I've already found it out, it must be two quick taps followed by immediate sliding. Thanks for the info.
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Show posts MenuQuote from: menion on September 06, 2013, 12:56:09I'm trying to make this happen but for some reason it seems not to work in any of both control styles. If I tap down shortly, then tap up and wait a while then tap down again holding the finger on display invokes address window. If I tap down shortly, tap up and tap down immediately then hidden toolbars show instead (I think it's handled as doubleclick).
@brotbuexe: it's independed on style (works in both). follow me: tap down, tap up (put your finger out of display), tap down second time and keep finger down. Then slide with it up and down on screen
Quote from: menion on September 05, 2013, 20:27:41
@joeloc & @buckykid - I've just copied almost 4GB big RMAP, and still no problem. I've played with it more then five minutes and no even single missing tile. I'll try tomorrow on another device.
Quote from: "menion"těch 10 minut je dost divných. Adresář Locusu máš na kartě? není to nějaká nejpolajší karta všech dob? Jak ti jinak trvá dlouho uložení trasy po záznamu, nebo import více bodů nebo tak něco?Importy a ukládání tras netrvají moc dlouho (uložení trasy několik vteřin, import několika tisíc waypointů taky tak nějak do minuty).
Quote from: "menion"pořadí spojování - akorát se to teď řešilo tady https://getsatisfaction.com/locus/topic ... trackpartsAha to je ale škoda, nešlo by tu vnitřní logiku změnit podle toho jak jsem popisoval, tedy porovnat vzdálenosti všech konců jednotlivých úseků a spojovat nejbližší body? A při nejednoznačnosti nabídnout uživateli manuální úpravu pořadí. Jádro pudla je v tom že k existující trase chci přidat před začátek další segment vytvořený dodatečně takže s pozdějším datem waypointu a Locus ho pochopitelně přidává za konec.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OruxTracker xmlns="http://oruxtracker.com/app/res/calibration"
<MapCalibration layers="true" layerLevel="0">
<MapName><![CDATA[CZ SHOCart Cyc @15]]></MapName>
<OruxTracker xmlns="http://oruxtracker.com/app/res/calibration"
<MapCalibration layers="false" layerLevel="15">
<MapName><![CDATA[CZ SHOCart Cyc @15 15]]></MapName>
<MapChunks xMax="321" yMax="195" datum="WGS84" projection="Mercator" img_height="512" img_width="512" file_name="CZ SHOCart Cyc @15 15" />
<MapDimensions height="99840" width="164352" />
<MapBounds minLat="48.40003249610686" maxLat="51.16556659836182" minLon="11.964111328125" maxLon="19.017333984375" />
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<CalibrationPoint corner="BL" lon="11.964111" lat="48.400032" />
Quote from: "menion"And what you mean by zoom levels 100% and above?Yes that was it. What are the gestures for turning off/on screen? Maybe this feature would be more useful active only in map view, would you consider to turn it off inside menus and dialogs? I have encountered many unintentional screen offs while editing route description with onscreen keyboard)
Quote from: "menion"And what you mean by zoom levels 100% and above?I am mistaken that's nothing to do with magnifier but map zoom layer. So for layers up to 15 shading is present, for layers 16+ it's off. Would the shading be possible also for layers 16 and above?