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Messages - uatschitchun

Ich bringe meine Frage hier nochmal nach vorne, falls jemand ne Idee dazu hat!?

Quote from: uatschitchun on December 12, 2017, 08:05:34
Was mich allerdings wundert, die Karten enthalten letztlich ja nur die Wege, Pfade bzw Slopes, allerdings ist die Karte beim Herunterladen im Verhältnis doch arg groß?! Soviel Platz kann weiß nicht brauchen :-)
Hi there.

Did a short test. Installed apk from first post and routing data fitting to my used map (germany north). A test navigation did succeed.

So my question is, what's the advantage to BRouter? Is it planned to provide updated locus maps from store with routing data included, so no extra router and routing files are needed?
What I do not understand is, there are routing enabled maps already available, so why do we need these routing files?
Maybe these are noob questions, but a little more background info in first post would be enlightening :-)
Nice to hear :-)


  • Messages: It's possible to provide a variable 'message' within locus and send free text with your position and moving data
  • Added Google hybrid map
Tools / Self hosted live tracking (Latrine-Live)
December 12, 2017, 09:14:49
Hi there!

I combined the original Latrine script by cyclenerd: Latrine  and a version posted here: by user yunorasp
into a new version:

No database needed, easy installation (only a html file & a php script), so ideal for self hosted solutions.

Try if you like :-)


  • Tracking: Server receives data from Android device with Locus Pro installed and live tracking enabled.
  • Live following: Data sent by Locus Pro is shown live on map together with moving data.
  • Track History: The track gets recorded and displayed.
  • Multiple map layers: Currently you can choose between OpenStreetMap, OpenCylceMap, OpenTopoMap, Hike & Bike (with Hillshading) and ESRI
  • Multiple map overlays: Currently you can choose between Hillshading, Contourlines, Waymarked Hike & Cycling
  • Multi-user: Authentication with key
  • Dialog for key: If link is given without a direct key, a prompt shows up for to enter the key
  • Disable Auto-Pan: Panning the map is active, as long as the popup is shown. When closing the popup, the user is able to en-/disable panning by checkbox
  • Delete files: It's possible to delete files on server by purpose
  • Housekeeping: If not stored on /tmp device, the created files 'key'.latlaon & 'key'.geojson are kept as long as housekeeping time is set in php file

Hope, someone likes it :-)

Besten Dank, so funktioniert es :-)

Was mich allerdings wundert, die Karten enthalten letztlich ja nur die Wege, Pfade bzw Slopes, allerdings ist die Karte beim Herunterladen im Verhältnis doch arg groß?! Soviel Platz kann weiß nicht brauchen :-)
Troubles & Questions / Re: Latrine Tracking Script
December 11, 2017, 22:23:13
I combined the original Latrine and a version posted here:
to a new version:

Try if you like :-)


Tracking: Server receives data from Android device with Locus Pro installed and live tracking enabled.
Live following: Data sent by Locus Pro is shown live on map together with moving data.
Track History: The track gets recorded an displayed.
Multiple map layers: Currently you can choose between OpenStreetMap, OpenCylceMap, OpenTopoMap, Hike & Bike (with Hillshading) and ESRI
Multiple map overlays: Currently you can choose between Hillshading, Contourlines, Waymarked Hike & Cycling
Multi-user: Authentication with key
Dialog for key: If URL is given without a direct key, a prompt shows up for to enter the key
Disable Auto-Pan: Panning the map is active, as long as the popup is shown. When closing the popup, the user is able to en-/disable panning by checkbox
Delete files: It's possible to delete files on server by URL
Housekeeping: If not stored on /tmp device, the created files 'key'.latlaon & 'key'.geojson are kept as long as housekeeping time is set in latrine.php
Super, danke für die Anleitung und den Split.

Finde in den Online Karten leider auch keine Waymarked?! Habe das Addon offline maps bereits installiert...
Kann Locus auch die 20m und 50m Modelle als geotiff?

Die 1" srtm tun schonmal super! Danke für den Tipp! :-)
Troubles & Questions / Re: Latrine Tracking Script
December 08, 2017, 12:52:32
Have it working

Will publish an updated version soon
Wasn't meant to hurry, but wasn't aware of the awareness :-)
Quote from: menion on October 25, 2017, 16:13:19
Good day Roman,
data visible in chart are partially filtered and optimized, so result may not perfectly match really measured values ( visible in "labs" tab ). We are aware that not on all places in app are used exactly same values, this needs to be improved.
Should I open a ticket on that?
Ich hab die Frage mal in einen eigenen Beitrag gesplittet, damit es übersichtlicher bleibt

Kann man die waymarkedtrails als overlay in locus hinzufügen?
Hi there.

I've got a problem regarding speed when recording a track.
The speed index in diagram is about 2 km/h lower than it should be!? Average speed is about 8 km/h and diagram only shows 4-6 km/h?

Together with that, I've got the feeling that the accuracy of my recordings were getting worse with the latest updates!? (honor 8)
