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Messages - karlchick

Maps / Re: LoMap England map missing NCN route 45
October 31, 2023, 20:48:06
Thank you for the updated map, looking much better now.
Maps / Re: Remove layer tag from LoMaps?
October 30, 2023, 14:18:31
I don't think I made my point clear enough.

I'm not suggesting removal of the layer tag for ways that are supposed to use it,  eg Bridges. Only for ways that are not supposed to use it... like cycleways for instance. This is defined is the osm guidelines and also copied out in post #1.

When a way has a layer tag applied, the way is drawn under or above other ways (by the mapsforge rendering engine?) with no possibility for the theme to alter this.

In my example I was using routes with cycleway but this is not relevant to the layer tag here... further along the same cycleway is another embankment on the cycleway for which it has no layer tag,  this is drawn as expected,  see attached.

Hence my suggestion layer tag is filtered out for ways that should not use it, as per osm guidelines in first post.
Maps / Remove layer tag from LoMaps?
October 29, 2023, 13:31:05
I found that LoMaps include layer=1 but OAM exclude it. I have to say that I have not found layer tags useful, they tend of mess up the rendering and usually seem to correspond to lazy mapping to quick fix lots of errors in osm.

Attached is an example if a cycleway with layer=1, showing lomap and oam maps rendering a highlight of the cycle routes underneath the highways. In this case the embankment is drawn above the highlight for lomap. The theme draws the. In the correct order to avoid this (embankment, highlight, cycleway)... but (I suspect) the layer tag overrides the theme in this case.

I'm not sure what tag transforms OAM is doing here, their documentation only mentions filtering out the layer=-1 for waterways with tunnel set...

Perhaps filter out layer tag on ways that it should not be used on, as per:

Some points from osm documentation that support this:

With some exceptions, layer=* on way ways should be used only in combination with one of tunnel=*, bridge=*, highway=steps, highway=elevator, covered=* or indoor=yes. For area areas, it could be used in combination with tags such as man_made=bridge, special types of building=* and similar.

Roads, railways, waterways etc. should not be tagged with a layer just because they are raised up on an embankment or are in a cutting - use embankment=* and cutting=*, respective waterway=ditch for this purpose.
Maps / Re: LoMap England map missing NCN route 45
October 26, 2023, 00:57:57
Update, I am finding other cycle routes missing too,

e.g. NCN 5:

And NCN 6:

And NCN 51:

and NCN 13:

and NCN 71:

Interesting that it seems to be NCN routes... note these routes are all fully available in previous versions of the LoMap map and current OAM map.
Maps / Re: LoMap England map missing NCN route 45
October 25, 2023, 13:43:55
Anyone know how frequently the LoMap maps are regenerated? I know the OAM maps are monthly.
Maps / LoMap England map missing NCN route 45
October 24, 2023, 22:17:37
I just downloaded the latest England Lomap (4 Sept 2023) and noticed that bicycle route NCN 45 has gone missing.

I see that the route was recently edited in OSM and definitely exists, perhaps someone deleted it just prior to the LoMap generation?

I can't view the history in OSM, says it's too large to load...

Can we get this fixed/regenerated?

Best regards
Quote from: Menion on October 11, 2023, 09:30:09Hmm, I may look at the correct path later. Anyway I'm glad it works for you now ;)
I think the behaviour is correct. I have now set up the lnk files to have no path just "legend.pdf" and make sure I zip up the theme without a sub-directory. This then works for both zipped and unzipped usages of the theme.
Quote from: Andrew Heard on June 26, 2023, 09:22:07Desert & OS Map themes are the best at showing a difference. I have even modified Desert to make it even more evident, even at lower zoom levels.

Andrew, did you also modify the OS map theme, the colour of the unsealed Road in your screenshot looks strange to me. Attached is a UK example of an classified road that transitions to unsealed, the casings become dashed, but the core remains the same colour...
Quote from: Menion on October 09, 2023, 08:57:59... or b) a relative path within the theme directory. So only the "legend.pdf" and not the "mapsVector/_themes/legend.pdf".

Thanks Menion, I tried just legend.pdf and it gave the attached error. I then tried "theme zip dir/legend.pdf",, I.e. "OS Map/OS Map Day Legend.pdf" and that worked.

In my zip of the theme all the files are in a subdirectory "OS Map/", should I be zipping the theme as the root of the zip file perhaps?

Anyhow, I can now get legends working, thanks for help and compliments.

Just need to get the legend completed for night theme and it'll be ready for release.
Off the top of my head here are some of the key differences, I'll list things that are unique to oam/lomap v4 when using my new OS Map theme (not yet released):

OS crag data (GB map only)
10m contours (LoMap is 20m)
Peak Dist
to prioritise biggest peaks appear first.
natural=mud (mapped to wetland)
Embankments on highways (roads, paths etc)
Cuttings on highways (roads, paths etc)
Covered reservoirs
Underground parking
Preserved railways
Disused railways
Water wells
Location=Overground for pipelines

LoMap v4
Public Rights Of Way (UK, Designation tag)
Separated ways for hike/bike routes
Full hike/bike route names
location=Underground for pipelines
Historic battlefield
Additional bridge categories

If only we could gave a map that combined a these items, it would be the best map ever, for me.

Items in bold are essential items for me and the OS map theme. I really really miss not having PROW (designation) on OAM and I really really would like to see OS crags and 10m contours on LoMaps.

It is possible to overlay both maps together to almost get the perfect map, but this is a bit slow and duplicates contours and some of the names in different positions.
Quote from: Menion on October 05, 2023, 10:40:12There are quite a lot of possibilities regards how the link to a map legend may be defined.

Could you please share with me a theme with PDF legends that does not work for you as expected? Thanks!

Thanks Memion, I've uploaded a draft of the latest v4 OS Map theme to here:

OS Map v4

There are 4 theme files, day/night themes for v3/v4 maps. There are lnk files for these that point to common/shared day/night legend pdf files.

I've got the maps and themes located on external sd card: /storage/6366-3530/Android/media/

Which seems to work smoothly for me... except loading the legend gives the attached error. This used to work when I last checked (probably last year). Error is occurring in both LM4 and Classic versions.

Thanks for helping.

Note:This isn't the final release of the theme (still working on the legend files).
My OS Map theme is close to release, just got to complete the legend files.

I found an issue with using .lnk files, it won't load .pdf files unless they have the same name as the theme.xml, I get a toaster message "Invalid value: <content of .lnk file>".

Any ideas? I'm using the .lnk file to point each theme to the common pdf legend.

@voldapet, I'm happy for the theme to be loaded up to the Locus store (when ready)... is there anything special I should worry about in the theme/zip to enable this?
Wishlist / Re: Map legend shortcut vor vector maps
October 03, 2023, 15:23:42
Quote from: karlchick on June 02, 2020, 14:27:21I've worked out that I can use a .lnk file to map multiple theme files to the same pdf legend file:
  • my_theme_v3.xml
  • my_theme_v4.xml
  • my_theme_legend.pdf
  • my_theme_v3.lnk = "mapsVector/_themes/my_theme/my_theme_legend.pdf"
  • my_theme_v4.lnk = "mapsVector/_themes/my_theme/my_theme_legend.pdf"
The above would allow to have a version of the theme for v3 maps and a version for v4 maps. But both use the same pdf legend file. (Which menion originally said was not possible...)

I've tested this and it works with the latest release of LM.

Question: Can I rely on this usage of a .lnk file (is this an intended usage)?

I'd like to know that this will remain in future releases of LM before I start to do anything time consuming with theme/legend files.

I've just tried accessing the theme legends for various themes, and it seems the only ones that work are:
  - PDF legend in the same directory as the theme.xml with the same name, e.g. Elevate.pdf
  - Webpage listed in theme.lnk.

what doesn't work are any PDF legends pointed to by the theme.lnk with a different name. I've tried the above "mapsVector/_themes/my_theme/my_theme_legend.pdf" and also no path i.e. "my_theme_legend.pdf", both result in a toaster message flashing up saying "Invalid value: <content of .lnk file>".

has something changed? Can I no longer map several themes to the same/single PDF legend?
Hi luxacalor,

I guess you mean the the screenshots of my latest draft of the lomap/oam v4 map theme.

It is pretty close to release now, just working on the pdf legends and final few fixes to the theme.

I was going to update the v3 theme to match, but with the v4 lomaps out now and the difficulty of doing this with less tags available and lack of time on my part, I think I'll leave the v3 map theme stay unchanged.

There is one thing I can't get to work on my phone, using zipped themes. Should work as I have latest Locusmap and android 11...

Watch this space for the new release.
Other features / Re: LoMaps + MapsForge V4
August 13, 2023, 21:53:04
Another issue found with v4 lomaps, natural=mud is listed in the tag mapping, but not appearing in the map, see attached.

Also, note that leisure=nature_reserve is not displayed either when the area is also tagged with boundary=protected_area.