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Messages - Sonny

Just an update:
Quite a few new DTMs have been released during the last months, especially in Middle- and Eastern Europe.
Have fun with them!
There's also a similar problem regarding missing red points of Mysteries, mentioned in the helpdesk:
Quote from: balloni55 on April 19, 2023, 08:04:47a way to turn them off in the config would be very good

Good idea! So maybe you want to post it in the helpdesk
During the last months I worked a lot to create new DTMs, now they are available:

Norway_Mainland v2, Norway_Svalbard v1, Norway_Jan Mayen v1, Denmark_Faroes v1, United Kingdom v2, Ireland v1, Portugal_Mainland v0, Portugal_Madeira v1, Portugal_Azores v1, EUROPE v18

Have fun!
Web portal & sync / Re: DNF icon is not displayed
February 10, 2023, 19:29:30
@balloni55 : What is the "locus map web"? Do you open it with Locus App, or via Browser? How did you import your Geocaches or does "locus map web" connect to Groundspeak to get the Caches?
Web portal & sync / Re: DNF icon is not displayed
February 09, 2023, 20:07:52
There are already some threads regarding DNF display in the help desk at
Just search for "DNF". Maybe some of the threads is a copy of your problem.
There hasn't been an OpenData elevation source for it yet. Do you know one?
Btw: The same is true for the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.
I created new DTMs of Germany and Luxembourg

For Germany I used new LiDAR source data of Hessen and Bayern. And the quality of Baden-Württemberg, Saarland, Niedersachsen, Bremen, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern got significantly improved, especially in wooden areas.
For Luxembourg I used finer LiDAR source data.

Have a good time!
I'm not sure if Locus is able to read or unzip .zip-Files.
But I can tell you a useful tip to bulk unzip files on a PC: I'm using software "WinRAR", mark all files I want to unzip, right mouse click and select "Extract Here" from the menu. Now all files are unzipped into the same directory
Quote from: atoy40 on November 06, 2022, 10:50:38My Xiaomi Redmi Note 9s has just upgraded to android 11, but I'm now unable to connect to ant+ devices (it was working perfect on android 10). When I try to connect a device, Locus (4.12.1) tells ant+ is not available on the phone. I've already checked all ant+ related packages are installed

I'm using a Xiaomi phone myself, and as far as I know Xiaomi is no longer supporting Ant+ since Android 11. Ant+ in general is a dying out technology, even latest Samsung phones aren't suporting it any more.
Information / Re: Update of the forum (2022/08)
August 30, 2022, 10:38:13
I regularly open the forum by its "unread posts"-link. With the updated forum I noticed that topic themes are not emphasized, but the poster starter of the thread is.
For a better readable layout I would recommend to emphasize the titles (e.g. by bolding and/or coloring in orange) and remove the bolding of the original thread starter.
I see. It seems that you can either "Share" a track, or if you unceck "Share" then you're able to export to the memory. I think it has been possible in the past to save to memory and share a once.

The same is true for exports of points.
It's still there, you have to click onto the "roof"-icon on the bottom right
Ich kann die Schilderung von berndy2001 bestätigen. Der WMS-Link funktioniert in anderen Programmen wie z.b. QGIS oder Leaflet.

In Locus funktioniert auch die Initialisierung, daher sämtlichen WMS-Daten und Layer werden richtig eingelesen. Nur die Anzeige funktioniert nicht. Man sieht nur kurzes Aufflackern von "Loading.." aber keine Karte.

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