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Messages - Menion

so your settings seems to be only solution to find problem. Today I tested recording

GPS auto-off, disabled
interval (metres): 25
interval (sec) 5s
max accuracy: 250m
conditions: both

track cca hour by car, some underground, buildings, total: 22km, 2h:30m, 467 points ... so I think it's expected value (around 8km is by underground)
Troubles & Questions / Re: Locus crashes
December 20, 2011, 11:25:36
sorry guys, I'll release today or tomorrow morning new version. This is some weird system error, damn ...
Other features / Re: basic uses
December 20, 2011, 11:23:54
christmas are comming ;)

anyway you talk about icons on start/stop of tracks? These can be disabled in settings. Reducing labels of start/stop popup window to old system is now also in settings, so it will be in next release
Implemented / Re: Editing Saved Tracks?
December 20, 2011, 06:52:09
  follow road .. hmm, already created or recorded tracks cannot be modified in this way. I really suggest to upload track to some web site (like GPSies or Breadcrumbs) rather then editing directly in phone. About web browser ... what exactly did you do that you saw opening of web browser?
hmm weird. Is GPS enabled for whole time (check GPS auto-off settings)? Coat should not have any influence on recording. Damn it's weird. I tested it today for a while and no problem. What about "Max accuracy", don't you have there too low number?

You may also save all settings to file and send me it. I'll test recording with your settings
you mean "Screen lock" function? I'm trying it, and seems to work correctly ... what exactly do not work?
Troubles & Questions / Re: Locus crashes
December 19, 2011, 20:05:16
sorry guys, stupid error in android. I'm caching already generated vector maps into directory locus/cache/maps/vector. During start, I check if this directory contain more then 1000 files, and if so, I just sort them by last updated time, and delete last 500 files. Unfortunately on this sorting process, android crash for some stupid, unexpected, error "Comparison method violates its general contract". So best is to delete this cache directory, then it should work again (at least for a while). I have to release next version again soon, this is too critical error ...
hmm so ICS use methods from tablets on all screens, looks nice. I'm quite surprised that HD2 have ICS so fast ... nice
heh, sorry for that. I'm trying to do as much speed improvements, that results are ... sometimes unpredictable :D
Hi Rijackson,
  did you checked number of recorded points or try to zoom close to track and check recorded points there. If you look on track from lower zoom map level, you should see reduced number of points because of speed optimizations, anyway all points are recorded and since zoom around 15 and more, you should see all track points on map!
zkus prosím update na 1.15.2
Troubles & Questions / Re: Preferred map format
December 18, 2011, 20:26:48
 please test this test version ... map is working. Anyway in all zooms, on right side is very weird tile. I think that this cannot be by Locus itself ...
ah, thanks ... gps refresh problem fixed

about adding directories ... hmm, I disabled ability to add directories within locus directory, to prevent some issues with more then one search of same dir, etc ...

about start. Locus initialize new maps only if there is any news. This may anyway happen also if you have in directory any map, that have problem with initialization. In this case, every start, Locus will try to init this map, but fail. Next start it will try again. And this init process also control all other maps, so it can take quite a while if you have more maps. But if there is any initializing process at start, you should see it by initializing dialog at start ...
hmm good idea ... nice, thanks
tak prosímtě, problém je způsoben pípnutím při nalezeném fixu nebo prostě jakýmkoliv zvukovým upozorněním. Udělal jsem dvě verze. V té první (a) je trošku upraven systém na jednu starší metodu. Tak tu zkus a měla by šlapat bez problému. Rád bych ale používal novější metodu, udělal jsem ji tedy trošku jinak a to je ve druhé verzi (b) takže pokud první bude šlapat, zkus prosímtě tu druhou. Zkus pustit GPS a získat fix, měla by locus pípnout jestli to máš v nastavení zapnuté (což předpokládám že ano, vzhledem k pádům)
