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Topics - zossebart

Tasker / Tasker task trigger in menubar
September 04, 2024, 08:49:10
I created multiple bike-related dashboards some time ago for use as a bike computer:
- map/navigation view with small elevation chart and some essential track recording values (default dashboard)
- a "fullscreen" navigation panel with bigger elevation chart and lots of navigation-related values in a grid
- a "fullscreen" recording panel with big chart and recording values in a grid
- a combined nav/rec "fullscreen" panel with nav/rec values in a grid

I also created a Tasker task to cycle through those panels. Normally, I trigger this task through a bluetooth remote at my handlebar, which works really nice.

On my old phone, I also exported this Tasker task to an app (with Tasker app factory) and placed a shortcut to this app in the locus menu sidebar. This allowed me to cycle through the dashboards in case the BT-remote was out of battery or I forgot to mount it.

However, now I'm on Android 14 and the app is no longer available for Locus to place in the menu sidebar.

Does someone know any other option for triggering a tasker task from locus with as few as possible screen taps?

According to this blogpost on (, OAM plans to stop producing v3 vector maps as of mid 2019.

Fortunately, Locus is able to deal with v4 maps (provided as "ML" - maps from OAM) using the standard mapsforge v4 library (without the Locus-specific enhancements like automatic map loading). Btw.: what other enhancements does the Locus v3 implementation offer compared to the default v4 implementation? I remember something like rendering speed optimizations...what else?

The other thing is themes...currently I use some really nice Locus-specific themes I don't want to miss. I'd like to start a list of OAM-compatible themes and the availability of v4-versions. I try to update the list when I or others find out more details...

themev4 version
HiLoin development, called 'active RT'
outdoorX (outdoor/desert/navigation)outdoorV4 and desertV4 available, will be further developed
Maybe I'm too dump, but where can I change the number of top panel buttons in 3.25.5? The manual is not very specific about where to find the setting or at least I can't find it (I thought Menu > Settings > Maps > Panels & Buttons > LAYOUT > Set function Panels?).

I'm pretty sure I changed this setting in the past but now can't find where any more.

Thanks in advance,
Hey developers of OAM-compatible themes,

I would like to inform you about changes in OAM-maps as of August 2017:

Of course you are already aware of them, arent't you?
I notice a red warning popup (toast message) from Locus Pro saying (translated from german) "problem with folder for 'data/srtm'" for some time (months) now. The popup appears some seconds after Locus start, as well as after display off/on. It is also displayed over other apps/android homescreen when Locus is in the background (locus as a service is enabled).

However, Locus seems to use srtm data without problems (track charts, hillshading, height display at cursor position all work).

I configured the location of srtm data in Locus to be at "/sdcard1/Android/data/" (external SD). There are srtm data files in this folder (I think all were downloaded from within Locus along with LoMaps or via "fill altitude value" of some tracks).

So what could the "problem" be that Locus sees with this folder? How can the warning message be prevented?

is there a way to restrict the public intents to Locus Pro (excluding Locus Free/Testing)?

I use the public intent "locus.api.andoid.ACTION_TRACK_RECORD_START" to start track recording from tasker when my phone is attached to the bike handlebar (triggered by NFC).
Unfortunately, the intend starts track recording in Locus Pro, as well as in Locus Free at the same time (I keep Locus Free installed in order to get the testing versions).
Is there a way to only trigger Locus Pro with the intent?
I am aware that Locus is able to directly start track recording by NFC, but I have some other tasks attached to the event (mounting of the phone on the handlebar) (e.g. enable silent mode of the phone), for which I need tasker.
