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Messages - michaelbechtold

@Menion: I rushed to see the results from taking the Tab S6l config, so I did not care about wrong paths (EXT SD IDs of course differ). After the that test I started to correct the 4 of them:
1) backup - no problem while processing, neither after restart
2) maps - on the Tab (small INT SD), this is on EXT SD; on S10 it used to be in the main Locus folder (INT SD/Locus). Processing: a list of maps, well known to me, runs across the screen; after restart, maps is EMPTY !! (Real losses, as I did not expect such and did not backup those upfront)
There is definitely a logic error. Locus must NEVER delete anything from the target folder; IN PARTICULAR if the source is non-existent!
3) mapsVector - same amok. That one did not hurt, because it were LM3 maps, supposed to be updated anyway
4) srtm - OK, like #1
So I have been busy for a while ...

Config difference analysis to come later.
Quote from: Andrew Heard on May 19, 2023, 18:08:31Mine has always been around 4%/h and goes down independent of total %. Lately it's going down a bit faster as battery is getting to end of life.

Yes, after 4 years the S10 battery showed the same effect, but stronger, which led to the swap (including explosion and rebuild).
And yes, Andrew, config transfer from Tab was my plan, too. Done last night and WIN! 4.5%/h.

I will now compare the disaster config with the good one and report here.
From look and feel and handling I sense zero difference, so the difference must be something very interesting and hidden.
Other features / Re: Online search
May 19, 2023, 20:33:37
It's a long was to ...

I definitely agree a properly working share fron Google Maps is a must, if the use if the API Service from GM is discarded.

Re. overcrowding and zooming: Locus will hardly have a proper priority of items to show anytime soon. It cannot, I think, hence no criticism.

But Locus already has a smart system to deal with overcrowding (I recently taught it to Inge, whom I brought to Locus some time ago): it's the grouping. As long as there are numbers, pan and zoom.
Just my 2c.
Quote from: Andrew Heard on May 19, 2023, 08:22:48we can't directly compare the absolute value of each device battery consumption per hour because each device has a different size battery, I*think* mine is roughly 4mAh (4Ah). A small battery, with all else the same, will have a bigger drain per hour.

Agreed in general, Andrew.

Yet: your 4% for pure tracking, like my tablet (completely different beast than your's), Tapio's initial 6%, they are all reasonable values.

Doubling at the end on Tapio's device needs to be understood (this is a FACTOR), and the extreme factor on my S10.

@Tapio: did those 12% appear for half of the trip, or only like in the last hour before end of battery capacity?
Quote from: Menion on May 19, 2023, 07:58:40@michaelbechtold
oki, thanks for the test. Anyway, I wrote, "with the screen enabled for the whole time".

Quote from: michaelbechtold on May 18, 2023, 20:47:46Locus GPS is on and location found, then I turned screen off. Let's wait for the results.

causes the GPS is turned off when the screen goes off. You may prevent this by "Settings > GPS & sensors > Disable when the app is hidden". Disable this option to keep GPS on all the time.

If this will have still low consumption, then step 4 is enabling track recording ..., nothing more.

TXs @Menion. Luckily, that option I have set years ago for all my devices ;-)

Over night I had started a track recording, no movement of the device, screen off. The device did not even survive until the morning: 93% to 1% in 4.5 hrs -> 20%/h. Same effect you have in my older mail.

I ran the same test with my Tab S6l: 4%/h, which is very reasonable.

Only difference in settings I found was GPS accurracy: 50m for the S10, 200m for the Tab.

Quote from: michaelbechtold on May 18, 2023, 20:47:46TXs Menion.
Steps #1 and #2 I have proven: without tracking, Android GPS is on, but Locus location is off, so Android GPS is not working: result is the 2%/h
#3 I think I did once, but I am not sure about the results, so I'm running this test now: Locus GPS is on and location found, then I turned screen off. Let's wait for the results.
#3: Locus and Android GPS active, but no tracking: 2.5%/h
Quote from: Andrew Heard on May 18, 2023, 22:41:10
Quote from: michaelbechtold on May 18, 2023, 18:22:57What tracking settings do you use, @Andrew, pls?
Mine are 10m dist., 5s interval, AND condition, GPS 50m acc.
25m/ 240m/ 50m, I also have Tasker running, but doing very little. The Samsung phone is now 5 years old.
25m dist, 50m acc, I assume, but what are the 240m then? And which interval do you use?
TXs Menion.
Steps #1 and #2 I have proven: without tracking, Android GPS is on, but Locus location is off, so Android GPS is not working: result is the 2%/h
#3 I think I did once, but I am not sure about the results, so I'm running this test now: Locus GPS is on and location found, then I turned screen off. Let's wait for the results.
my S10, old (now exploded) and new battery is depleted at 24-36% per hour while tracking!

- screen on: my screen is off 99% of the time, as I know the route by heart
- GPS on (funny, I know): as far as I recall Locus will deny tracking if GPS is off - has that changed?
- extra map layers (overlay, WMS, WMTS): overlay typically yes, but there is no display work, as screen is off
- shading: not active
- too many points & tracks visible on the screen: maybe one track and a few points

I had sent you a PM with logs files and more stuff, when Locus burnt 24%/h for sitting still in my room for 6 hours, no movement.

What tracking settings do you use, @Andrew, pls?
Mine are 10m dist., 5s interval, AND condition, GPS 50m acc.

All my background noise on the phone (incl. Locus NOT tracking, Locus GPS off) is 2%/h
Other features / Re: Online search
May 18, 2023, 10:41:46
Next one: Hotel Monegal
Other features / Re: Online search
May 18, 2023, 04:12:36
Go near Barcelona, search for
Restaurant Semproniana
- no match in LM4 4.17
- immediate match in Google maps
The search team asked me for an example, here is my first.
I simply went to my private POIs, picked the first restaurant I found - bang.
I think the UI and mechanics can be as elaborated as you want, if the data source is not comprehensive enough, you lose.
And yet another observation:
1) I did an exercise with my S10 before its battery exploded (when the technician started to swap it for a new one): Locus 4, beta, burns 24-36% of battery capacity/hour when recording a track, screen off, no guiiding or alike
2) while repair was attempted, I got a brand new S10, same effect
3) after miracle repair of original S10 with new battery and new screen: same effect

@Menion: I sent you a PM with Locus log files attached as well as my settings ZIP from scenario #1
Any idea why this is?

TXs and cheers

You cannot view this attachment.
Navigation shows a failure: the distance to next turn freezes at its initial value, while the voice announcements adapt to the nearing turn.
You can re-calculate, and the story just repeats.
Running latest Beta
Im OAM-Forum steht die Info, dass beim EV10 jemand ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste in OSM selbst an den Relationen herumgefummelt hat.
Other features / Re: Online search
May 11, 2023, 13:27:05
@Radim & Jan: did I miss a statement re. my proposal to include Google API search again?

Even the combined power of OSM, Wikipedia and Locus Communities will be able to provide comprehensive results, not in decades. Which is not a criticism of the communities approach, which is the only way once you are offline, e.g.. It's about amending above sources with the power of Google Maps - as an option.
And if this should be a financial burden, you can restrict that option to silver or even gold only.

Or is Google search active under the hood already? (I think not, because some searches failed that would deliver in earlier versions.)

Can you pls. advise?

TXs and cheers