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Hello Stu,
it is quite a new system so I do not know much about it yet. And, as you may see, not many apps currently support it. I wanted to add support for Google Fit a long time ago, but never did it. I hope I'll find a time this year to check what Google Health offers and how hard it is to implement it. But will rather not promise ...
Hello Willy,
so is it working in Locus Map or not?  :)

I'm checking the code and "opacity" support is implemented. It just modifies the "color" value. So the "color" needs to be defined before the opacity value.
I'm testing the current system and I believe, it is identical to how this worked before. Agree, the permanent display of these maps over KMZ is a little more complicated. The correct solution is indeed over the "Map items" system. No need to import it, just enable it by the "eye" symbol.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.27.+ ( 12/2024 )
January 17, 2025, 14:43:22
Hi guys in the new year. Petr prepared for me a nice surprise > three special GPS hardware devices for the GIS & surveying, that are already promised to be supported and that already made my head explode the last 14 days (very problematic implementation) ... and probably will need a few more days to somehow finish.

The new version on Google Play is currently only in the testing channel (for registered Google Play beta testers) and I'll most probably publish the version to the production at the start of the next week. This version was our desperate attempt to verify the version with the Android Auto support. It passed, but I think that by accident ...

Nevermind ... updates and work on LM4? Finally next week  ;)
Thanks for the precise report. Uff, such nasty issue.

I'll keep this issue as "unsolved" for me and look at it next week(s) when working again on the new My Library V2 (because the search is created from scratch so it make sense to fix it there only).
in the top of the bar, tap on the sorting icon. You have selected the "Smart choice" option. Choose "All maps" to see all available online maps. Hope this helps.
This option is available only on the Android 13+. On the older devices, it is not possible to choose a custom camera app, sorry.
Hello JeffMoo,
sorry for a long time without a response.

We are not currently aware of any problem with the app>watch connection. Usually (almost always), the key is to really exclude all possible battery optimizations on the phone and watch side and not just for the Locus apps, but also for the "Android wear" app that is "man in the middle". Hope this helps.
To je velmi dobrá otázka. Koukám na to a rychlost se opravdu napočítává jen při importu pro trasy, které rychlost nemají přímo definovanou. Jiná možnost v aplikaci aktuálně není.

Ideální by bylo, aby se takováto rychlost už při získání nějak upravila. Není to nicméně tak snadné, jelikož naopak častější jev jsou ústřely v poloze, kdy při pomalé rychlosti chůze může poloha i několik desítek metrů odskočit. To pak způsobuje zase naopak výrazně vyšší rychlost.

Neříkám, že by to nešlo udělat lépe ale je to celkem komplexní úkol, tedy na výrazně déle.

Koukám navíc, že v úkolníčku už mám tento úkol od roku 2016. Od té doby, podobných problémů výrazně ubylo (přesnější GPS) a doufal jsem tedy, že ho řešit již nebudu muset. Nicméně zkusím tomu zvýšit prioritu a dostal se letos k tomu. Dám vědět pokud bude nějaký pokrok. Díky za pochopení.
Hardware / Re: External GPS Columbus P9 race
January 06, 2025, 12:28:58
Could you enable the recording of NMEA (in the Locus Map settings > GPS & sensors > NMEA recording) and record me a minute or two of the received NMEA messages? Maybe I'll see something there, thanks.

Könnten Sie die Aufzeichnung von NMEA aktivieren (in den Locus Map-Einstellungen > GPS & sensors > NMEA-Aufzeichnung) und mir ein oder zwei Minuten der empfangenen NMEA-Nachrichten aufzeichnen? Vielleicht sehe ich da was, danke.
Zdravím Dušane,

1. rychlost > rychlost kterou reportuje samotný systém a která je uložená u jednotlivých bodů. Ta se ale při exportu do GPX ne-exportuje. To se děje pouze s rychlostí měřenou specializovaných senzorem.

2. rychlost > vzniká při importu napočítáním ze souřadnic. Velmi pravděpodobně tak, jak jsi to udělal ty u 3. rychlosti. Nicméně apka navíc počítá vážený průměr z okolních bodů. Pokud tedy dochází ke větším změnám v rychlosti, můžou se rozdíly celkem lišit.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.27.+ ( 12/2024 )
December 30, 2024, 10:02:33
Hello @kech61 , thanks for the insight.

The main problem I'm trying to solve is 500+kb images in one Korean theme.

To be true, the main problem is the size of the canvas defined in the SVG. MapsForge keeps in-memory these images, so images that are defined on the 1024x1024px canvas (no matter how complicated they are) are the main problem. I'm currently only (a little dummy) testing on the file size  :-*. Anyway 35kb > no problem, improved.
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
December 23, 2024, 13:04:21
@Graf Geo
- search starts immediately> I would like to keep this system. It mimics the current core search system, where the whole search is not primarily based on the "click on search" button, but the search is searching while you are typing.

- deactivate search of folders > done

- search does not remember settings > improved, thanks

- "Select X items" > hmm, I'm not sure about this feature at all, anyway will try to open and discuss in the team later

@Andrew Heard
"button in the top panel" > I mean a top panel with a path. Simply tap on the current active folder and you get one old basic menu.

"backuping data" > app does a full backup before converting the database. But "Backup up data" is better, thanks. Btw. my English is as is (not perfect). Final text revision will be done by Michal before the texts are available for translation.

3000% > ah I see, only for tracks right? Fixed

Sort of folders > my idea currently is to implement manual sorting of folders by drag&drop

"World icon" > it is a "Shared" icon. It informs that these tracks are public so already shared and available over shared links.

Selection of folders > improved

"Deselect all & Invert disabled > you are not in the selection mode, no items are selected so nothing to "deselect".

icons for filter > good point with icons from the current folder. Added to todo

Díky, chybka je již opravené ... v další verzi.
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
December 20, 2024, 13:38:56
Hmm, I'm surprised that the database survived such an "update" without bigger problem :)

What about opening the folder (second screenshot) and then tapping on the top "(Red rect) Punkte" button in the top panel > Delete?