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Messages - michaelbechtold

Das habe ich bei gefunden als Definition:

This map provides a colorized representation of aspect, generated dynamically using the server-side aspect function on the Terrain service. The orientation of the downward sloping terrain (0° – 360°) is indicated by different colors, rotating from green (North) to blue (East), to magenta (South) to orange (West).  Flat areas having no down slope direction are given a value of 361° and rendered as gray. This service can be used for visualization or analysis.

"Neigungsrichtung" ist im Moment das einzige deutsche Wort das mir dazu einfällt.

Schöne Grüße
The following users thanked this post: balloni55
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.19.+ ( 9/2023 )
November 22, 2023, 13:00:21
@Menion: re. "@michaelbechtold Can't simulate any problem with overlay. What map should I use for testing, is there anywhere available for download?"
My bad - apologies! When trying to find the smallest possible map combination (world plus overlay) for your reproduction, I immediatley came across an overlay that worked perfectly fine on my device. Next step was to check the Europe overlay (highest resolution (png) private version) - which was missing ZL 12 entirely :-((
Hence Locus did fill in the vector base map - as expected.
Filling ZL 12 now into that special map :-)
The following users thanked this post: Menion
V1.2 mit Christians OAM-Vektor-Karten vom Nov. 2023 - für Europa - als Hintergrund (ZL 8+) ist jetzt online, als direkte Downloads und als Torrents.
The following users thanked this post: jusc, T-mo, kodela
No problem.
Where I'm scratching my head is: the painful restrictions by Google for the file system access do exist since Android 11. Hence, if you came from Android 11+ and it worked before until recently (upgrade to 14): what was special about your Android 14 upgrade? HHas the device been wiped on the way to Android 14?
If not wiped, then you can try x-plore or Total Commander to get access to the private data structures where your data should be residing still. But then, on the other hand, also Locus should work seamlessly as the structure would not have changed.
I.e. still some digging to find essential facts ...
The following users thanked this post: 2012
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.19.+ ( 9/2023 )
October 15, 2023, 09:23:17
The contour lines mentioned in the news are embedded into the .map files. And display (or not) is controlled by the theme.
The hgt files are optional and allow the dynamic elevation Feature.
The following users thanked this post: slarti76, Andrew Heard, lor74cas
I'm using x-plore, grant access as requested, and can read/write from/to /Android/data, even on Android 13, Sept. security level (tested this morning). And even on EXT SD/Android/data
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
Exit Locus with or without pause does the job, as long as you keep the recording alive (do not touch the upper part of the Exit window!).
Just tested on LM3 and LM4.
The following users thanked this post: roooo
V1.1 mit Christians OAM-Vektor-Karten vom Sep. 2023 als Hintergrund (ZL 8+) ist jetzt online, als direkte Downloads und als Torrents.
The following users thanked this post: pix, kodela
V1.1 with Christian's Sep. 2023 OAM vector maps as background (ZL 8+) is online now as direct downloads and torrents.
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
Other features / Re: Online search
August 12, 2023, 07:03:10
Quote from: Jan Čapek on August 10, 2023, 18:07:26...
Until then, we didn't removed old offline address and POI searches. They are still there in its current old-school form. With those the app for sure would not be returning results from countries of which it hasn't downloaded map.

As a Computer Scientist and IT professional since more than 40 years I appreciate that your roadmap is havy lifting. But by the same token I can confirm that you and your search team completely fail re. rule #1: "Do not screw your customers!"
You are "proud" to not have removed offline POI and address search? Well, removing the last straw would have been complete suicide.
Keeping Google based search in its place as it worked for 10 years, alongside your new search, would have been professional. You would get feedback from the geeks who dare the new stuff, while offering propoer search results for all others, while you do your homework for step #2 and #3.
And if there should be pride and emotions in the way of doing that: both do not pay your bills. Be smart instead.
Michael (from Radium Hot Springs)
The following users thanked this post: lor74cas
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.18.+ ( 8/2023 )
August 04, 2023, 11:28:55
I think it is time for a drastic correction of approach here: whatever you do for iOS should not screw the 100000s of users from whom you make your living.
As long as the new search function is not professional, give the Android users back the Google based search.
Equal functionality is not a valid argument against this request, as the iOS version will lack essentials for years to come anyway.
At least give the existing and fully functional Google based search as an option to your (Android) users, PLEASE!
The following users thanked this post: balloni55, Tapio, Andrew Heard, freischneider, Jan Čapek
Those are the changes:
- The OAM background from ZL 8 up now is rendered from the July 2023 edition of Christian's OAM vector maps (YES, OAM goes on - thank you, Christian!).
- Increased and earlier visibility of offshore energy and power sources for ZL 4 to 8, while reducing visibility of the land based installations for those low zoom levels.
Have a good time
The following users thanked this post: Tapio, Andrew Heard
Es gab eine Zeit da hat Locus die Themes für die Vektorkarten auch von SDs gelesen, falls so konfiguriert. Das war ab Android 11 eine Tragödie. Daraufhin hat Menion Locus befähigt die Themes als ZIP zu lesen. Dabei wird einmalig eine interne Kopie des extrahierten ZIPs in internen Speicher erzeugt. Das kann ein paar Sekunden dauern.
Ansonsten erlebe ich auch kein Geschwindigkeitsproblem bei SD-Benutzung.
Die Unterschiede zwischen den Themes sind weitaus massiver (Luxus versus schlicht).
The following users thanked this post: kodela
Gibt es denn auch ein automatisches Beenden, Holger??
The following users thanked this post: Tapio
Auch Europa hat Christian bis auf wenige Staaten schon neu gerendert.
The following users thanked this post: kodela, Mick FU