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Messages - inlinewout

Wishlist / Black background
March 10, 2011, 10:05:52
I have some cartridges for groups to play with that last about 2 - 3 hours.
Using HTC Desire's with an extended battery this was possible, until... the option to chosse a black background dissapeared with the last whereyougo update.
A white background eats the battery-life much faster than the black one.

Do you intend to bring back the option to change the background colors in whereyougo?
It would make me a (and probably many others) happy as batteries really last much longer with that option!
Wishlist / Re: Icons for tasks and zones
March 10, 2011, 10:01:44
I can send you a cartridge (not publicly published) if that does is for you.

Best regards!
Wishlist / Icons for tasks and zones
February 02, 2011, 12:17:19
Currently whereyougo does show icons for objects. For Zones and tasks whereyou is only showing a questionmark even if the cartridge does contain icons. Is it possible to have icons implemented for zones and tasks also? Or would this be an openwig issue?
Wishlist / Set location as target in map
January 23, 2011, 17:25:19
Ifthere is more than one zone active and viewable, you can easily locate them on the integrated map of whereyougo. This is truely a great and logical option which the Garmins lack.

Touching a zone on the map now shows it's Latitude and Longtitude  which dissapear if you hit the OK button. It would be even greater if an option was added here to set the location as the next target directly from the map screen.

This makes it easy for users to locate the nearest active zone on the map and then visit it.

I hope this is possible!
Wishlist / Re: Customised whereyougo
January 23, 2011, 17:17:08
Thanks for the reply!

I contacted Matjcik last week, but no answer so far... Let's wait and see.
Wishlist / Customised whereyougo
January 17, 2011, 18:13:21
Hello Menion,

Would it be possible to have a customised version of wheryougo?
What I am thinking of is:
- whitelabel (our own logo instead of whereyougo)
- connectivity to a mysql database to write the score of a team each time the variable for the score in a cardridge is changed.
- an option to read the scores from the same database from multiple players.

We play wherigo with more than one team at the same time and would like to add some competition.
Of course this would be a paid job. Please contact me directly for details if you think this is feasable.