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Messages - Menion

Other features / Re: vector maps
June 22, 2011, 12:51:46
OK, it's probably time to move on with vector maps, what you think? And here is nice topic from Jusc that should be used now :)

  So, the main thing that block releasing of vector maps in actual format, which I think is enough useful, is source for maps data. I was asking on MapsForge web if they do not want to create some shared place with generated maps, but they don't.

  I was also planning to create own server that will generate maps and some downloading tool in application for direct loading. Only problem here is that I'm experienced mainly with Java (desktop, mobile, andoird), but not with server J2EE, or some other stuff that are useful on server. One my friend (that already created addon for FourSquare) may help with creating server on cloud system (probably here Anyway still is missing one big part. Some automatic downloading prepared osm maps (probably from here and generating required maps. This all should be done probably automatically once a month (should be enough? - depend on CPU and RAM it will need). So question is, if anyone here should help (and help a lot because I'm not also experienced with these OSM stuff - so doing it by myself should delay whole process for next month) and create on empty server what is needed. This should be of course done as payed job because I expect that this will take some time.

  I also plan to create two versions of vector map support. Free usable version (again with some limitations) and payed with some extra settings. Money from payed version should be then used to paying server (I expect that it will cost a lot mainly due to big bandwidth needed to map distributing), anyone who will take care of server stuff and i was also thinking about sending some percent of income to authors of MapsForge as thanks for their work ...

  So ... :) that's all for now ...
takže ...

- ne, je to pro každou mapu zvlášť. Ne všechny je třeba aktualizovat
- jo automaticky, ale jen pro viditelnou oblast. Tzn. že pokud je třeba daná dlaždice zkontroluje se stáří a buď se použije dlaždice z keše nebo se stáhne nová
- rychlé aktualizační tlačítko ... mno popřemýšlím, myslím že by to šlo. Jde tu ale většinou o to kam něco takového dát a ne už jen o to, to udělat
takže polopaticky ... :)

- jdi na obrazovku s výběrem online map
- klikni na OSM, pak Classic (někam doprostřed řádky)
- klikni na "Set valid for" a nastav si počet hodin po které má aplikace využívat stažená data. Tím chci říct, dlaždice které budou v keši déle než tento čas budou staženy znovu.

je to to co potřebuješ? :)
Troubles & Questions / Re: SGS 2 & My Maps
June 22, 2011, 10:07:14
yes, because DHD wasn't problematic phone and I don't like it a lot. SGS2 is a lot worst and as I see it's worst that i expect so I don't like it after one day more then my old DHD :)
Troubles & Questions / SGS 2 & My Maps
June 22, 2011, 07:14:35
Just let know to users who have SGS2 and want to use My Maps and have problem with starting of this function ... ... ?t=1075971

This is problem in Samsung firmware that cause un-ability to use AccountManager for all application. For someone helps changing phone locale to en_us. This anyway do not work for me. So we'll have to wait for update of firmware from Samsung itself!
Other features / Re: vector maps
June 22, 2011, 06:06:40
hmm unfortunately this is currently not in my time and power to quickly write vector map renderer. I use mapsforge library to render vector maps now, so it depend on support from their side
  no ideální není protože nejsou k mání pořádná routovací data ale tenhle systém si myslím že s aktuálními daty, tedy jen body podél kterých se má jet, je přiveden téměř k dokonalosti :)

takže ke tvému přání ... doufám že víš že ta funkce už je jakoby přímo na té trase? Tzn. že když klikneš na trasu tak je tam položka "nejbližší" ... do nastavení by to samozřejmě šlo dát ale pointa je že je to jednorázový úkon, tedy jednou použiješ a pak máš zase načas klid, a to použití spočívá v jednom kliknutí na trasu a výběru jedné položky. Pomohlo by kdyby to volání bylo rychleji přístupné? Do toho nastavení se mi to moc dávat nechce, je to takové komplikovaně dostupné a dokud se nepodíváš tak ani pořádně nevíš co tam je nastavené
  looks you have same issue as I have on my xoom and some users also

anyway when you select your skin, then exit app and then return back, this skin should work. Try it please. I have to find any workaround for this problem ...
just to clear this topic. Licence check should be done sometimes after update, so it's better to try locus after update before go offline. Anyway then no internet check will be required. Also when for unknown reason there will be some problem and you'll not be able to use Pro version, you'll get after start option to use Pro as Free, so you'll be able to use Locus still but only with some small limits that brings Free version. But I really hope that all will works fine now
uff bylo to horší než jsem čekal ale opraveno. Más samozřejmě pravdu, GPS by se měla vypínat pokud není potřeba a vypne se displej ... takže můžeš vyzkoušet v další verzi
  no. Existují jakoby dvě nastavení. Jedno nastavení zapnutí GPS máš v systému, tedy to o kterém mluvíš. To umožňuje určit globálně zda aplikace budou mít přístup k GPS nebo ne. Pak když si spustíš Locus a vlezeš do satelitní obrazovky (třetí ikona z prava na horním panelu), je dole tlačítko GPS on/off. To ale neovládá systémové nastavení ale jen říká zda Locus bude používat GPS nebo ne. Takže když spustíš Locus a tohle jsi nikdy neměnil, tak se při startu hned připojí na GPS a začne ti tedy ubývat baterie. Koukám že pokud zhasne displej a aplikace stále běží jako aktivní, vůbec systém nereaguje na to že displej už není aktivní. Takže doporučuju například tlačítkem Home aplikaci schodit na pozadí. Také by jsi měl vidět na horním panelu blikající GPS pokud je GPSka využíváná. Vše jasné? :)
Hi Ysop,
  on first quick look ... this file is not VALID kml file. It contain HTML data in description tag but this is not allowed in XML file. All these texts have to be in CDATA attribute so it have to look like this

Stellplatz aus dem <a href="">BORDATLAS</a> von Reisemobil International
<p><a href="">BORDATLAS 2011 Seite 594</a></p>

then it will be valid kml file and there shouldn't be any problem with import. Also if you want to use some special characters in name tag, I suggest also place it into CDATA to prevent some problems
  do you have same issues also with another program? Since 1.5.1 I did a lot of improvements into this licence check. You cannot expect all works fine when you have very very old version :). Anyway, sorry for troubles on holiday

  so answers:
1. when you download maps (to offline), they remain valid forever and always works without internet.
2. this is unfortunately not possible. I also prefer market. That's reason why I do not write anywhere about AndroidPit. Also one of reasons is that I plan to add some payed content by in-app billing and this is not possible on androidPit. Also when anyone have big problems with Locus bought by market, I can refund money back even after month or later. It's not possible on AndroidPit.

But finally, I don't think that AndroidPit is wrong. Problem with licence check was on my side, because It's just on me to do some improvements into their library to avoid such a troubles. Also they bring possibility to buy apps to almost all countries and that's really good because before cca month only in very limited count of countries was allowed to buy.

And as i wrote, there is no chance to refund money from AndroidPit, anyway if you (or anyone other) have licence on androidPit and want to switch to Android Market, you can send me number of order on AndroidPit, number of order on Android Market and you PayPal account and I will send you money for app on PayPal. It's the only way I see ...
added ability to set color and font size for time rings, dynamic altitude, POI description (all under one color and font size settings)

scale indicator highlighted ...
Information / Re: [TRANSLATION]
June 20, 2011, 21:04:41
Guys, mainly John Doe ... did you read my email?
As I wrote ... let the issue be :) I'll add your translation in next market version (tomorrow maybe) so you'll then see if there is any problem directly in application. It easist way how to check some issue. And thank you for very fast translation. Hope that there will be more Danish users to enjoy it!