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Messages - Menion

yes correct but try to stay at one place with a worst signal, you'll see that you're still moving in various radius (should be around 50 metres) but speed will be 0 or almost 0. So settings "Record only whilst moving" also prevent to record these points that are caused by inaccuracy in GPS
yes, I use this value after smoothing.

fine. so I'll set there 5%. this should cover all small disturbance. About storing raw data. Filter I apply is really very simple and filter only extreme huge changes so it really do not change values radically. I'll keep actual state and we will see.

whole problem here is thanks to MyTracks data you displayed in Locus. Question is whether this is really some problem that need to be fixed. I in Locus display data that you really get! So data that are stored in database and also data that are stored in My Tracks database. So it should be little weird to apply some filter on data from My Tracks and not on data from Locus (I know, I apply filter on GPS data before saving but no one know what brings next My Tracks version) ...
you're welcome. I hope that it correctly switch back when Auto-change is enabled. Don't expect that it switch immediately. It should take some time (few sec max) before switch. I apply small filter to speed to prevent some often switching when you're going at speed around "Auto-switch" value

about notification, hmm maybe good idea, just have to consider where and what place ... thanks for tip
Declined / Re: Linking Latitude
June 20, 2011, 12:16:08
  this is actually not possible, anyway I was recently think about it. Google released new API that support java access to Latitude, so maybe I'll look at it soon and there is big chance that I'll add support for latitude into locus as another function
fine, so first part is done.

1) JPG ... I'm sure this will work also because satellite maps use also JPEG images which are smaller for these kind of images
2) hmm ... actual double size is set to 2.5 but psst ... secret :). Anyway, you want really very specific settings. Did you use lock button on map bottom panel? Try it. This is what you're searching. Problem is that you have to press it for every zoom but it at least partially solve your wish.
Ok, I'll look at it. Question for you is: do you want to apply some smoothing on recording data itself, this means my smooth algorithm will corrupt recorded data in some way and also exported data will have this or you want to apply these data only to show stats so exported data will be raw recorded data? I expect to use this directly on recording data ...

EDIT: hmm I uploaded your track to and it show same altitude profile as in Locus. I'm not saying it's correct, just that it do not apply any filter on imported data. I'll probably apply simple altitude smoothing (similiar to medium filter applied to orientation) and we'll see what this will do.

Second question are shown values of uphill and downhill. These are values set by me, so no standard. Maybe you can help me a little with this.

I'm counting declivity for every new segment by

declivity = elevation / distance

if declivity is bigger then 0.025, I add this to uphill
if declivity is lower then -0.025, I add this to downhill
else I add it to flat

so border is 2.5% of elevation change. Maybe it's too low values and because of this, to much values are stored in uphill and downhill? What you think?

EDIT2: hmm when I set value to 5% it do not help a lot on your recorded track. As I see I already apply smoothing algorithm on altitude. Only problem here is that I do this on GPS data directly and not on already recorded data. It looks that My Tracks record raw GPS data but when it show altitude profile and some stats, it use some filtering. I on other side, filter altitude a little during recording so my recorded data are already a little bit filtered. So I'm sure, that If you record same track with locus, you'll get at least little bit filtered data also. (because I do not ever see so weird altitude profile on my own recorded tracks :) ) ... but you have still problems with working with locus on your phone right? hmm
zoom part is used on some servers where you do not use zoom values from 0 to x (17 on OSM for example). Try to use you first example but only with


it's simply math. Instead of z in zoomPart, put your numbers.
  So for min zoom you get
  {17} - 8 = 9
  for maxZoom you get
  {25} - 8 = 17

that's what you want right? Zooms from 9 to 17
hi, heading is only "mistake" in translation. and yes, both values are same because of checked "record only whilst moving", so points without speed aren't recorded and both columns should be then the same
may you provide file with data? I should upload it and test it also on another web service, GPSies for example.
Hi Stebu,
  this is really happen to you? This is really weird because I use still same databases for testing and I don't see any problems with import speed. All database files are stored in Locus/data directory, not in some internal phone storage. So you can delete it there anyway, I suggest to delete whole category in category manager, if you have some speed troubles.

  hope this helps. Maybe it's some problem with too many entries in SQLite database file that cause this speed issue. So please try to delete whole category and create new, this should solve this problem
Implemented / Re: Improving Digital Zoom
June 19, 2011, 17:40:27
done :)
Fine, you're welcome. Yes you can set time to 0sec which mean - record every new points. Anyway count that min. distance is still used, so point will be recorded then only if distance is bigger then defined :). Looks complicated but I think that all these settings really make sence and allow you to define exactly what you want. Only think I'm missing after few testing is something like "auto-separate track to parts if distance between points is bigger then X" ...
no tohle nastavení je celkem zbytečné mi přijde. Za 1. existuje toto již pod tlačítkem "quick swith" (na pravém panelu) a za druhé má sloužit spíše pro trvalé nastavení a ne na jednorázové přepínání. Pro to existuje tlačítko zámku na spodním panelu. Tam je sice po zapnutí vždy nutno zazoomovat ale to se brzo změní a vždy po stisku se nahodí poslední známá hodnota jestli mi rozumíš. Možno? :)
you understand correctly, but I don't agree with your suggestion. Any new settings that will "connect" two settings to one will bring a lot of mess to all this. Also 20sec isn't correct. Did you tried to set 15s to GPS on/off and for example 0s to track record? I expect that you'll not have recorded point every 15s because it takes some time to get valid GPS position.

there is also a question, how big benefit is value 1, set to 15s. I'm worried that not a lot. I read in Android documentation that suggested value is 1 minute! Also here on forum a long time ago someone tested this with possitive feedback. Anyway best is still to use external bluetooth GPS which will increase a battery life by my testing more then twice.
nikde netvrdím že je to použitelné jako autonavigace, tudíž "NENÍ" je správně.

Offline mód? Myslíš tím v nastavení -> Mapa -> Offline mód? Pod kterým je napsané "Použije pouze nakešované dlaždice pro Online mapy"? To mluví za vše ...