new previews. But it needs a user interface with mapstyle and layer selection.
Other new tags may possibly be converted by a script as a workaround for the time being.

Quote from: jusc on February 20, 2015, 20:09:03
And what does it mean for all other themes?

Other apps which support Rendertheme V4 still support older themes (except Locus extensions of course), so backward compatibility is no problem.

Best regards,
Other features / Re: Mapsforge 0.5
February 15, 2015, 23:04:01
Quote from: menion on December 05, 2014, 17:19:47
About themes - I think, it should be a lot easier, to give me a list of tags that do not work in new Locus and are included in v 0.5, and I'll try to add support also for them to Locus.

Hi Menion,
do you still intend to add support for mapsforge 0.5 themes?
At the moment I'm working on a new version based on mapsforge 0.5 possibilities of the Elevate theme for OpenAndroMaps, which of course doesn't work with Locus for now. Maybe it's good for testing:
Best regards,
hast Du es auch mit den Themen von Openandromaps probiert? Also andromaps_hc etc. oder Elevate etc.?
Viele Grüße,
Quote from: menion on December 13, 2014, 10:10:36
rescaled icons of vector maps should be solved in 3.5.1 version, ok?

Yes, thanks for the quick fix!
Quote from: menion on December 12, 2014, 21:28:21
@Tobias: understand. Quite complicated solution I think, but why not.

It used to be the only compatible solution for all mapsforge 0.3 apps, and with pearl scripts for xml resize and batch svg converts to png it's pretty quick to maintain.

Quote from: menion on December 12, 2014, 21:28:21
We did some improvements in efficient handling of points and I tried to move closer to latest mapsForge lib. And there I saw this change - using DPI to rescale icons. But I probably saw incorrectly. Sorry

As with mapsforge scaling - it's different, tile sizes are scaled according to dpi, eg. 512px for xhdpi instead of 256px. And as far as I know, only SVG icons are scaled, not PNG.
OruxMaps has an option for PNG icons to be scaled, so it's up to the user to increase or decrease them, which works better.

Best regards,
Hi Menion,
The latter - I have three sizes to download here:

Not only the symbols are different, but also stroke width/dasharray, font size, dy and circle radius.

A user already asked in the openandromaps forum about the big symbols with the new Locus version.

I use PNGs because of glow effect and transparencies.

Best regards,
Hello Menion,
with 3.5 PNG Icons of mapsforge themes are scaled, probably according to device dpi. As I use already scaled PNG icons for hdpi, xhdpi and xxhdpi devices in my themes, those are huge and ugly now. Is there any switch to disable scaling?
Best regards,
Other features / Re: Mapsforge 0.5
December 05, 2014, 22:50:42
Quote from: menion on December 05, 2014, 17:19:47
Modified code is available for everybody who wants. Anyway whole code is highly modified for Locus purpose. Because of this, I'll never be able to use official distribution.
OK, my thought was if your improvements would be added, it would be usable for you too and easier to update.

Mapsforge is pretty active these days and there are already plans for 0.6:!topic/mapsforge-dev/qgVmqSXiwKM
Performance is very high on the list, so maybe you could share there what you did for speed up.

QuoteOnly in case, new version will bring more advanced features, I'll have to spend a few days and add improvements from Locus to new modified version.

Here's the changelog:
The biggest changes in 0.4 for end users would be:
- Support for device screen scaling (maps tiles have different sizes according to device dpi)
- Support for SVG files as map icons (what Locus already had)

QuoteAbout themes - I think, it should be a lot easier, to give me a list of tags that do not work in new Locus and are included in v 0.5, and I'll try to add support also for them to Locus.

That's one major change of 0.5, and it would be great if it would be compatible. Creating different theme versions could be a major headache, it's already a minor ;-)

Everthing below Rendertheme Version 4 is new:
priority and display (force-draw?) are already in Locus, but I'm not sure if it has the same values and function.
There are smaller underlying changes too, e.g. dy works now for symbols/captions on ways too.

Best regards,
Quote from: jusc on December 05, 2014, 11:22:37
At the moment I don´t know how I can test it.
The OpenAndroMaps are rendered with Mapsforge version 3 as I know. And it´s strange, that only two zoom levels are not working with  very few tiles.

The newest maps are using a new snapshot, which improves map writing speed and solves problems with huge polygons. See here:
Best regards,
Other features / Re: Mapsforge 0.5
December 05, 2014, 15:10:24
It would be great for compatibility reasons. With 0.4 not that much has changed for render themes, but that will be the case for 0.5 which is RC now. It won't be possible to provide all features for Locus then with my Openandromaps themes.

And there are already problems with Locus and maps with mapwriter 0.5, which has major improvements and is used on Openandromaps now.

If mapsforge 0.5 is still slower, it would be nice if your enhancements would be added to the official version, it's LGPL after all.

Best regards,

Themes - Vector maps / Re: Theme developing question
November 05, 2014, 10:36:14
SimplyHike is made for mapsforge 0.3 which is compatible to Locus as it's the same basis. So converting it is easy - just delete all but one xml-file (the one you want to use) from the theme folder, as Locus only allows one xml per folder. If you want to use several xml files, copy the whole theme folder and rename it, and delete again all but one xml file.
Tiramisu 2.0 Beta is made for Oruxmaps Beta which uses mapsforge 0.4, and maybe Maki has used some stuff which Locus doesn't support. At least the tile resolution is 4 times as much, so it would look different. So you can try the same as for SimplyHike written above, and see how it works.
Quote from: Wojtas82 on October 10, 2014, 22:14:27
Anyone developing andromaps is here?
It's OK for me as long as you stick to the license, it's contained in all xml files as well as here: (all other current openandromaps themes have this license as well as they are based now on Elevate)