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Messages - michaelbechtold

Sorry, no, this is not increment by one !
If you start to USE the new and good features, then you are cluttered on the left side immediately - and cannot hide it.
And you will add more features over time, which should be accessible at a finger tip - on the bike, in the car, in the wild.
So you will run out of space soon.
Hi Menion, it makes a difference if you have one item of a kind, like the single button for map switch, or the thene switch,  or if something starts to multiply like rabbits. A single rabbitbis cute, if they flood your garden,  you feel differently ...

PS: currently my left hand side is nearly full with blue "rabbits" already,  andd we are just days into that development. And I would even like the idea of making the right hand buttons slimmer. Keeping the hight, though, to avoid tapping errors.

Gesendet von meinem LG-H850 mit Tapatalk

Troubles & Questions / Re: Locus as a service
May 12, 2016, 20:52:41
I cannot comment on the code of Locus, but I do monitor processes and battery drain closely (3c toolset).
Once I close Locus, or after reboot, there is no Locus process left. No battery drain on my device.
It's be a long and heavy working day ... now let me go through your comments and questions:

Quote from: menion on May 12, 2016, 08:40:39
@michaelbechtold: to select overlay, you first needs to remove previous. Are there really needed two buttons - change, remove? Isn't this one enough?
MBe: I did not try remove, because I could not trust I get overlay back :-) Now I tried via remove and it works - thank you - here a second click (which is the trade-off ...) is not too much of an annoyance.
The switch overlay off option is a nice addition indeed.

...see at the bottom for remarks about the middle section of your reply.

QuoteOki, so few more questions on you (please, short, clear answers):
- "double/missing item i the panel array" - what you are talking about?
MBe: on the left side there are those oversized blue buttons. Two of them have the same symbol - the layers. And both show the same content. In the earlier beta, one of them showed showed the overview, incl. your explanation text, and the other showed the visibility switches. Now both show the switches.

Quote- "usability" - what is a problem here as no usability is lost. I still do not understand a problem here, at least I do not see it.
MBe: maybe I did not explore all angles. A standard principle is: useful functions should be allowed to sit on the screen (auto and double tap hiding assumed, of couse), but not need traversing option/menu trees. Yes, overlays can be put on a button still, which safes the day, hence it is redundant in the other menu. But the real topic is another one: a new concept has its justification if it is better than the existing ones. And you have a perfect mechanics in place with the button panels. Content and button position inside the panel: all in user hands. Visibility mechanics - perfect.
And now compare those new blue beasts ...
Screen space is valuable - oversized buttons like the blue ones are a simple waste, no added value.

You refer to your rule with Petr: others and I have made proposals how to improve these things ... days ago.

So, here again:
- rather than introducing a new, oversized category of buttons, use the existing mechanics and extend it to the left side.
- all of those new functions (nearest points, Panoramio, overlay on/off, OSM notes, etc.), which are really nice, BTW, should be available to be put on any panel
- as you accept redundancy anyway, you can offer the menu hierarchy in the blue master button as a button for the standard panel, of course
- offering a left side panel will simply cope with the increased number of interesting things a user may want to have on the screen

Makes sense ?

Das klingt nach verändertem Pfadnamen für die externe SD. Füge eine neue EXTERNE Karte hinzu, und gehe im Dateifenster immer eine Ebene höher bis zur Wurzel / Dann suche nach mnt oder storage folder in einem von denen sollte ein Eintrag sein der nach externer SD riecht. Und darüber findest Du auch die alte Karte wieder. Ich hatte das Prozedere mehrfach über die Jahre. Jeder Hersteller benamst anders,  und manchmal auch unterschiedlich zwischen Android Releases

Gesendet von meinem LG-H850 mit Tapatalk

The missing selection of Overlay Maps, the double/missing item in the panel array - granted. I am happy to report those flaws without emotions.
The problem is: even if there were zero errors, the usability is down the toilet, because the concept sucks.
As I said: very useful new functions, but totally convoluted UI concept.
Sure I did that. Then I see the last one I used. In earlier versions you could simply go to Select and use another one. This is gone. Instead I have two layer panels showing the same,  while the master layer panel is gone. Can anybody explain the benefit of those new panels ?? Map space: reduced and spoit. Ease and effectiveness of use: history. The functions Menion has added are cool. The way they are organized and accessible is a disaster.  Conceptually and practically.

Gesendet von meinem LG-H850 mit Tapatalk

I do no longer find a way to select the overlay map. Any idea ?

Gesendet von meinem LG-H850 mit Tapatalk

Quote from: D. Brezner on May 10, 2016, 22:03:222. ...geht das Routen berechnen in Locus wirklich nicht ohne diesen BRouter?
Brouter ist eine OFFLINE-Routing-App, die auch mit Locus spielt. Solange Du mit dem Internet verbunden bist, kannst Du in den Einstellungen auch einen Online-Dienst wählen.

Quote3. Sind die von Dir benutzen OpenAndromaps auch da im Angebot, wenn man auf online Karten geht?
Nein, das sind reine Offline-Karten, unterstützen Locus aber sehr gut. Man kann direkt aus Locus die Map-Themen herunterladen, und dann map-Files. Mehr dazu hier:

Quote4. ... Details", Karte zentrieren, Kartenmittelpunkt setzen, Karte neu initialisieren und Löschen  Aber wenn Du das noch nie gebraucht hast, brauche ich es bestimmt auch nicht.
zentrieren macht Sinn, wenn Dein aktueller Screen sehr weit weg ist von der zu wählenden Map. Zentrieren springt dann in die Mitte der gewählten Map.

Quote5. Deinen Hinweis auf das Benutzerhandbuch...
kein Hinweis auf "Nerven", sondern ich wollte nur sicherstellen, dass eine bestmögliche Basis existiert. Handbücher sind größtenteils eine Feature-Erklärung. Während Fragen wie Deine sich aus einer Situation, bzw. einem Bedarf ergeben, und das ist für komplexere Fragen quer zur Manual-Struktur.

Dann erst einmal viel Spaß mit den Hinweisen oben :-)
Fortsetzung von
in deutsch.

Hier meine Antworten:

Kann man vielleicht auch die Google Map unterlegen? ja - App Locus-addon Map Tweak hilft.

Wie kann ich während der Navigation eine Adresse, einen Punkt auf der Karte o.ä. abfragen u. dorthin navigieren? Während einer Navigation ist Locus weiter normal bedienbar, inkl. Adress-Suche, Punkt-Infos etc. Wenn Du dann dorthin navigierst (via > Kontextmenü, ist die alte Navigation natürlich tot. Probiere die Details einfach einmal aus.

Was hat es mit der Gültigkeit der Karten auf sich? Die wird von Locus nicht überwacht (d.h. keine automatischen Updates), und auch nicht limitiert. Ich nehme an die Frage geht um Offline-Karten. Bei den LoMaps von Asamm gibt es eine zeitlang Updates. Aber ich nutze praktisch nur die OpenAndroMaps-Karten.

Was heißt Karte neu initialisieren? Was ich mich natürlich nicht traue, weil da steht "own risk". Wo kommt diese Funktion vor ? Habe sie bisher nie gebraucht.
ist übrigens der Einstieg zum Benutzerhandbuch (CZ, E, D).

Schöne Grüße
The very latest Beta from today has a Settings button on the upper blue bar, right hand side there.

Seriously, those new beasts are oversized by 100%.
And once right-sized, they need to disappear as a default. Like with panels the USER decides if they should be visible all the time. If hidden, slide from left, or double tap can bring them to surface. And the current menu activation by slide from left can just become part of the list of the new buttons. And you will have plenty of space on the left panel, once they have an appropriate size.
Caught me, Menion :-) I did not play with this config button, sorry ...

Now those blueish button come. Quick map switch does the same - but takes twice the space now. I do not see the progress here.

"Nearest points" function could be interesting. As it seems, though, as if only visible POIs are displayed. Those I see myself on the map ...
The more interesting ones are those that are hidden. Or you might allow the user to make a choice here.
Latest Beta is a mess!

Quick map switch before: One click on the screen and you select
Now: click the blue icon. Oh, what's that ? There is no map select, not even a choice to get there, but a list of themes (because that is what I did last time here). OK, we go back, then select Quick Map Switch
Imagine what happens when you want to switch Map themes now: same mess, the other way round !

PLEASE stop academic over-engineering, i.e. avoid confusing and diverting users.
Every Locus version from the last year is better re. UI than what is happening now.
So those tick-boxes control what is visible, directly on the map screen, right ?
That would address my concerns indeed :-)
This slide panel only annoys - you need more clicks for the same thing. Same with the search, BTW, as discussed in other thread.
The "more functions" menu is the right place to sort functions by category, e.g. "Map content". And let the users decide which subset of them is relevant, and let the users place them on the screen via the panel mechanics that does successfully work.
As there are more functions coming, giving the users more space on the left side is an option.