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Messages - Menion

option to hide red cross added to settings ;)

  on screen then remain only small black circle as center indicator. This circle is required for example for saving points (save map center).

Implemented / Re: MAP UPDATE
November 28, 2010, 09:43:38
  no it's not possible. Due to actual map format (TAR files), it's not so easy to edit directly those files. I don't think that this is much useful function ...

  i also think about using another (or more) map formats. Maybe SQLite database in one of existing formats. This should allow to download or later edit downloaded maps or merge parts into one map. But as I said ... maybe and if, then later. This is not a priority

  about zoom in: this also exist!! try lock button on map screen, this allow you to zoom in, in one map layer up to five times!
Troubles & Questions / Icons for POIs
November 27, 2010, 17:46:20
So, also question from me ...

currently I'm using few icons from //

I thing they're really nice, they also not force me to set application as open source (which I'm not a big fan). But ... there's lot of icons and I cannot choose which are rights. All of them is just too much ...

So, place for you to choose and say me which icons you want or miss in application, if you want to sort them to any categories or if have any other source of nice map icons for free use. I'm not a graphics co it's impossible for me to create special icons for Locus ...

I'll be very glad for your opinion
  no, this possibility is not in application ... maybe some settings into main application settings? And is it really so annoying? If so, I'll do it ... :)
Cartridge experience / Cartridge summary
November 24, 2010, 14:28:17
    GC252QC - Celtic adventure
    GC2JB9H - Hradecky Poklad (Hradec Králové)
    GC29KJ1 - Ku krizu lodnikov / To a sailors' cross
    GC220H0 - Levice 1 WIG
    GC2G0WA - M.u.F.
    GC2382T - Stinadla se bouri
    GC23F9N - Vyznamne budovy Levic 1
    GC2576D - Zatraceny mudla!
    GC1TFHN - Vylet Kacera Broucka do XV. stoleti
  about first problem ... currently have not much time to try, but ... can you test your cartridge also on OpenWig in emulator or not-smartphone phone? It this problem is also in OpenWig, post this issue on OpenWig google code page here. When Matejcik solve this problem, I'll release new version.
  It this problem is only in WhereYouGo, I'm sure, I'll fix this.

  As well as your second problem. It is surely problem in WhereYouGo. Everytime, you change location, I refresh whole list of targets which cause, that list always return to top item. This will be fixed in next release ...

Testing / [APP] - version 0.6.0 RC1
November 24, 2010, 14:13:49
so ...
  it's really big amount of emails, market commentars and others, than want after me some implementation of "Points handling" ...

  just try this release candidate ... ;)

  hint: to show points, you have to CHECK them ... it's not much intuitive think, don't have idea how to do it better ... I NEED your feedback ;)
  enjoy ...

Implemented / Re: Pochvala + další nápad :-)
November 22, 2010, 20:29:04
aaa díky díky, opravíme ...
Implemented / Re: Pochvala + další nápad :-)
November 22, 2010, 07:03:16
  díky díky :)

 - spodní menu je ve výrobě, v uvolněné verzi je teprve jedna část celkvého face-liftingu :)

 - c:geo je venku, propojení funguje. Ještě na tom trošku zapracujeme ...

 - přidávání vlastních bodů, to už mě uhání tolik lidí že mi asi nezbyde než něco takového udělat, kdy to bude ... nic nevím

 - viz přidání států :) ... nene, našel jsem s pomocí pana googla nějakou drobnou databázi právě s defonovanými obdélníky pro jednotlivé státy, takže celá výroba byla otázkou tak dvou - tří hodin ...
Tested on WhereYouGo version: 0.4.10
playable: NO
problems: YES

Game is currently not playable, some problems on begining ...
máš recht, je tam nějaký problém ...  pořešíme ...
Troubles & Questions / Re: Využití map
November 18, 2010, 19:48:46
jojo, nějaké zpětné volání asi vymyslíme ... pokud bude mít carnero zájem, není takový problém to trošku vychytat ...

ohledně WhereYouGo ...
  využítí vnitřního kompasu, rozdíly tam být můžou, sice jsou to data ze stejného senzoru, ale to post-zpracování mlže být rozdílné a já jsem si s tím určitě nehrál jako autor radaru ... takže promyslím, jít by to mělo ...
Troubles & Questions / Re: Využití map
November 16, 2010, 07:31:55
  mno ... všechny ty formáty jsou takové divné koukám ...

  - TrekBuddy atlasy vůbec nechápu, šílená struktura několika v sobě zabalených adresářů, stejných souborů atd ...
  - AndNav, teď jsem ještě na něj koukal ... každý soubor normálně na kartě?? takže mraky mraky mraky souborů?? chjo ...
  - SQLite RMaps jsem se nedíval ale předpokládám že je jasné jak funguje. Podpora pro něj by možná šla ...

  proto jsem udělal vlastní co nejjednoduší a nejrychlejší formát, prostě data zabalená do TARu ...

    tak tak, Locus, WhereYouGo ... zatím nic víc. Včera jsem si začal psát s Carnerem a třeba se nakonec trošku propojí Locus s c:geo. Udělal jsem navíc základní možnost volat z jiné aplikace zobrazení bodů na Locusu takže kdo bude chtít, může využít (viz. //!

 jinak to že lze využít Locus "jen" jako turistickou mapu byl můj cíl. Dělám to jako prohlížečku map, tedy náhradu za papírovou mapu. Pokud někdo potřebu větší funkcionalitu ať si pořídí jiný program nebo si koupí SmartMaps jejichž portfólio funkcí je dostatečně velké ...
Developers / [DEV] - (DEPRECATED) show points on map
November 16, 2010, 07:14:40
Simple solution for using Locus as external viewer of points from other applications!

6.7.2011 - This method is DEPRECATED - use new API instead - viewtopic.php?f=29&t=767

[s:ounfezv9]19.4.2011 - New update of calling method - version 2

working for version >= 1.5.3

simple code example says more then few pages of words (use commentary as helping solution)

private void callLocus() {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;
DataOutputStream dos = null;
try {
   baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
   dos = new DataOutputStream(baos);

   // version

   // write objects names
   dos.writeUTF("Points from my application");
   // write category count - here I write three categories. Categories are defined as
                    // array of points that share same map icon!
   // write categories
   // flush data to output stream
   // create intent with right calling method
   Intent intent = new Intent();
   // here put data into intent
   intent.putExtra("extraDataSomeName", baos.toByteArray());

   // finally start activity
} catch (Exception e) {
   Log.e(TAG, "callLocus()", e);
} finally {
try {
if (baos != null) {
baos = null;
if (dos != null) {
dos .close();
dos = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
// catch not needed

private void writeCategory(DataOutputStream dos) {
try {
// convert resource to byte array
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.icon_gc_wherigo);
ByteArrayOutputStream baos2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, baos2);
byte[] image = baos2.toByteArray();

// write image data or size '0' and no data if use default image of Locus (currently just red dot)
                       - so if you want write image use this
                        dos.writeInt(image.length); // image size
dos.write(image); // image data
                        - and if you don't want use only this

// write all points now
int pointCount = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++) {
// write item name
dos.writeUTF("name_" + (i + 1));
// write item description
dos.writeUTF("some description with <html>tags</html>!");
// extra values (describe below - optional)
// write latitude
dos.writeDouble(50.0 + 0.01 * i);
// write longitude
dos.writeDouble(14.0 + 0.01 * i);
} catch (Exception e) {
   Log.e(TAG, "writeCategory()", e);

Extra values written in code can be used for extending possibilities which user can do with point

currently supported:
    Call-back - "intent;ButtonName;com.super.application;com.super.application.Main;returnData;someStringData"
      intent - just identifier
        ButtonName - String that shows on button
        com.super.application - The name of the package that the component exists in
        com.super.application.Main - The name of the class inside of com.super.application that implements the component.
        returnData - String uder which data will be stored. Can be retrieved by String data = getIntent.getStringExtra("returnData");
        someStringData - data stored in intent at returnData StringExtra place

      Actual application that use this feature
      Hi Hans,
       - with Swedish translation - I'm not using typical language style of Android application, but I'm using my own. So i'll try to create something more comfortable for external translation and let you know ... thanks

       - crash: it was wrong version i thing, try new version that I posted on market today morning. This problem should be solved. If not, in "log" directory should be file with log crash message so sent me it on email

       - phone number? hope not, have to check, I really do not need your phone number :)

        nice weekend

      EDIT: ah, I see it, it is not phone number but phone type. I just wanted to know what phone are you using, because of some bug reports. Text changed to be more specific. Thx