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- das Display bei Abweichung vom geplanten Track nicht abschaltet.

Radfahrer mit dem Telefon an der Lenkerhalterung?
Wenn es aus irgendeinem Grund erwünscht ist, dass das Display für kurze oder langere Zeit durchgehend aktiv ist, kann dies mit einem Schwung über den Näherungssensor erreicht werden.  Vorausgesetzt, man stellt ihn in der cfg-Konfiguration so ein. Warum interessante Einstellungen so tief versteckt sind und deshalb allzu oft unentdeckt bleiben, ist und bleibt kurios.

See pdf.  (Older doc not checked for eventual updates)
The following users thanked this post: mwdd
Quote from: T-mo on April 04, 2023, 22:53:37Manchmal fehlte mir ein Hinweis, hätte mir einen gewünscht, und wenn die Strecke kurzzeitig komplizierter war, mehrere aufeinanderfolgende kurze Abschnitte und Richtungsänderungen, besonders rechts-links/links-rechts-Kombos, wurde als Ersatz 'bitte rechts halten' zb. generiert, was zwar stimmt wenn man sich die Strecke aus der Vogelperspektive anschaut, aber nicht down on earth vor Ort hilft :) bildete auf jeden Fall die Komplexität der Strecke nicht ab.

Dank der nächsten BRouter-"Norm".

Solange sich dieser unsinnige "brouter"-Standard turninstructionCatchingRange=40 in die verschiedenen Routing-Profile einschleicht, ist das Elend garantiert.

Allgemein > Ratschläge.
Fügen Sie immer eine gpx-Datei als Beispiel bei. Bilder allein sind nicht genug.
The following users thanked this post: T-mo, kodela
QuoteAnd if there is a crossing in the distance of x meters. Then Locus sets the point not exactly at 500 meters, but x meters after the intersection.
How can Locus known there is a crossing before the creation of the new map matched track/route ?
First you can just accept that there is or will be mistakes. This by a trackglitch and thereby creates false instructions and a correcting U-turn. Notice the U-turns are positioned on the exact same location spot as the now map matched Planner (Via or Shaping) resulting trackpoint.
Be happy, so just let it happen. As you the user will be warned immediately ! These trackglitches are now nicely INDICATED by the Locus trackglitch detector tool. (Red circle)
What to do ?
Find the Route planner Point (Via or Shaping) and move this into a favarouble position further on the expected road direction or path, and so the indicator gets cleared now, and also the result will be fine.  (Yes the final correction is so still to do by some human planner operator interaction)
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
After importing the gpx into the route planner, some attached Shaping Points are now automatically offered in the Locus route planner.  I had a first test...sure works pretty nice usefull.

- By the way, you can also set Via Points as the default in the Locus route planner Settings.
- Only Turn and Via points lead to navigation alerts and give distance values @ navigation.

The planner point placement is random. It's hard to do otherwise since the (recorded) import track NOW is not yet matched with the BRouter osm data.
That will come later and that is precisely the final task that you want to accomplish by using the route planner.

The advantage is, if you now reposition one of the shaping points or create an additional one, you will not suddenly change the entire track loop (based on the imported track) total unexpectedly.
In short, you will only change a small segment at a time, possibly still drastically and unexpectedly ;-)
These unexpected larger deviations are of course also influenced by the selected Brouter routing profile in use. Select this as correctly as possible according to you expected usage.

Now it concerns only a small segment piece and so you have better control of it to produce your route as an "osm map matched track" slowly but controlled this segment by segment.
If you have the original track import then also presented in a different color then you have a perfect guide to accomplish this task quite comfortably.

I see that you also briefly mentioned Kurviger.

In Locus, the Shaping Points are only used as route reference points during the production of a map matched track route traject.
Once in the navigation and also by means of the gpx transfers this useful info is completely neglected and thus almost completely lost.
There is still a residual associated track point left but this is hardly reflected or found in the very large numbers of track points.
If you then also use Locus autorouting to point in the navigation, the useful shaping points are also not available anymore as point targets.

The big difference with the (imo) superior Kurviger results are therefore as follows:

Both the Via Points and the Shaping Points are neatly stored in the navigation as well as in the .kurviger file transfers.
In Kurviger the Via Points AND the Shaping Points are both planner router references as well as Targets in the navigation.
The autorecalculation in Kurviger is always directed to either a Via or a Shaping Point. Ready and clear known targets.

The difference is this.
A Via Point is announced in navigation both by audio TTS as well as visually.
A Shaping Point (= a muted Via Point) is therefore NOT announced.
Promoting a neatly kept Shaping Point to Via Point or vice versa is so very simple
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard, CabrioTourer
Quotevery nice system IMHO
But only really VERY valuable if a track glitch detector (prevention) is also provided. And on condition that both the very useful Via and Shaping Planner points are transferred into the gpx file.  This nice web planner, especially the version of Marcus with its exceptionally fast updates, loses its "brilliance" because of an insufficiently performant gpx transfer mode. It can be done simply, very discreetly, and robustly. This has been amply demonstrated and tested.

A track glitch decetion and warning may be nice, but you also need to have the right tools to fix it. And you can do that on the condition that you fully respect and  preserves the cause of it, namely the planner point(s), and so can thus also reposition them.  Therefore both planner points must remain fully supported and available also after and through a gpx file transfer. Since this is the only transfer method for BRouter web, in contrast to the Locus 'Gold' eco system where the exchange is of course more direct. A question of customer loyalty ;-)
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard, freischneider
@ Menion.
I will report back, so here is the result. 
https:// will be added.  = Confirmed by the RouteYou developper
The following users thanked this post: Menion
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.6.+ ( 02/2022 )
February 19, 2022, 08:55:04
QuoteCurrent GPX link is invalid
I will ask and inform the RouteYou dev. When I know more I will report back.
The following users thanked this post: Menion
Works in Locus Pro.  V3.56.5 . You checked set Merge points at import dialog ?
The following users thanked this post: Menion

However, there may be more unpleasant surprises to come ?
As Google still is trying to improve Android to the point where it becomes almost impossible to use.
The following users thanked this post: MacBo
QuoteTasker ?  Fine. Roger
I don't use Tasker anyway.
Therefore this alternative.
Multiple choice is nice, isn't it?
That is all. Roger?

The following users thanked this post: Tapio
Other features / Re: Android 11+, changes
December 02, 2021, 16:27:13
You are right, Tapio. But a lot of flexibility is lost, isn't it? It is no longer very pleasant.
The following users thanked this post: Pcmann, Tapio, luce
Other features / Re: Android 11+, changes
November 27, 2021, 09:11:29
@ michaelbechthold.
I agree with you that it is a dirty trick of Google that you cannot even share (large) osm maps which do not contain any sensitive data to be protected. That app developers can't even stand up to the giant means that the fourth realm already exists. Docile and obediently follow what is imposed, no resistance allowed.

The following users thanked this post: michaelbechtold
Troubles & Questions / Re: Gesture control confusion
September 19, 2021, 12:19:14
@ Andrew.
No Sir, only actually is by the time notation. (Newbies hardly understand the used method at first use)
The  very simple to understand method by distance set in meter a nice to have ......
The following users thanked this post: Tapio, Andrew Heard
Troubles & Questions / Re: Gesture control confusion
September 15, 2021, 09:25:34
With a choice of time (in seconds) but certainly also the more simple select distance in meters.
Time default is 15|35|300 sec or Distance default 75|175|1500 meters
Selection in meters has the great advantage: Simplicity and clarity.
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
Troubles & Questions / Re: Gesture control confusion
September 14, 2021, 17:45:21[]=config&s[]=cfg

You can edit this config.cfg file directly in your phone.
Read it carefully and edit only when you understand what it means. 

Anyway, if the config.cfg file is accidentally deleted, Locus will rebuild it to the default settings, of course your personal edits and changes will be lost.

Recommended: Edit by Notepad ++ (Android app).

You can of course differ on what the best default settings are.
But the following are in my opinion some nice Locus gems that most users 'miss'.

My preferences.

# --------------------------------

# times for command when Locus notifies (in seconds), default is 15|35|300


I don't want to have useless or too much TTS twaddle. Less by a single command is just better.

# Turn off "Turn off if idle" when screen is turned on by gestures (default: false)


Why this?
Entering a complex (city) area I expect a continuous map display, this triggered by a single gesture proximity wave and only at the next wave switching back to the normal automatic screen on/off mode.

# set speed for moving cursor on map when GPS is off (in m/s) (default: 0.0)
# - value <= 0 switches off this function


Why this?
This way you can comfortably test by gps simulation (gps OFF and then move the map over the central map indicator) if your audio TTS or Voice channel works properly and this without any need to go outside. If the simulation works well, it will therefore also work very well in the field too.

UPDATE by newer actual Locus versions.
There is one more additional possible pitfall that causes the GPS to automatically  switch back "ON" in the simulation. Therefore check the following in the Locus main menu.
-Long press the Locus main menu button >Tap Expert settings >Expert settings than do appear in Locus Map menu settings.
In the Expert settings > Navigation / Guidance > Enable GPS for guide:  set OFF !

The following users thanked this post: GusGF