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Messages - joze


I tried dev_enable_vector_maps_hillshade and it seems to me that it generates a very weird blotchy hillshading where especially small gradients are over-exaggerated.

Here's a comparison.

Left: vector map with locus hill shading (by dev_enable_vector_maps_hillshade). height data is dem3 files from
second: raster map with it's own hill shading
third: hikebikemap raster map with it's own hill shading
right: hill shading created myself from dem3 files from by maperitive and mobac

Thus at least the left and right images use the very same source dem3 files from

As you can see, small gradients are largely exaggerated by the locus built in hill shading, see for example red arrow which points to a region with low gradients. As I know the displayed region, I can say that the raster images correspond to reality MUCH better than what is generated by locus.

--> what algorithm do you use to display the height data?