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Messages - bm.ffb

To all users of Locus and Openandromaps,

I have just published some major updates for my themes "outdoor" and "desert" and added the new theme "navigation". You can find some description (in German) and the downloads also on:
Please use always my website to download the NEWEST version of the theme!

Here a brief summary of changes:
- the 3 themes use a common backbone, meaning in general they use the same styling and symbols
- they differ in zoom levels, detail levels and amount of selectable features
- they can be used in parallel on the same device
- all symbols (nearly) are now switched to svg (scalable vector graphics)
- the most predominant symbols can be switched to be only small circles to not overpopulate and confuse the map
- the "navigation" theme is thought to be used for car navigation and shows road bigger but leaves off some other elements (i. e. elevelation lines)

Feel free to use them and send me feedback.
I am constantly trying to improve these themes.


Here are some screenshots and the themes for download.

Theme icons which show up in Locus:

The "outdoor" theme:

The "desert" theme:

The "navigation" theme:

Dear friends of the openandromaps and the "outdoor" theme,

about a year ago I have published my "outdoor" theme. Since then I have made many changes to the theme and developed a version specifically useful for lower polulated areas. I have called it "desert" because most ideas came to me on a trip in Namibia. All features and designs are equal in both themes, most differences are only in the zoom-level appearance and font-sizes.

Again the themes concentrate on details needed special for a variety of outdoor activities (water sources, drinking water taps, supermarkets, bakeries, hostels, campgrounds, as well as alpine huts and via ferrata). The themes also show ski slopes and sledding areas.
They are also enhanced for the usage during a city trip using public transport. I. e. they will show subway lines (blue) and tram lines (green), each with all stations.


UPDATE: The outdoor theme is now called outdoorX!
=> Both themes are now exclusively found at:

NEW Version see

Dear friends of the openandromaps,

I use openandromaps since some time now and I am very enthusiastic about these maps. Therefore, I have developed a new theme, called "outdoor". The theme concentrates on details needed special for a variety of outdoor activities. I. e. it highlights water sources and drinking water taps, supermarkets and bakeries, hostels and campgrounds, as well as alpine huts. It will also show ski slopes and sledding areas (can be easily turned off by commenting the respective section in the .xml file). Likewise, bicycle routes can be shown by removing the comments.
The theme was also enhanced for the usage during a city trip using public transport. It will show subway lines (blue dotted) and tram lines (green dotted), each with all stations.

The theme was not developed from scratch. It is a compilation and enhancement of various existing themes.

Enclosed are three screenshots (taken on a Nexus 7) to show as examples the look in a mountain area, a "normal" landscape and a city area.


== in GERMAN ===========================================================================

An die openandromaps Fan-Gemeinde,

ich nutze die openandromaps Karten seit einiger Zeit und bin begeistert. Deshalb habe ich ein neues/verändertes Theme für diese Karten entwickelt.
Es trägt den Name "outdoor". Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Hervorhebung von Details, die bei diversen Outdoor Unternehmungen wichtig sind (z. B. gute Darstellung von Quellen und Trinkwasserstellen, von Supermärkten und Bäckereien, von Hostels und Campingplätzen, von Berghütten und Unterständen). Das Theme enthält auch Pisten und Schlittenbahnen (beides kann leicht durch Auskommentieren in der .xml Datei weggenommen werden). So sind auch zur Zeit die Radrouten auskommentiert (aber im Theme vorhanden).
Auch für Städtereisen (mit der Nutzung von öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln) habe ich das Theme angepasst. Es zeigt U-Bahnen (blau gepunktet) und Tram-Linien (grün gepunktet) mit ihren Haltestellen (natürlich auch die Bushaltestellen).

Das Theme ist keine komplette Neuentwicklung, sondern entstand durch eine Zusammenstellung und Veränderung/Erweiterung von schon existierenden Themes.

Anbei gibt es zudem drei Screenshots (von einem Nexus 7), die beispielhaft die Darstellung von Bereichen aus den Bergen, "normaler" Landschaft und Städten zeigen.

Viel Spass damit.


