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The following users thanked this post: geo marbes, lukasMK
Thanks balloni. I'm still unable to simulate it, but I hope that log helped. Because of some remaining issues with IGN maps, I have just now published the new 4.23.3 version.
The following users thanked this post: Tapio, Andrew Heard
Hi guys,
thanks for testing and feedback.

"No map to display" error is a real mystery to me. If someone finds a moment, please install the generated Beta version There is nothing new except few logs. So please long click on the main menu > Setup logging > Enable log to file + "Maps (UI)" category. Then try to simulate the issue. The log will be in the Locus/logs directory as usual. Thanks!

HEIC support > hmm, we fought with it (mainly on the server) and gave it some time ago. @Marek Scholtz knows more. Anyway, at least support for local HEIC photos should be doable, am I correct?

Share image > well, for now, we consider the current solution as good enough for basic sharing with friends and mainly on social networks. What you miss is advanced customization. Maybe later ...

Battery consumption > there are no major energy consumers for now. Optimizations I made were a result of testing and searching for some battery problems reported by balloni and others. There still seem to be some issues, but hidden for now to me.

The following users thanked this post: Tapio, lor74cas
Thanks for the description. Understand.

Only solution I currently see, is to finalize support for so-called "Actions tasks". With this, you should be able to add points over intent (Android mechanism for how apps communicate between them), probably best over an app called Tasker.

Few notes
1) Tasker is a more advanced tool, so it will be necessary to spend some time and learn the basics
2) I'll have to implement it in the app, which will take also some time (I tried adding QNP to Actions tasks some time ago, but gave it up because of some technical problems)
3) and lastly, it will be available only in the Locus Map 4, because I no longer add new functionality into Locus Classic.

If you are ok with 1 and 3 above, I may look at.

If you will have any other ideas, please let me know.
The following users thanked this post: Tablas
iOS version / Re: Offline maps
June 11, 2024, 12:34:32
We cannot use identical offline maps for iOS and for Android. So completely new vector-based offline (and also online) maps are currently in preparation. We still believe that it should be done by the end of this year!
The following users thanked this post: weku
Hello Tablas,

currently, there is no method to add points over the keyboard quickly. What I may suggest is using a method called "Quick new point" that allows quickly adding points without the need for additional setup and confirmations. When placed into the side functions panel, it is then a two-tap action to add a new point.
The following users thanked this post: Tablas
It is complicated ... or better. It isn't  :). My (not just) dream is to have all these core features identical on all platforms. Our problem is the speed of development on other platforms (mainly the web). On the web currently works two devs (both part-time), but it is still soooo slow  :'(. So: yes, we need it on the web ... as well as many other features.

Currently > the top task for the next three months on the web and Android is the new version of the data manager. On Android, it is already done for 75%. On the web ... we have not yet started, ehh. Once the core will be done on the web, we may start testing it on Android. Stay tuned ... it will be nice  8). Anyway, I wanted to say that reviews on the web will take some time ...
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard, lor74cas
thanks for the log, I think I've found something ... try the next version please (probably the final public next week), thanks!
The following users thanked this post: balloni55
New pre-release Beta!
One interesting piece of news (for someone) -> possibility of adding ratings and comments to online LoPoints! We still believe we should be able to create a usable database of useful places with photos, mainly for hike & bike usage. Offline version (so online and offline LoPoints (almost) identical) is planned on rest of this year.

And second, partially secret (for now) -> you should now receive 1 LoCoin for every uploaded and validated photo. So 2099 photos -> Gold for one year :)

Unfortunately, I'm still unable to simulate it, no matter what I do. Could you please enable logging to the file in the Beta, try it again (maybe twice), and send me a log file? Thanks!

@Graf Geo , @Andrew Heard
One minute was in the previous version. For now, five minutes is better than nothing  ;). Once it is reliable good enough, we may discuss sooner notification or some extra adjustments. I also need to test it more in the field and not sit permanently behind the desk :)
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard, Graf Geo, freischneider, luce
#46 > I'm testing it and the mentioned link works without a problem. Does this happen for all the links you've tried or just this single cache? Does a live map or downloading of caches work without a problem for you?

Track rec notifications
thanks for the feedback. I had to make them always enabled to force you test it  ;D. Anyway good ideas, thanks. I need to keep it simple, because storing full "notification dialog" settings within a recording profile is currently more complicated. So, I've at least made these two notifications optional (settings in every profile), increased the time when the notification appears (to 5 minutes in case of pending recording and 3 minutes in case of invalid pause), and changed notification from "warning" (orange) to just "info" (green).

hmm, do not remember if I've noticed this. This will be very hard to solve ... (sorry)

more easily accessible app version: good idea, I've noted it.
The following users thanked this post: slarti76, Andrew Heard, Graf Geo
For 100+km, missing decimals cause less than 1% error.
Decimals for such distances are not visible, because they are not needed in most cases.

In case, you need a higher precision, it should be possible to enable the display of "meters" only (for distance units in the app settings), so you get precise values in all cases.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Hi guys,
I've not read all posts precisely this time (will have to do at start of the next week). Anyway, some major crashes and minor tweaks were fixed in the new Beta version Have a nice weekend!
The following users thanked this post: T-mo, Andrew Heard
Hello Jack,
good observation. Indeed, points with identical names to the category they belong to, do not appear in the search results. I see currently no simple solution, sorry.

During the second half of this year, we should start work on the new version of the offline LoPoints database, which should also solve this problem. Unfortunately, this will be available only in the Locus Map 4.
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard, JackRussel
A, Classic, pardón. Tam je to v nastavení > různé > Výchozí adresáře > Nastavit hlavní adresář.

Pozor jen, kromě komplikované dostupnosti adresáře se i maže při odinstalaci aplikace, tedy je potřeba zálohovat před od-instalací/pře-instalací aplikace.

Jinak to popsané chování je opravdu divné a rozhodně ani update apky by tohle neměl způsobit. Za mě omluva, ale doufám, že v tomto jsem nevinně :).

Kdyby cokoliv, hned piš, raději než o něco přijít.
The following users thanked this post: mitah
Hi Joska,
I`m worried, this one won`t be solvable on my side :-\.

Add-on for Android Wear does not work with the Bluetooth directly, but instead uses internal Android API for it. This internal library then does the hard work ... the communication between devices.

I of course understand that this issue happens only when you start than Locus Map app, so it has to be somehow connected, but I have absolutely not idea how to detect the real reason, sorry.
The following users thanked this post: Joska