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Leistungsproblem? Siehe mal demo mit Kurviger-App.
Verwendet die gleiche Karte wie diese im Vector Ordner Locus.
Der Kurviger-Entwickler:
The following users thanked this post: Tapio
Too many commands  ?

1. Locus app Menu > Settings > Navigation > Advanced settings > Frequency of commands: SET None.

2. Planning. Use a simple track(record) as a helper design template.
   Than replan with a decent routermachine.
    In Locus map app:  (online) select GraphHopper.
    Import the naked (record) track as a visible item.
    Open the routeplanner NEW.  (= NOT open the visible imported track into the routeplanner !)
    Than fastly plan (by using correct router profiles) OVER the visible imported track template.
    When done save your newly created navigation track. Navigate and enjoy.

3. Planning: Very comforatbly by Plotaroute web design on a larger pc screen.
    By the upload a route function. Than is usefull used as (record) track template..
    After import in Plotaroute select the function "Trace a route". 
    (This puts your uploaded template track passively into the map background)
    Than produce a new design on top of that visible track helper template.
    (Save) and download your newly created design in Locus compatible format.
    GPS > GPX > Track > Directions.

   Import the gpx file in Locus and navigate.
Only need a short alert instruction tone ?
Go to Locus store > download free voice Morse.
Select voice in the navigation menu.
The following users thanked this post: d:BUT
Navigation & Guidance / Routeyou Planner
July 09, 2021, 19:43:23
Routeyou Planner.

The first planner that exports a gpx Locus navigation track by instructions in trackpoints.

Requires some getting used to, so it's best to practise a little ;-)

Older low quality Route You tracks (routes) are aligned to the road by autosnap to map technique, but such very often leads to track glitches and by that  very annoying false instructions and U-turns.

Plan a new quality traject, so always position the planner points away from road crossings.
Save your design into Route You Web. At download select Locus gpx track.
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
I hope you understand correctly what exactly was meant.
Even if navigation direction command arrows are missing, indicate unambiguously the next 150 to 200 m of a route this by using a different *style.
Even at the start, you can already be positioned directly in front of a multiple-choice road fork on which you so correctly choose the right direction.

* This (first) implementation is therefore probably not quite optimal presented.
As a better looking alternative, you could indicate the next 150 to 200 m by covering the navigation line with small direction arrows. Graphics experts maybe have even better suggestions? Anyway pse KISS.

The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
This functionality could also be done by indicating the nearby target part with a different track style.
The following users thanked this post: Menion
Menüpunkt GPS Markierung verschieben.
- Verschieben Sie die Karte.
- Der GPS-Cursor bewegt sich mit.
- Bestätigen.
The following users thanked this post: balloni55
Quote from: tapio on May 28, 2021, 09:52:56
And guys, I'd like to remind you about my idea to optionally hide the big navigation icon at all.

Find similar subject proposals next:

- "UI design" Subject: Optimize map display through transparent panels.

- "showing two dashes in the absence of a street name"

In Locus replace the annoying "Unknown street"message  by discrete  - -
By transparent panels: Hardly disturbing and the UI remains nicely sleek and stable.
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
Find inspiration here. Has streetname info and multiple route select.
Registration is free and you already get 3 free test attempts.
Download as gpx track + waypoints > Select Directions. (Locus compatible)

Verstuurd vanaf mijn Mi A2 Lite met Tapatalk

The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard, lor74cas
Quote from: Davidos on April 11, 2021, 20:37:29
But how to add a waypoint to a already started navigation so that the existing navigation will be only recalculated with the added waypoint?
@ Davidos.
If I understand you correctly next as shown in video is what you do expect also Locus to offer you ?

Active Navigation Screen shown:

Demo by app.  Fast replanning  by set or an extra Shaping or Via Point. (Both can be given free name)
By snap to street Shaping Point here a U-turn is created. Announcement by the U-turn command.
By snap to street Via Point here a U-turn is created. Announcement is by Via (name) and the U-turn command.
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard, Davidos
Quoterunning servers, LoMaps, LoPoints, all these stuff are so expensive
So go radically for maximum efficiency on transfers.

- Database sync of multiple devices over the internet,? For me personally undesirable.
- Limit data traffic by the web planner. Only export as a compressed file.
- Zipped gpx by extension .gpz like gpx viewer app, no .zip rather meant for unzipper apps.
- Easy link the .gpz extension to Locus app and so avoid unexpected unzipper entries.

Navigation instructions in track points, no need to merge track with navwaypoints.
Allows multiple (colorised) tracks inclusive nearby poi wpt's in a single file.
Mutliple tracks do transfer into the track database. Poi wpt's into points database.
Thereby NOT damaging the navigation.

Regular gpx version: 6,280 bytes bytes. Zipped: 1,324 bytes. Outperforms even .fit

Find 2 alternative tracks this including 2 normal poi waypoints. For actual Locus by zip ;-)
The following users thanked this post: Menion
The manual.[]=display&s[]=track#track_route_style
Style editor
Close and fill with color
Quite a special feature for highlighting areas enclosed by a track/route (7).
Unset !
The following users thanked this post: respublikamroja
[DE] Optimaler würde eine einzelne gpx Brouter-Web-Download-Datei mit einige Alternativen enthalten, die später bei der Verwendung ausgewählt werden können. Aufgrund vieler störender Navigations wegpunkte wird dies bei der derzeit angebotenen track download methode nicht empfohlen. Wenn mehrere navigation tracks in eine einzige gpx datei übertragen werden, wäre die wegpunktliste ein totales chaos.

Dies kann jedoch perfekt vorausgesetzt die Navigations anweisungen sind direkt an den trackpunkten angebracht.

Seit Locus V 3.50.1  unterstützt Locus die import mittels diese Track navigations methode
Im Anhang ein kleines demo beispiel mit zwei alternative tracks in einer einzigen GPX-Datei.
In Locus importieren.

[EN] More optimally, a single gpx Brouter web download file would contain some alternatives to choose later when using. Due to the many polluting navigation waypoints, this is not recommended with the currently offered track download method.  With multiple navigation tracks transfered into a single gpx file the waypoint list would be a total mess.

However, this can be done perfect provided the navigation instructions are attached direct into the track points.

Since Locus V 3.50.1 Locus supports the import by this track navigation method.
In attachment a demo by two alternative navigation tracks into a single gpx file.
Import into Locus.
The following users thanked this post: stroker88
Troubles & Questions / Re: Points
November 09, 2020, 09:29:02
Fietsknoopputen (15234)
The following users thanked this post: Menion