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Messages - barbudor


Personally I don't care about dimmed screen. Off is much better in my opinion, and whatever in sun light dimmed screen is as black as off (unreadable).

The problem is to be able to wake up the screen just by pressing the touch screen without any hardware button because on mountain bike, my tablet is in a waterproof box which prevent me to access the power button on the side of the device.

So any solution :
- which switch off the back light for maximum saving
- which allow me to wake up the backlight just by touching the screen
- prevent the lock to occur (the option in Locus is inefficient on my GyTab2) so I can switch to another app without quittng Locus
would be perfect.

As of today, "Screen ON" and "Wakey Premium" are the closest solutions which dims the backlight (does not switch it off) and solve the other points.
Wakey Premium as the advantage over Screen ON :
- to support landscape mode
- no to quit each time I disable the "keep-awake" mode (Screen ON need to be restarted each time)
But the so called "AutoWake" which is supposed to automatically enable the keep-awake mode by identifying the app does not work (at least for Locus).
So I purchased Wakey premium for the AutoWake feature, expecting it :
- to start automatically when I use Locus,
- applying the dim/always-on mode only if Locus is in forefront
Neither of these features are working
So not worth the 1.90€,
Better stick to Screen ON, even if it works only in Portrait.
I don't remember well how Locus used to behave before because I did not tried to use it on bike before.
It's just now that I finished to mount my waterproof case on the bike that I am wondering how to handle this [:)]
But I bet it was just dimming, not toal off.

Trying to purchase Wakey now but doesn't seems to work [:(] Keeps on "Downloading..."
So far, Screen ON seems to do the job when you select "Let it dim" mode.
After the system timeout, the screen dims, and you just have to touch the screen to wake it up.
No screen lock neither.
Hi tommi

Indeed, I did not read it carefully enough and Screen ON seems to do the job except it works only in portrait mode while my tab is installed in landscape mode on my bike. Also it just dim the backlight and doesn't switch it fully off. And you have to run it every time before Locus.

Has any one a result with Wakey premium ? Would it be able to run automatically when I start Locus ?
Hi Gynta

I did see this discussion but :
- Topic does not cover the 2 points I am talking about, especially 1)
- Topic is closed at Menion has definitively removed the support for dimming and wake-lock
- Topic does not offer a solution

Thus the need to have a topic which can address it and comes to a solution.

Indeed the topic you are referring talks about Wakey.
But there is no users feedback which can tell if this is really efficient and what is the impact of such app on battery life.
Also I found another similar app "Wake lock"

Any feedback ?

Any feedback too on the "Prevent lock" issue on GyTab ?
Hello guys

I am facing some little issues with Locus (currently Pro 2.12.2) on my Galaxy tab 2 7.0 and may someone out there have some recipe to help me.

1) Disable lock screen (in Settings/Global) doesn't seems to work

Even when the box is checked, it can't prevent my device to lock after the set time. I am using the pattern lock screen where you have to draw a pattern with your fingers on 9 dots.
So after the max time, the screen lock and I can't any more use the Home of Switch-task button to use another software.
But as Locus is still on the front, the only solution to access the unlock screen is to quit Locus.

Of course I could totally disable the lock when I want to use Locus but in that case, I have to re-enter my pattern every time I want to re-enable the lock.
Also, I have found a unreliable workaround : when entering or leaving the Settings screen of Locus, Locus switch for 1/2 second on the unlock screen. So if I am fast enough, I can unlock my device. But sometime I have to do it 2 or 3 times to be successful.

As any one else experienced the same behavior on a GyTab 2 ?
Any idea on how I can solve this ?

2) Awake screen by touching the screen

I have mainly 2 usages of the Tab + Locus : hiking and mountain biking.

When hiking, I am using the tab into a soft waterproof bag hanging around my neck.
I generally let the screen turn off itself after 30 seconds or 1 minute (system setting) but Locus still runs in the background and so far I didn't see any issue with the track-log (no missing point) even when I have not set Locus as a service.
To wakeup the screen, I just have to press the power button which is easy through the soft bag.

For mountain biking, I just setup a waterproof box.
As for hiking, I don't need to watch the screen very often but the problem is that when I want to, I can't access any more the power button which is located on the side of the tablet (unreachable when the tablet is in the box).

As any one an idea how I could get the screen (backlight) switched off automatically after a time to save battery and waking up only by touching the screen ?

Thanks in advance for any idea.
I'll be in London next week-end. Will be useful.

I know someone who installes Locus on its Galaxy Ace.
the free version was ok, but since he purchased the pro version he is facing this issue.
Every time he starts Locus Pro, it abruptly close with a message that in english would be :
Quote"Locus Pro application suddenly closed (processus Please retry"
Then he has to go to application parameters and move the app to SD, then relaunch and it works.

Apparently he has to do this every time, just like if Locus Pro was moving back itself to internal memory.

I am still trying to qualify with him the exact sequence of operations, but anyone has an idea in the meantime that would be appreciated.

He is suspecting an installation process but we are unsure what happens if we uninstall a purchased application. Can we reinstall it after on the same unit without having to pay again ?

Wishlist / Re: LiveTracking .. back in Locus
March 30, 2013, 20:25:46

Concerning the point 2 here above (downloading icons at each refresh) I tried as per a suggestion from berkley on getsatisfaction, to use a KMZ.

So I build MyBuddies.kmz from which the doc.kml is as follow:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<kml xmlns='' xmlns:gx='' xmlns:kml='' xmlns:atom=''>
<Style id="bgs">
<hotSpot x="0.5" y="0.5" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>
<description>Real-time buddies tracking</description>
<name>Real-time position</name>
<description>Real-time position</description>
<name>MyBuddies logo</name>
<description>Real-time buddies tracking</description>
<overlayXY x="0" y="1" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>
<screenXY x="0" y="1" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>
<size x="-1" y="-1" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>

And the KML returned by the PHP script is as follow :

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<kml xmlns='' xmlns:gx='' xmlns:kml='' xmlns:atom=''>
  <name>My Buddy</name>
    <name>My Buddy name</name>

The Overlay picture defined in MyBuddies.kmz/doc.kml works fine (it can find the picture within MyBuddies/files/) but then I have not been able to find a proper syntax for referring the style "bgs".

Any idea ?

Wishlist / Re: LiveTracking .. back in Locus
March 28, 2013, 21:06:21
Hi Sherman
It was quick because I already have a tracking application in place and an existing similar script which create an GoogleImageMap.
So I just had to replace the GoogleImageMapApi syntax by KML syntax.
Which also mean this script is essentially tight t my existing application which I use with embedded trackers like TK102/TK103.
So as I don't plan to release my full application that do not make much sense releasing just the script.
Or may be I will do an simplified one.

Just tried the &amp; and it works
However <httpQuery> works in GEarth but not in Locus

I have also noticed that each refresh use 10KB of date which confirm that icons are reloaded each time. Clearly not a good solution.

I have also been able to activate navigation but unfortunately the it is started towards the location where the buddy is at the time it is enabled. When the buddy move, the navigation still points to the original location. Unfortunate.

These 2 last points make we believe that while this is great, I should probably look into Locus API to write an add-on :
- to limit download of icons
- to allow navigation to a moving buddy
- to allow center map on a moving buddy (instead of my own location)

What is the preferred method to report bugs and enhancement suggestions to Menion ?
Is that on this forum or on Getsatisfaction ?

Thanks & Best regards

Wishlist / Re: LiveTracking .. back in Locus
March 27, 2013, 23:49:09

I've been able to experiment with quite good success.

Here is the structure of my network-link file :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="">
    <name>My Buddies</name>
      <name>buddies logo</name>
      <description>Real-time buddies tracking</description>
      <overlayXY x="0" y="1" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>
      <screenXY x="0" y="1" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>
      <size x="-1" y="-1" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>

And here is a sample returned KML from the PHP script:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<kml xmlns='' xmlns:gx='' xmlns:kml='' xmlns:atom=''>
    <Style id="bgx">
        <hotSpot x="0.5" y="0.5" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>

For now the PHP script is dummy and return a point which move on a segment.

I can successfully see the icon of my buddy moving on the map at the proper refresh rate.

Question 1 : If I try to get into a menu like "Map" or "Data", it automatically goes back to the map at the refresh timeout. For example with a refresh rate of 10 sec, I can go to the Data window but it will come back to the map at expiration of the 10 sec timer.
Am I doing something wrong ?
Anything to prevent this display reset ?
==> I think that when we are in another window than the map window, the refresh shall still be performed in the background but we should be able to navigate into other windows of the software.

Question 2 : Is there a way to start a navigation towards my buddy (compass mode, like a geocache, not turn-by-turn navigation) ? The buddy does not appears in the data section, so I don't know how I could request Locus to drive me to my buddy.
Would be super useful if the buddy is out of the screen.

Question 3 : I would like to provide arguments to the PHP script in the network-link file. Something like :
GoogleEarth rejects this syntax.
Any idea how I could have it working ?

Question 4 : I would hope that the icons are cached and not reloaded each time the file is refreshed but I am afraid it is not the case. I don't have any idea how I could check this.
Do you think icons are cached ?

Thanks for your help.

best regards

Wishlist / Re: LiveTracking .. back in Locus
March 26, 2013, 13:29:27
Hi Sherman

Didn't know that this live KML can work
That's great

I will try to implement it on my server (I already have my own server to manage thos TK102 trackers)

So I just need to make a base KML which refer to the URL/PHP on my server which in turn provide the latest position of the tracked objects.
I just have to open this KML in Locus, et voilà ?
If I am correct, the refresh period is also defined in the KML itself.


I will try and report back here
Wishlist / LiveTracking .. back in Locus
March 25, 2013, 23:05:29

I find the LiveTracking feature very interesting, having the possibility to publish its own position to a server is nice.
But requiring to open a web page to see buddies is a annoying while we are already running a mapping application.

What I would love is to see the live tracking the other way back : being able to display within Locus, along my own position, positions of buddies.
I would require some kind of "dynamic points".
Locus could for example submit a GET request to a server giving its current position and the radius of the search, and in return it would get a list of buddies in the neighbourhood.

The radius could be determined automatically by Locus as the displayed area so only buddies displayable on the map would be retrieved.
Or it could be user specified. In that case, if buddies are retrieved outside the map, some icon on the border of the map could show the direction where is such buddy.
It should be also possible to designate one buddy as the destination for navigation which would be updated in realtime (I don't mean road navigation, but heading, like for geocaching).

On my side, I already have such a server to follow tracker devices such as the popular TK102. Getting such live tracking back on Locus where I can see my position vs tracker's device position, and navigate to it would be great.

Note that this also could be the base for an access to AIS (ship position) or net-APRS (HAM radio/internet location sharing systems) servers. (I believe there is also a similar thing for planes).

Thanks for considering this.

(Sorry if this is already posted, But was not able to find anything like this on the forum)

Best regards
